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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 23, 1978






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 7 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000177. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING NO. 3 May 23, .1978 Moyer Student Union Bldg. Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Installation of New Senators IV. Approval of Minutes No. 2 V. Executive Board Announcements VI. Committee Reports a. Activities Board VII. Old Business a. Food Service Persons of America $1,000 Grant from General Funds (Vote) b. $5,000 Expenditure for Jazz Ensemble c. Nominations for Open Senate Seats 1. University College (2) 2. Freshman Class 3. Junior Class 4. Arts and Letters 5. Business and Economics 6.' Education 7. Allied Health d. Report on Low Cost Physical Examinations (Chuck White) e. $2 Per Credit Mandatory Athletic Fee (Vote) f. Speaker Pro Tern Election (Vote) 1. Joe Matvay 2. Susana Reyes 3. Don Soderberg VIII. New Business a. Nomination for Open Union Board Seat b. Nomination for Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee 1. Richard Simms 2. DeAnn Turpen c. Waiver of 15 Hour Work Maximum (Marshal Willick) d. Stipends for 1978-79 1. Executive Board 2. Senate IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING #3 May 23, 1978 Moyer Student Union Bldg. Room 201 Call to Order The third meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Speaker at 4:10 p.m., in Lounge 201 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Dawn DuCharme Lise Wyman Kirk Voelcker, Jr. Lorraine Alderman Peggy Burnham Rob Nielsen Susana Reyes Don Soderberg Cindy Kiser Richard Simms Joe Matvay Dave Bergen Excused Absences Bill Botos (late) Bruce Bayne Unexcused Absences Margaret Race.l(late) Joyce Bridges (late) Jeanne Harkenrider Leon Levitt Gretchen Smith III, Installation of New Senators The Speaker welcomed the newly elected Senators to take their seats at the Senate table. IV. Approval of Minutes #2 Richard Simms moved to approve the minutes, there was a second and the motion passed with 2 opposed. V. Executive Board Announcements The Speaker of the Senate, Marshal Willick, gave a presentation to the Senators present which included the following: 1) Explanation of the exact functions of a Senator to attend the Senate meetings whenever they are held; 2) to add anything they think important to the item under discussion; 3) refrain from repeating what's been said in order to allow the meeting to progress 4) stay informed on the issues;5) explanation of Executive Board appointments, such as: All standing board, Parliamentarian, all other non-elective officers of the Executive Board. 6) Senate - Committees and all ad hoc creations etc. Copies of a Brief Parliamentary Procedures were given to the Senators on how to conduct the meetings. The Speaker asked that Senators who never say anything to please speak up; explained that all Senate business is cycled through him before it goes to the Executive Board; and announced the resignation of Andre' Bell from the Senate. There will be an opening in Science & Math after one week of publication. The President announced the hiring of a new Radio Station Consultant by the name of Tommy Walker to become effective June 1, 1978. Mr. Tim McRoberts will no longer be the Radio Station Consultant as of that date. Mr. Walker was hired for a three (3) month assignment and is coming on board, with the approval of the Senate, at $900.00 a month. A discussion pro and con followed this announcement and Peggy Burnham questioned paying two people for the same job during the month of June when the CSUN budget was so low, since Tim McRoberts had a contract thru June 30th. Rob Nielsen agreed with Peggy and wanted to know what was going to happen at the end of the three months when the national search for a manager begins. Minutes - Senate Meeting #3 May 23, 1978 Page 3 Richard Simms asked to be excused from the balance of the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Granted by the Speaker. It was moved and seconded that a five (5) minute recess be called before the nominations began. Meeting recessed at 5:50 p.m. and reconvened at 6:05 p.m. The nominations were as follows: University College Ron Deems Freshman Class Phillip Jackson Debbie Ruth Junior Class DeAnn Turpen Rob Nielsen Arts & Letters Mark Weiner Rick Gutierrez Jane Campbell Jennifer Houston Marie Bagley Business & Economics Karen Brady Dave Levine Education Sherry Novosel Susana Reyes moved to close the nominations which was seconded. Motion passed. The Speaker announced that these people nominated would be on the agenda for the next meeting for a vote. He advised the Senate that all those nominated should be notified and told to come to his office and fill out a Senate Information sheet. d. Report on Low Cost Physical Examinations (Chuck White) No report was given at this time. e. $2 Per Credit Mandatory Athletic Fee (Vote) Rob Nielsen moved to disapprove the mandatory athletic fee, which was seconded by Bill Botos and then opened for discussion. Rob felt that because there were some people who never attended games, they should not be made to pay this fee and Joe Matvay agreed. Don Soderberg thought it should be turned down unanimously by the Senate. The President reported on a meeting he had attended that morning with Bill Ireland and that Ireland had agreed to give the students 33% of the seats, closed circuit TV in the ballroom until the new arena was completed, and assume the cheerleading fund. After further discussion, there was a call to the question, seconded and voted upon. Motion passed for disapproval of the Mandatory Athletic Fee unanimously. f. Speaker Pro Tem Election (Vote) 1. Joe Matvay 2. Susana Reyes 3. Don Soderberg Cindy Kiser moved for a secret ballot, which was seconded and acted upon. Motion passed. The results of the secret ballot proved Don Soderberg the winner with 8 votes, Joe Matvay - 3, and Susana Reyes - 2, with 1 abstention. Minutes - Senate Meeting #3 May 23, 1978 Page 4 VIII. New Business a. Nomination for Open Union Board Seat The President nominated Lora Miller and she will be voted on at next meeting. Rob Nielsen moved to table this nomination indefinitely but the motion was ruled out-of-order by the Speaker. b. Nomination for Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee Cindy Kiser moved to open the nominations which was seconded with the following nominations. 1. Richard Simms 2. DeAnn Turpen 3. Lisa Wyman 4. Joyce Bridges 5. Marti Coffis Motion was made and seconded to close the nominations. Motion passed with one abstention. These seats will be voted upon at the next Senate meeting. c. Waiver of 15 hour Work Maximum (Marshal Willick) Chair to Don Soderberq. The Speaker Pro Tem entertained a motion to waive the 15-hour work Maximum cor the duration of the Speaker's term. The motion was made by Bill Botos, seconded and passed. Speaker returned to Chair. d. Stipends for 1978-79 1. Executive Board Opened for discussion with the President requesting the following increases for the Executive Board: CSUN President $275.00 a month V-P Finance & Communication.... 225.00 " " V-P Activities 200.00 " Speaker of the Senate 200.00 " Rob Nielsen asked the Speaker for a Constitutional explanation regarding the payment of stipends. The Speaker read the Article in the Constitution. The discussion continued with the President justifying the .increase, and John Hunt explained why they were asking $25.00 more for him over Tim Herlosky and Marshal Willick. Rob Nielsen moved for suspension of the rulesjio allow discussion of Senate Stipends before discussion of Executive Board Stipends which was Seconded and~voted upon. Motion failed. Discussion continued until the motion was made to approve the Executive Board Stipends as submitted. Seconded and again open for discussion. There was a motion to vote on the Executive Board members individually, seconded. Passed with one abstention. After still further discussions, there was a motion to table the business at hand until the next Senate meeting, seconded and passed. To be on the Agenda at the next meeting for a vote. IX. Open Discussion Due to the late hour, it was moved and seconded to limit open discussion to 5 minutes. Motion passed. The main topic for discussion was the replacement of Tim McRoberts as the Radio Station Consultant and Peggy Burnham asked that the Radio Station affair be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting. Minutes - Senate Meeting #3 May 23, 1978 Page 5 Lorraine Alderman also expressed her displeasure over the resignation of Tim McRoberts. X. Adjournment The motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Motion passed and Senate adjourned at 7:05 p.m. , until Tuesday, May 30, 1978. Respectfully submitted by: Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary Minutes - Senate Meeting #3 May 23, 1978 Page 2 The President reported the services they were going to gain from Mr. Walker for the salary he would receive more than justified his appointment,as he was 27 years old with 10 years of radio experience behind him. He then reported that Dan Lovil is also coming in to do a mock-up on a closed circuit through the Union and the dorm to help get the radio station going. When asked if Mr. Walker couldn't have waited a month longer before taking the job, the President replied that he had turned down other offers and taken a cut in salary to take the position with KULV. The President then announced that Neil Slocum had been relieved of the legal clinic and they were now in the process of getting another legal advisor; that the University Senate vote came in today changing it to a faculty Senate. C. White, J. Hunt and M. Willick had attended the University Senate meeting this date and voiced their objection to the elimination of students from the Senate, since this was the central place where the students could have a voice in discussing things that affected them. John Hunt reported on the Financial statement that had been passed out to the Senate and that all stipends and salaries were included in the budget. VI. Committee Reports a. Activities Board Due to the absence of Vice President for Activities, Tim Herlosky, there was no report. VII. Old Business a. Food Service Persons of America $1,000 Grant from General Funds (Vote) The Speaker entertained a motion for approval which was made by Richard Simms, seconded and opened for discussion. John Hunt, as Vice President for Finance and Communication, reported that they would go deficit spending if this $1,000 was allowed and it would not have been over $500.00 if it had come under matching funds. Don Soderberg spoke in favor of this deficit expenditure and told the Senate they should look at it as an investment. The floor was then given to Jim Rafferty who gave a presentation on FSEA, what it is, what the students would receive for a fee of $87.00, etc. After a discussion pro and con, Rob Nielsen called for the question. The motion to grant the $1,000 to FSEA was voted upon in a secret ballot with 7 for, 4 against and 3 abstentions. Motion passed. b. $5,000 Expenditure for Jazz Ensemble There was a motion to approve, seconded and opened to the floor for discussion Richard Simms asked where this $5,000 was to come from and John Hunt replied out of the Activity's budget for next year. Due to a misinterpretation in the minutes of meeting No. 2, it was called to the attention of the Senate that this could not be voted upon at this meeting but would have to be on the agenda at the next meeting for a vote. c. Nominations for Open Senate Seats The Speaker entertained a motion for a motion to open the nominations which was made and seconded. UNIVERSITY SENATE University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas t Nevada DATE: May 22, 1978 TO! All Faculty FROM: Vernon Mattaon, University Senate RE: Constitutional Amendments The constitutional amendments to change representation on the University Senate to strictly faculty has been ratified by faculty vote. It was necessary for 50% of the faculty to vote and 2/3rds of those voting had to approve the amendments. The vote was as follows: 177 yes 58 no 1 abstention 236 Total votes - 373 ballots sent VM:bes May 9, 1978 TO : ALL CS UN SENATORS / FROM: JOHN A. HUNT, Vice President Finance & Communication- RE : HOTEL ASSOCIATION'S REQUEST FOR FUNDS In my opinion, the Hotel Association's request for $1,000 is an .ill-appropriate request for two reasons: 1. The balance in the General Expense Account currently has to be used for secretary salaries, CSUN stipends, and general administrative expenses -- and I feel that this request for $1,000 would severly deplete the remaining balance in that account. 2 . The $1,000 would not benefit the whole student body and, as you know, all matching fund requests are contingent upon this factor. Therefore, since they did not apply for matching funds, which the limit would have been for $500.00, and the fact mentioned above -- that it does not apply to all students -- as Vice President for Finance & Communication, it is my professional opinion that this request be denied. JAH:fe 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vsgas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 730-3477 May 22, 1978 This is in regard to the $5,000 expenditure to the UNLV Jazz ensemble for the Japan Tour. The expentiture will involve a certain number of performances from the ensemble in the near future. The following items have been set up for the coming fall and spring semesters: 1) Performances two times every month for both the fall and spring semester. 2) Performing at regular scheduled events (example: Coffee Houses, day time concerts, Certain dances, Orientation Week, etc.)* 3) Performing in conjunction with a major concert. 4) Six times per year of Full ensemble performance. We feel that this proposal is fair enough in that, while it gives you the finds to make the trip, it also pleases the people at UNLV that enjoy your music. We feel that this preposal will allow ample time for you to gather new material for the students who listen to your performances in the coming year. * The special events may not take the place of any of the regular scheduled concerts per month. Sincerely,