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    V - 3 - Fifth Street, are reserved in the deed. It appears to me both wells should be excluded in the wording in paragraph under (d). You will note that the description prepared by the Water District is in error in stat­ing that LVL&WCo. Well No. 2 is located in Section 26. It should have stated Section 27. Both LVL&WCo. Wells Nos. 1 and 2 are located in NE£ of of Se £ Sec. 27, T20S, R61E, MDB&M. The reference to “additions and better­ments (including the Hyde Park additions and betterments), as the same exist as of September 1st, 1952", etc. is a little vague as to whether entire cost of the Hyde Park facilities are included. Only a small part of the Hyde Park facilities was constructed as of Sept. 1, 1952. After that date, Railroad forces constructed pipe line, installed pumps, etc., both labor and material, to serve the Hyde Park Addition, and we have recently award­ed a contract to Chicago Bridge Company for furnishing and erection of a 300,000- gallon elevated tank, which, of course, has not yet been done. Mr. Maag and I believe that it is the Water District’s intention that the wording in (d) does include all the Hyde Park water facilities. This point should be cleared up. The next to last paragraph on page 3 reads, as follows: "The cost of all improvements for the construction of which contracts have been executed subsequent to September 1st, 1952, and up to the date of consummation of the sale, will be added to the amount of the purchase price". Therefore, this question must be cleared up. (e) This paragraph encumbers with drilling restric­tions for water all land now owned by the Railroad Companies and the LVL&WCo. (including the ap­proximately 507 acres to be purchased by the District), with exception of the major portions of the Las Vegas Ranch, which are"located in Sections 26 and 25. This item includes Section 27, which 'includes a small portion of