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    Monday, January 12, 1953 Las Vegas Review-Journal 5 i f Thursday, January 8, 1953 [Las Yegas Review-Jonrnal 5 \Jn the Jt own .with atari jorlson- A Roving Reporter's Notebook CELEBS ABOUT TOWN: Flicker star Marilyn Maxwell and screen writer. Jerry Davis seen gazing in t'each other's peepers. Maybe while they're making the rounds of our town they niight jdecide to become Mr. and Mrs. ... Art Linkletter (of the airwaves) and frau having a fling at our daytime sun (it did shine yesterday) and nitetime fun . . . Leo Durocher hitting homers on local links . . . Cinema starlet Marion Marshall looking oo-la-la while flitting from one nite spot to another . ?╟? . Joan Caulfield looking wide-eyed in amazement over growth of our burg . . . Burt Lancaster snubbing publicity shutter bugs while making rounds of^Strip niteries. Somebody oughta tip these "camera shy" peon pie that publicity is for their own good as well as our town's . . . 1 Clyde Beatty training wild bass to jump for his- bait at Lake Mead. AND THEY SHOT- LINCOLN' It's disgusting to read head-, lines that tell new yarns about Reds and Pinks sneaking into tha UN and our own state department .... . F'r instance, when they trs to explain Alger Hiss* selection of personnel for key UN jobs, thej say "he glossed over loyalty to U.S." . . . Just a polite way o I saying "traitor" . . . Look at how easy they let Acheson get' m with his stupid selection of tainted aids and his apparent outi right support of communism within the walls of Capitol Hill ob fices ?╟÷ They call it "unwise judgment" . . ?? Was it unwise juda ment that made Dean Acheson's law firm kill an investigatioi before the house un-American activities committee of a gasolinl station attendant by the name of Sam Karp? KARP WAS PUMPING GAS in Bridgeport, Connecticut, unl obviously, until the FBI suddenly found out he had spent %w\ million bucks in one year on certain "pals" . . . About 65 per cenj of these pals turned out to be reds and pinks who were tipping thd Vodka bottle in U.S. saloons . . . Karp has never been tried and today walks free, spreading the latest baloney cooked up by stoog i es of the Kremlin . . . Yet J. Edgar Hoover's G-Men (who refuse to be dictated by Acheson) turned up enough evidence to hav^ | the admitted red tinged gas jerk wrapped up in pink lace an^ shipped to the Moscow parlor of his brother-in-law ?╟÷ Molotov . . j And after this interesting note, they say Acheson was "unwise" ii his judgment. . . Hmmmmm. * * * * Mil THE OLD OWL HOOT: Treasuries of local charities and we fare institutions were each bolstered a hunert bucks t'other da by Sophie Tucker. The grand ole red hot mamma of show b: jmade the donations (without fanfare) via sales of her book "Sonrt i of These Days" and autographed copies of-tiier recordings . . . j I Jurist Walt Richards is advocating a police force made up of Boi Scouts whose jobs will be aiding school kids to cross the streets safely . . . Winners of the current Little Theater consist (to pro4 mote funds for building of a local playhouse) will en|>y awweekJ end in Phoenix . . . Guys and gals (young and old) jaunting to Mt Charleston yesterday to enjoy a bit of ice skating were disap4 pointed when finding the frozen ponds in slushy condition. But one elderly skater remarked: "At least it makes for a softeri landing"... . * ?╟≤ . AND THE STAGE is set for two benefits to he tossed at the Desert Inn . . . First is the two day showing of the Ritter Brothers (of New York) fur fashions . . . M'lady Will get a chance the 16th and 17th of this month to inspect styte|pof Leo R||$er who has created expensive wraps for such higgles as Queen Elizabeth, [Mrs. Winnie Churchill, Crown Princess^lartha of Nfrway, Ingrid Bergman, Sonie Henie, Faye EmerSoi%ptcetera JR. Tickets for the two day show of stuff that doesn't come from ifilbit are being handled by the Jewish Community Center Sisterhood, and all pro-j ceeds go to the local Variety Tent School for Handicapped Children . . . And on nite of the 26th of this month, tb^cream of show biz opens their hearts to help fill the money baJpisPf the March of .Dimes ... All Strip spotliters will contribute t|lk talent on the [inn stage following the second show to aid J^ijJIjgwLve against; polio. . . . #''";:4it^S^^I '?√ß' HERE AND THERE: Former El lianc^l^ptiblfc^i Bea Rat-i cliffe is now writing scripts for New York t^a^Ja? shows . . . Announcement will be made today that Las Vegas Racew?·ack stockholders have accepted the Luke-Smith reorganization plan . . . t Mus' be love that's making for- the daily exchange of letters! i between warbler Joan Gilbert (in Miami) and S'trip nitery stage ?╟≤| manager Dick Ogden . . . Former school supe Walter Johnson (during shindig at Sands in his honor) quips: "This new job (sell- | ing office sdpplies>^nw me baffled -y anybody know tfes price of 'paper clips? . . . iL**'W??" ?╟≤?╟≤-?╟≤'?╟≤?╟≤ m W H ERE S j^ ST A NT) By HANK GREENSPUN "It's better to light one candle than toecurse the darkness.** The words and though belong to Father- Barnes Keller of the i Christopher Movement? the idea ; is forcefully brought ,j>ut&y Danny Thomas who closed, l&st night I at the SandsrHotel after playing to paekea nottees for three weeks. ?? Danny gave his* elosang audience a lesson in unity. He sang and the audience joined him in the song,"Tll &ee You In My Dreams." When it came to tite part, "they will light, my ivay tonight," the lights went out and I everyone in the audience lit a | match at the same time. People turned to look at each other and ; the strangest feeling of fellowship sprang up in the Copa | Room. The tiny flame of a lit match multiplied 350 times has ! the most soothing and wonderful effect on a roomful of persons who a few moments before were absolute strangers. ?? Danny Titomas asked the ques- j tion last night if the people of Las Vegas know how really lucky they arev%He was willing to ; match one mile.. ofj|4he Strip against any other place in Ameri- i ca for beatify, class, entertainment, culture and architecture. I realized f^^he first time what 1 Danny was^itoving at when I drove to the eSffice after seeing the show at thj^Sands. The Flamingo, long one of the country's most beautif||o^ptels was starring Tony Martin; The^'Desert rnn has Carmen Miranda, the ,ast Frontier^ 'jtavier Cugjat, Ell inch Vegasgstajs the griateslj nale entertainer of allsftifciesj -hie Tucker, the Thu^erfehc the incomparable MflJs^rqlh. md the beautiful new Saharij dry presents, and ri^^up gauritz Melchi^.,,^^ pi' ecturaily perfeJe^^l^^th I has the one ann ^P%)ar omas with Lena Horne, th veiling personality of ^Rftoa^ht nality of ou XJn Ike %Jc > with clan {orison It Smells $rom Vodka J Friday, January 9, 1953 LAS VEGAS SUN 5 Red Gopher Holes: With t??4 new year well'Under-way* redi I pink and pale worms are digging deeper underground:, in an ef- Ifort to escape the sweeping tida of the war being wa?ge.d against I communism.-. ..'.The tickers me daily flooded withv"hew reports lof red activities. as uncovered! by our nation's secret service I bureaus V.. But the number of feds who have infiltrated into the I United States is enough to seM icy chills, up and down one's; (back. . . . F.B.L agents are reportedly uncovering evidence thatl I will link Soviet sabatoge to recent U.S. air disasters * ?╓¬ . And it'si not hard to believe the rumors, that our city was crawling (and / maybe still is) with crums of the Kremlin during the past atomic tests at the Nevada Proving Grounds . . . * * j: + .&??·$. .?╟≤' G-MAN BOSS J. EDGAR HOOVER (one of Capitol Hill's fewi honest red hunters): reports th$t there are 75,000 hard core red and pinks floating in and out of iour cities and burgs . . . For each] j known commie, Hoover report^, there are ten red tinged bums: (who are tipping the Vodka bottle un-detected . . . That makes a [total of 750,000 party sympathizers within the borders of our na- Ition -T- enough to make up 83 enemy infantry divisions . . .The! fpresent strength of our fighting forces totals 22 combat divisions f. . . The army chiefs of staff report that by 1954 our defense pro- Igram will be completed with 42j divisions, comprising of infantry, Iarmored artillery, armored units, and special assault troops. ... * * * * I HOLLYWOOD, THE FILM CAPITOL of the world, is a fav-j t>rite haunt of the Kremlin gremlins..,. .The glitter and glamour of 1 the motion picture industry is shrouded with the red stained P.U.blicity that has come with many investigations of Holly- woodites .'"&* Movie tycoon Howard Hughes is waging a relent-{ less war against the hams of the flickers who smell from red her-} firing. . . . This reporter is informed that Hughes has shelled out f 100,000 bucks to assist the VFW and other anti-commie groups j in the expose of the many smug mugs of Hollywood who were I caught juggling a party card. . . And many more cinema person-1 alities will soon be caught with.their red fringed pants down . . J * * * * THE LOYALTY ACTION campaign of the Veterans of Foreign! Wars will soon announce the names of many reds and pinks who are attempting to set us up for a Sunday punch by Uncle* Joe ... On April 25 of this year, the VFW will stage their sixth annual Loy-: alty Parade . . . The VFW parade will march down the Great White Way of New York . . . This will be a direct answer to Uncle Joe, who, at the same time, will be prepping his armies and' stooges for the annual Russkie May Day paraide held in Moscow's I red square . . . The Loyalty Parade will also be an answer to the: May Day parade of the pinks who will strut down Gotham's Eighth avenue alone . . . When the Vets march down ole Broadway, they will be flying the colors of peace that Stalin failed to think of when he decided to enforce Lenin's blood red creed . . . The colors of the stars and stripes are tfle symbol of man's right to breathe the air of freedom . . . Let's protect that freedom. * * * ?╟≤ A ROVING REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK: Nils T. Granland is putting|fljoices of local personalities on tape for re-broadcast on hist?it**of Angels radio show . . . And another radio program that will add zest to Las Vegas ballyhoo is the coast to coast broadcast .to be aired from the.0ppa Room of th%Sj^ssa??aeh-Saturday nite from 7:35 til 8 o'cldbk over 262 CBS stations Drama Critics Phil Strassberg (New York Daily Mirror) and Phii Scheur (L.A. Times) will be in town over.the weejsehd to pen an, entertainment rdund-u&of Las vegaS; jgj . And reports have it that the spread on local nitery enteijtainment that will'appetar in Life! Mag under the heading of "Lis Vegas?╟÷ World's , New Playground," is nothing short of senpatio^al . . . Hy Hollinger of Variety's New York bureau exchanged Vows with a Gothan socialite |t I and is honeymooning at the Flamingo . . .Cinema Starlet Mala "'Powers will pose for Movie Fan mag layout while she is in town; aext week.. OH BROTHE^r^Ju^y Lees, of Los Angeles, cant quite understand the expression of ferotherly love by the Ritz Brothers after] Jimmy, the only bachelor of the trio, announced his engagement to Judy at The Sands. iakllwl&wiife Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe set the date at Charlie Lederer's i ?√ßparty that was still going strong at five a.m. yesterday ?╟÷ and probably j [still is . . . Freddie De Cordova rekindled an old flame ?╟÷ Martha Vickers I . . The Al Vanderbilts, Bogie and Baby, the Mike Kennies, the Arthur | Hornblows downed the specialite de la Lederer maison ?╟÷ onion soup ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ I Champagne flowed like oil at the Tevis Morrow's Mocambo clambake. I Among guests taking home a split of champagne for breakfast ?╟÷ Lana E and Lex, Joan Crawford in red with Cesar Romero, Greer and Buddy, E Louella and Jimmy . . . And Doris Duke, who loves le Jazz Hot, danced | in the New Year with Latin bandman, Joe Castro . . . And in Gossip B Springs William Powell with Mousie at Scottie Rubin's annual binge ?╟÷ I Mousie wearing jewels overlooked by burglars who broke into their ?√ß house while she was shopping in L.A. . . . The George Burns, Charlie K Vidors and the Billy Wilders at Jack Benny's table . . . The Eddie G. ?√ß Robinsons were there, but Jimmy Durante forgot to book a table at the ?√ß jampacked jamboree and was wandering around looking for a seat ?√ß last time we saw him . . . And back in town again, Adele Mara and I Roy Huggins having a final fling before ending a two and a half year I Icourtship . . . Anita Stewart wearing the biggest diamond around her 9 Jneck . . . Anita's sister is doing even better. "She married an Arabian <f [today at Palm Springs whose name I don't remember," relayed the old ?√ß ]time star. i Marilyn Ray had a conference with her lawyer before she skied to NY. I ind the divorce or separation is still on the agenda . . . The tourist K eason is in full flood at CBS ticket desk, where everyone and his wife ?√ß rants in on the Art Linkletter show . . . They have jet plane service in ]urope. Why not here? . . . And what happened to "Jet Pilot"? ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ I We hear through the Cinerama grapevine that L. B. Mayer is now H actively planning "Joseph And His Brethren" . . . Robert Newton plays k pirate in the 50 half-hour vidfilms he'll make in the Caribbean with I llaoul Walsh. "We can shoot 'em all in three and a half months, then I pome back to Hollywood to make movies," says the tanned, healthy- | [looking Robert . . . Janet Leigh is getting- fan mail and requests for B 'signed autographs for her DOG. Barbara Payton, who returns to Blighty for two more pictures, gets I a hunk of the American distribution rights . . . And Life and Time are m practically living with Babs in "Run For The Hills." Sounds like a I l profile and lay-out coming up . . . And glimpsed in Life's office here a I <1 candid of Denise Darcel, drink in hand, ciggie in mouth, and Byron I I Palmer's arm around her waist ?╟÷ at the Sands at Vegas. And Byron I 1 is definitely NOT looking at the dice . .-'. TUHl "Neal, incidentally, func-1 j tions as Barbara's business manager among other things. "And," says | Babs, "Tom gets me more money than anyone else ever did" . . . Janie Powell's stepfather, by the way, owns the motel next door to the Sands, j and gets the overflow. The chorus girls in the show billet there . . . i Talk about women at sales. Your should have seen the line of men outside a Bevhills sale for gents, and the mad scramble when the doors ] opened. Somewhere in the melee we glimpsed Marilyn Monroe, but for once the boys were not fighting for her ... Van Heflin agreed to a longer tour of "The Shrike," still in hopes of landing the movie for indie production . . . Jerry Lewis gifted his doctor with diamond cuff links.