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    U N IO N P A C IF IC R A IL R O A D C O M P A N Y F O R M 3510 7-46-3M / 7 £ L A W D E PA R TM E N T C A L V IN M . C O R Y , G E N E R A L ATTO RN EY August 28th, 19^8. 114 N O R T H T H IR D S T R E E T L A S V E G A S , N E V A D A T p u. Hr. Joe Martin, District Attorney Ploche, Nevada, Dear Joe; i J 3 c c - Mr. 2,1 o Bennett Hr, D.F. Wengert Same weeks ago I wrote you requesting in-format ion concerning the Ploche Mater System, My letter was evidently misdirected or lost in the mail as I have not had a reply. On or About the 15th day of January, 1909, the railroad entered into an agreement with the Nevada- Utah Mines & Smelters Corporation whereby the corporation agreed to furnish certain water to the railroad without charge, This agreement expires January 15, 1959* It ap­pears from the file before me that the Amalgamated Ploche Mines & Smelters Corporation assumed the obligation of this contract and that the contract was thereafter assumed by the Ploche Water System. I understand that the Ploche Water System is now being operated tinder a receivership but I do not know when the Ploche Water System was organized, whether there is a direct obligation running through the various transitions from the Nevada-Utah Mines & Smelters Corpora­tion to the Ploche Water System, I will therefore appreciate a statement from you advising me as to the legal status of the Ploche Water System and also giving me any additional information you m y have concerning the contract of January 15th, 1909 mentioned above. Thank you for any information that you can give to me concerning this matter, as I have been requested by the Bailroad for an opinion and will appreciate your early attention to this matter. Best regards, Sincerely, mt./b CALVIN M. CORY I