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    2. 4) Page 5, Seetlea III, paragraph 19, line 25* &af« araata t© original “paragrapi «• should apparently 4a ha arigiaal "paragraph 9.* However, deletion of paragraph J la this section w i U leave this reference correct. 5) Page 6, Saetioa If. paragraph (b). liaaa 19-20. t o ward ®restrictions* is atsspsilsd. il ?**» Sestisa IT. document la conditio n#t*!o, n « g othaefr tthhei ngess,c raonwon t o famishing to tha district of a peiic? if title S K » wV a*f* *t•h?a* !11 1J#4 UAtgr ete#m tenot a!a•d» *a» dparseloirmlibnaadr yl a ? * t o to*®* towing tha easement or license rights aT the t o s r Osapsay in the lands of others. Should t o** be a farther eoadltlea here with rat pact to fmjriLUAamnr titlereeert covering tha property described ia paragraph fJJ tf Section 1 af t S Slit tAiposnesa,e ipiatg ea ad1 2,r efUeartraed 3t-fo? la Section IX of Instruc­W f y j. Sjatiaa If, paragraph (a), U a a 4. Should aat the statement of this eoadltlea bo completed by Diinsttrroidsutc*t?ory words, such as, *Tem furnish to tlis t) Pages 2 aad 9, Section TI. Shoald tbara ba a fur- t o r eoaditiaa ia this saetioa reelpreoal to that asbuogvgee?sted lor inclusion ia Section If ia Itea T # Jaga 19, Saatiaa fll, U a a 13. t o rafaraaaa ta •paragraph <a) af Station If* should apparently ho to *poragraph (d) of Station If.* 19) Pagan 10 aad 11, Soatloa fix. Hr. fteawlck aaya it t o t o n tentatively agreed that thia section frsa liaa 20, page 19. bo rowrittoa. tort ia ao ebjec- tioa to thia revision, whiah ia a elarifleatioa. 11) t o o 12, Saatiaa II, liaaa H . t o Isarawaa ia hara instructed to request tha Titla Company to ia. aodiatoly start aaarah af title with reepoet ta the K*P**to* covered ia paragraph (1) af Saatiaa 1 of tho Sale Agreement aad the preparatiea ef preliaia- ary report referred to ia paragraphTo) of Station