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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V\ las Vegas - May 36, 1943 1 18-1-13 Mr. Leo A. MeHamaei 1 attach copy of my letter even date to Mr* Strong In response to one from M i concerning expira­tion of present lease on has Vegas Ranch. Please draw a new contract with Mr. Stewart, effective September 1, 1643, for a period of ten years. Most of the terms of the lease will be the same except that the rent is increased from #2,000 to #4,000 annu­ally and we should, of course, except from the descrip­tion those portions of the ranch subsequently disposed of* I think it is extremely important that we file a formal application with the State Engineer at the earliest possible date for permission to use the water from the present septic tank* 1 appreciate the fact that this may not be a legal requirement but nevertheless, it will give us the advantage of having filed a prior appli­cation in ease the City of Las Vegas, due to a change in the present political situation, may at some time in the future desire to divert the water from its present delivery at the five-acre disposal site, and instead file on the water themselves for delivery through the new ten-acre disposal site* Stewart is of course entitled to ease protection on the water supply also and I wish you would prepare such an application at your earliest convenience for one million gallons per day, to be filed with State Engineer, USUIS' E .SHITCSfclsr. W