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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 2006



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    Congregation Nek Tamid Looking Towards The Future .... A* Shabbat Welcoming New Education Director Friday, September 8th Join US as we welcome the newest addition to our "family"! On September 8th we will have a special service so you can meet and greet our new Education Director, Craig Rosen. Craig was born and raised in Van Nuys, CA. An accomplished educator/ youth worker, Craig has served as the Regional Director for NFTY in the Pacific Southwest council office of the URJ, was the Program Director for the JCC of Seattle and for the past seven years was the Director of Education for Congregation B'nai B'rith in Santa Barbara, CA. He currently sits on the National Board of NATE (National Association of Temple Educators) and his article on engaging college age teachers for religious school was published in the spring edition of Torah at the Center. Growing up at Temple Beth Hillel in North Hollywood, Craig and his guitar have brought vital and ^vibrant Jewish music to camps, synagogues, conventions and theaters throughout the civilized world. An accomplished singer/song-writer, he can be heard on his recording "Fixin' the World" with his song-writing collaborator Cantor Wally. We are all very excited to have him here at CNT and are looking forward to a fun and wonderful year for our Children! ? ij SEPTEMBER 2006 VOL. XX NO. 9 ELUL/PSHKi 5766 ISRAEL Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad I am writing this column the beginning of the second week of August to appear in our September bulletin. Israel is at war. So much will happen during this time span of a few days. Maybe there will be a cease fire (please God). Or maybe the fighting will continue at its unrelentless pace. Destruction on both sides. Lives ruined. Refugees fleeing for shelters only to return home to devastation. Societies terrorized. The images on television make all of us tremble and pray for an end. Having been in Northern Israel mid June, just a short time before fighting broke out, I still remember the tranquil beauty of the mountains, small villages and outstretched landscape. One wonders whether things will ever return to "normal". But then again, what is "normal" in the middle east? It would seem that every few years fighting breaks out and then a calm sets in. But this time is different. There is a realization this time that the enemy is tougher and better armed than ever imagined. This time missiles are striking into Israel's heartland-thousands of them. This time even Arab nations, at least initially, did not support Hezbollah. They knew that it is impossible for any nation to be a sovereign nation unless it has control over its military. There can be only one. But that is the mystery of the middle east. The more Israel seeks to do what the world knows what needs to be done: to protect itself against terrorism, to vanquish Hezbollah which is being supported by two terrorist regimes in Iran and Syria, the more the world will cry foul. And once again, Israel must defend itself and say, "Ein Berrerah-there is no alternative". We who live in the calm of North America must do our part in supporting Israel. For Israel's fight is ultimately our fight. As in years past it is incumbent upon us to join together as a community to provide much needed support to Israel during this crises. And so I appeal to you again to support the Israel Crisis Fund set up by our Federation. Please mail a check today payable to the Jewish Federation Israel Emergency Campaign, 2317 Renaissance Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89119 or call the Federation 732 0556 to make your gift or visit their website at These funds will be used to pay for the huge costs of rebuilding Israel, and the immediate costs of resettling refugees from the North. Now is the time to act. Israel needs us all. $ October Attractions $ 10/1 Kol Nidre - Family Service 6:00 pm Traditional Service 8:15 pm 10/2 Yom Kippur - Family Service 9:00 am Teen Service 11:00 am Traditional Service 11:00 am Healing Service 2:30 pm Afternoon Service 3:30 pm Yiskor Service 5:30 pm Concluding 6:30 pm 10/6 Decorate Sukkah 6:30 pm Sukkot Service 7:30 pm 10/7 Sukkot Morning Service 10:00 am 10/13 Simchat Torah & Consecration 7:30 pm Shabbatone Service 10/14 Yiskor Service 10:00 am 10/15 Mitzvah Clean-Up Day TBA 10/28 Tot Shabbat @ GV Library 10:30 am 2 WVVVV.LVNERTAMiD.ORG Temple Board President - Marla Letizia VP Administration - Harry Sax VP Ways & Means - Michael Unger VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta dacosta6@cox.nct VP Member Recruitment - Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg decagonl2@aoLcom VP Social Action - Cindyjensen ckjaiscn@cox.nct Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell Barry Lewisohn Jordie Primack Debra Cohen Stacey Y ahraus-Lewis Daryl Alterwitz Illisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Megan Stolberg, NTTY Co-President Meganl22@cox.nct Rebecca Weiss, NTTY Co-President Temple President, Marla Letizia l Russell moved to New living on his own for reminded once again beginnings? and When my son York this month to start the very first time I was just how busy, ?new ?tender endings? can be. In our ?new we have been blessed acoustics at King David, Philip Goldstein rings beginnings? interim with the wonderful where the voice of out to the heavens and beyond. For that we are extremely grateful to the generosity of Jay Poster. In ?tender endings? we say a fond farewell to Cookie Olshein for the incredibly enlightening, compassionate summer service internship that she brought to us during the last few wonderful months. We are glad that she will continue to come to us throughout the year for special services and look forward to each and every visit. In three short weeks High Holidays will be upon us and our plans to celebrate at Green Valley Ranch are finalized, thanks to the due diligence of our own wonderful Irv Duchowny. Good Yom Tov to you all! As I come to know each and every one of you, I realize just how lucky I truly am to be a part of this wonderful, wonderful group of congregants. You have taken my own ?new beginnings? as your president and welcomed me into the fold, and for that, I am grateful, blessed and honored. ^ High Holyday Tickets ^ To clarify the Temple?s policy, 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year?s Building Fund Commitment. For example: If your Building Fund Assessment Total is $2,500 (your full 5 year commitment), you would need to have a minimum of $375 paid towards your 2006 (current year?s committment) BF Commitment ($2,500 divided by 5 = $500 X 75%=$375). If your Annual Dues is $1506, you would also need to have a minimum of $1,130 paid towards your 2006 Annual Dues ($1,506X 75% = $1,130). In total, you would need to have $1,505 paid towards your 2006 Annual Commitment in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. (These are only examples; your actual Commitment amounts may differ.) If you have any questions or need to speak about any of these numbers, please feel free to contact Irv in the temple office. { September 2006 3) B?nai Mitzvah ~ Religious School Allyson Milton September 2,2006 My name is Allyson Milton. I was born in Westhills California. I attend Sig Rogich Middle School and will be going into the eighth grade this fall. I am a member of the National Honor Society and I will be joining the Student Council this year. My hobbies include playing golf and spending time with my friends and family. I am counting down the days until September 2nd when my parents Stacey and Tony will join me along with my sister Samantha, my brother Alec and the rest of my family and friends to help me celebrate becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Danica Torchin September 9, 2006 I am a freshman at Sierra Vista High School, in all honors classes and am a gymnast and member of the volleyball team. I am also very musically inclined, singing, playing piano, guitar and drums. I chose to share my Bat Mitzvah with my younger sister, Tierney. My mitzvah project has been writing to navy personnel stationed on the USS Nevada, reminding them that we care about them and hope they return safely home soon. Tierney Torchin September 9,2006 I am in 7th grade at Canarelli Middle School, in all honors classes. I enjoy horseback riding, swimming and hanging out with my friends. My mitzvah project reflects my interest in reducing greenhouse gasses by planting seedlings for each of the guests at my Bat Mitzvah to remind them to be more aware of the effects of car emissions and pollution. My family & I invite you to welcome me as a vital member of the Jewish community. (? VVWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG > Craig Rosen Education Director There is much to be excited about as we begin the new year together. Religious School begins on Sunday September, 10th at Gibson Elementary School. The morning will open with an all school assembly filled with music and a chance for parents and students to meet our wonderful new faculty. Parents, please join us for a nosh and an introduction to our year beginning at 9:15 am in the school multi purpose room. Our Youth Groups are busy programming their year and have many fun events planned. Our TNT (6'8th grade) Youth Group under the direction of Pam Poster will be holding their first event in October (more information will be in next months bulletin). Our NTTY (9,12th grade) Youth Group with their advisors Jolie Brislin and Barry Cohen will be attending the NFTY Fall Kallah from Sept 840 at Camp Charles Pearlstein in Arizona. They are also busy planning for the High Holidays as they will conduct a teen service in conjunction with our adult services. A new program for our 1042th grade students will be launched this month called GESHER. This teen experience will meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday night of each month to discuss current events, hot topics, Israel, and Jewish values and ethics. A highlight of the program will be a trip to Washington DC to participate in a program called Panim el Panim (Face to Face). This program provides tools for teens to utilize Jewish Values in helping to change the world for the better. As a highlight, we will be lobbying our congressional representatives on Capital Hill and meeting with them face to face. For more information on any of these programs, please feel free to give me a call, send me an email, or set up a meeting. Shanah Tovah U?Metukah, may we all enjoy a Sweet Happy New Year. youth Choir New Director ?herri ?wezey Calling all Kids Grades 2 and CJpi parents Meeting ?ept io@ 12:30 pm After-Religious ?chooi at GibsonJust a -4/* Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist One thing I really enjoyed when I was in Hawaii, was being able to gaze upon the beauty of the moon reflecting on the ocean. The contrast between the inky, dark water and the sparkling light from the moon is truly a spectacular sight. When one thinks about it, the moon is a strange object that is seemingly suspended in space and which has inspired fear and superstition through the ages. In Judaism, we have a monthly, albeit minor, holiday that celebrates every new moon. It is known as Rosh Chodesh (literally, ?head of the month?). There is a legend associated with the moon. The Talmud says that in the beginning God created the sun and the moon equal in size. But the moon did not wish to share the limelight, so to speak, with the sun and complained to God. God punished the moon for its jealousy and shrank it to its present size. But then God felt bad about the punishment and promised that someday the Jewish people would celebrate every new moon and base their calendar on its movements. Let me explain how the calendar works. The secular calendar is a solar calendar. It has twelve months and each day begins and ends at midnight. There are 365 days in each year, which represents how long it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun. Because each revolution actually takes 365 1/4 days, an extra day is added every four years. In contrast, the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar and is based on the revolution of the moon around the earth with some adjustments to account for the revolution of the earth around the sun. In this calendar, the new day begins at sundown and ends at the next sundown. In Genesis, it states: ?And there was evening and there was morning, a first day...a second day...a third day...a fourth day...a fifth day...a sixth day? (Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19,23 31). The lunar month is 29 1/2 days long. Since a month cannot have a half-day, the months in the Jewish calendar alternate the number of days each month: one month, 29 days; the next month, 30 days, etc. This brings the total for the year in a lunar calendar to 354 days. To keep the solar and lunar calendars in sync, the Jewish calendar is arranged on a 19-year cycle, with )2 years of 12 months each, and 7 leap years of 13 months each. The first day of each Hebrew month is designated Rosh Chodesh. Rosh Chodesh is the day that the new moon appears in the sky - the beginning of its 29 112 day cycle of revolving around the earth. When a month has 30 days, the 30th day and the next day (the first day of the new month) are both celebrated as Rosh Chodesh. Back in the days when the arrival of the new moon was proclaimed by one who physically saw the moon and could attest to its arrival, this two-day observance of Rosh Chodesh was insurance against being late in declaring the new month had begun. In ancient times, Rosh Chodesh was regarded as an important holiday, and, as such, had many rituals and customs associated with it. It was a day for solemn assembly, special sacrifices and the sounding of trumpets in the sanctuary. It was also a day of rejoicing, family festivity, and cessation from work. After the destruction of the Temple, Rosh Chodesh lost its festive character. Today, it is observed with special prayers recited in the synagogue in which we ask for God?s blessings in the coming month. In former times, women were released from their household chores on Rosh Chodesh. This custom was based on the belief that the women in the desert at the time of the Exodus refused to give up their jewelry for the building of the Golden Calf. They were thus rewarded with a holiday. Today, in this spirit, many women have reclaimed this observance as a day for celebration with other women and many gather together in study groups and in prayer to mark the day. Traditionally, the beginning of the new month was seen as a time for self-examination and atonement. In the 16th century, the kabbalists even introduced a fast day called Yom KippurKatan (the ?Little Day of Atonement?) in which they fasted from the eve of the new moon until the afternoon service. This practice never really became widespread although there are some who do observe it even today. It was said that ?The waxing and waning of the moon remind the pious of Israel?s renewal. Even in its darkest wanderings, Israel, like the moon itself, is never lost; and Israel?s return into the light is assured, so long as its children loyally cling to the paths which God?s word hath shown unto them.? The waning of the moon was conceived by Kabbalists as a symbol of the exile of the Shekhina and the ifminution of the power of holiness during the Exile, and its renewal as a symbol of the return to perfection in the age of Redemption. ?( S eptember. 2006 5) High Holy days - Diffemt, Yet the Same IrvDuchowny, Executive Director Here at Congregation Ner Tamid we are already doing much preparation work for this year?s High Holidays, which, during our Year of Transition, will be held at Green Valley Ranch Station. Rabbi is reviewing services, Philip is busy learning songs and prayers, preparations are being made at Green Valley Ranch Station, and everyone in the office is very busy getting ready for all that is needed. But let?s take a step backwards, and focus on why we're here. Remember last Rosh Hashanah morning when our voices joined and filled the sanctuary, the social hall, even the hall? You were there. Recall our wonderful Shabbatones services on the second Friday of each month, when our spirits were lifted in very special ways? You were there. Remember all those times - morning, noon and night - when you?d drive into our parking lot and find it busy and bustling? 1 sure do, as I?ve been here over four and a half years, because I?ve been there with you. You are there in growing numbers with your children, and grandchildren, sharing the joys of our Consecration, B?nai Mitzvot and Confirmation. You are there for weddings, anniversaries, blessings and baby namings. You are there for Religious School, Hebrew classes, Conversion classes, and Pre-school. You are there for Sisterhood, Men?s Club, Outreach, our 1HN program, Choir, our Seniors Group, various youth groups, Social Action, study groups, speakers, and special moments all your own. For all the reasons you are there at CNT, we must be there for you. As the largest Reform Congregation in all of Nevada, we are, indeed, a leading resource for religious, educational, cultural and human services. We are here to enrich the lives of each and every one of you. At the same time, we are needing to take care of our financial checklists. As you may or may not know, temple policy is that dues and building fund obligations for the current year must be at least 75% paid, and all other commitments must be current (unless other arrangements have been made). We are countins on you. To ensure the exceptional quality and continuity of the congregational life we now enjoy, our Board of Trustees is asking you, our membership - 600 families strong - to help underwrite our current programs and services, and make sure that you have met your current financial commitments. We are counting on you. Just as we have always counted on our strength as a congregation, and just as our mothers and fathers built for us, we now ask you for your personal commitment to the values and traditions long established here. As Congregation Ner Tamid, with loving kindness, we are confident you will generously respond. I look forward to seeing everyone at our High Holiday services this year, while we appreciate the new temple, the new facility and the new campus we are currently constructing. Please share this with us and contact me if you?d like a site tour. Be a part of our vital, growing Jewish experience that we are currently undertaking. 6 WWW.LVNERTAMlD.ORC ) ---------------------------------------------------------- ? --------------------------------- CNT STAFF Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Ftabbak@lvnertamid. org Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Pgoldstein@lvnertamid. org Executive Director Irv Duchowny lduchowny@lvnertamid. org Director of Education Craig Rosen crosen@lvnertamid. org Program Director Roberta Unger Runger@lvnertamid. org Rabbi's Admin. Asst. Karen Levine Klevine@lvnertamid. org Executive Director's Asst. Lynette Solomon Lsolomon@lvnertamid. org Receptionist Mary Zone Mzone@lvnertamid. org Bulletin Editor Laura Bailey CNTbulletin@cox. net Educator Emeritus Jacqueline FleekopAdult Education Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class Begins September 11 It's not too late! Come join with other adults who are yearning to be called to the Torah. This two year class will begin focus on learning Hebrew, reading the prayers and preparing you to read from the Torah. For more information contact Philip Goldstein at 733-6292 x106. Conversion Classes Begin September 11 Do you know someone who is interested in conversion? This class will teach everything from Life Cylcles and Holidays, to Shabbat. Learn basic Hebrew and talk about Israel and our history as a people. This class will be taught by Ayelet Blit. For more information or to sign up contact the temple office at 733-6292. Kids Decorate Pukkah MITZVAH DAY! October 15, 2006 Floyd Lamb State Park (Tule Springs) It is difficult to think of repair, without considering renewal. There is nothing that simply exists and improves without care and attention given to its preservation. To celebrate tikun olam, the repair of our world, is to embrace our role in this sacred charge. Mitzvah Day is our opportunity to help repair and renew some of our immediate blessings. Floyd Lamb State Park is such a blessing. We don?t expect to find lakes, tall trees and lush picnic areas in the middle of a desert city, yet this park is all that and more. It is an oasis for migrating geese, a permanent home for a wide variety of ducks and a place of great adventure for dogs lucky enough to visit. In our arid climate places like this exist and thrive because we recognize and nurture the blessing of nature. It is not that some of the foliage would not survive without us, but that by our intention to encourage growth we are rewarded and blessed in turn throughout each season by our effort. As we give, so in turn we receive. That is after all what tikun olam is all about, our intentional action that results in a greater good. So mark you calendar?s to come on out on October 15. Celebrate a sunny day at the park by helping to maintain its beauty and in turn be blessed by a free barbecue picnic lunch! Watch for more information. v___________________________________________J Shakespeare in the Park! Saturday, September 30 6:45 pm ?>ukko+ Service w 7:30 pm See Shakespeare?s hilarious play "The Comedy of Errors?. Meet for dinner at 6 pm at the Wild Horse Country Club. Dinner and play packages available for only $15 per person Theater tickets are FREE and available around the city at public libraries, Barnes and Noble stores and information booths at the Las Vegas Outlet Center and Premium Outlets. Welcome to bring your own picnic lunch! For more information contact Roberta in the office at 733- 6292. ------------------------------------------------( September 2006 7 ) Ritual News Vice President ~ Del Acosta Please allow me to introduce myself. As your new Vice President of Ritual, I am virtually ?a new face in the crowd?, but certainly not a newcomer to Ritual. Our Synagogue is widely known among our membership for being not only a house of worship, but also a house of learning. Our classes on rituals and customs were conducted during the months of June and July and were enjoyed by a great number of our congregants who have asked that we continue with these thought provoking sessions. CNT strives in creating innovative ideas in our services and in our music, in fact, a first for us is conducting a beautiful S?lichot ?Service Under the Stars?. This will be a joint service with Rabbi Cohn of Adat Ariel and his congregation, and will be held at the Foxridge Park, located in Henderson. Our Cantorial Soloist, Philip Goldstein and the Temple choir are working on new music for not only this spectacular evening, but for the High Holy Days as well. We are planning on having many exciting happenings this year at our Congregation Ner Tamid. Let me introduce you to a website you might find interesting - the Union for Reform Judaism 10 minuets of Torah - filled with a different topic each day. You may select one or all five days of this wonderful website, and you can find it at WWW.1QMINUTES@URJ.ORG. We sincerely invite you to take the few minutes to enjoy this free program. The topics include Torah Study, New From the Union, Jewish World, Hebrew Connection and Israel Connection. I would also like to take a moment to remind you of our Sanctuary protocol during Services. We ask that no one leave the Sanctuary while the Ark is open and/or the Rabbi is giving his Sermon. If you have to leave prior to that time, you will not be allowed to reenter the Sanctuary until that part of the Service is concluded, as a sign of respect. Our ushers are instructed to follow this protocol. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Anyone interested in serving on the Ritual Committee, may contact me by email at, or call Roberta at the Temple office for the date and time of our next meeting. I would be overjoyed to speak with you. Our meetings are held at the Temple office on Green Valley Parkway. From my family, and our Temple family, I wish all of you a Shana Tova and best wishes for a Healthy and Happy New Year. (J3 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG High Holy day Worship Schedule All High Holyday Services will be held at Green Valley Ranch. Erev Rosh Hashanah - September 22 Family Service 6:00 pm Traditional Service 8:15 pm Rosh Hashanah - September 23 Family Service 9:00 -10:00 am Teen Service 11:00 am -1:15 pm Traditional Morning Service 11:00 am -1:30 pm Kol /\)idre - October 1 Family Service 6:00 pm Traditional Service 8:15 pm Yom Kip pur - October 2 Family Service 9:00-10:00 am Teen Service 11:00 am -1:15 pm Traditional Morning Service 11:00 am -1:30 pm Healing Service 2:30-3:30 pm Afternoon Service 3:30 - 5:30 pm yiskor Service 5:30 - 6:15 pm Concluding Service 6:30 pm mNCC UPDATE Jerry Gordon, NCC Chairperson Those of you who have had an opportunity over the summer to view the site of the new Greenspun Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal know construction is quickly proceeding toward completion. Much has happened, and we thought with the High Holidays fast approaching that his would be a great time to update you regarding the project (what Irv and I refer to as? 55 North? because the address is 55 N. Valle Verde). With construction slated to end shortly after the first of the coming year, plans are proceeding for the opening of 55 North. The Gala Committee has been meeting throughout the summer planning for a weekend opening, which is tentatively scheduled for February 25, and 26, 2007. It will include a gala dinner on Saturday night followed by a consecration service and other events on Sunday. More details will follow, but if you are interested in joining the Gala Committee or assisting in other ways with this event, please contact Irv at the CNT office. Last year after receiving three construction bids for building the project, we had to do ?value engineering? because the bids exceeded our then budget and available funds. The major item we had to delete from the initial construction phase was two classroom buildings containing 4 preschool classrooms and 9 additional regular classrooms. We hoped to add these back in by the spring of 2007 for completion in the fall of 2007 provided that we raised the additional funds. By virtue of an unexpected gift and existing construction proceeding well within budget, the Board at its July 2006 meeting authorized the immediate construction of the two buildings. By the time you read this, construction will have commenced. More information regarding this marvelous development will be announced at High Holidays. These pictures exemplify the type of community commitment that has made our project possible. While your financial commitment to 55 North has been overwhelming, bank financing was required to commence construction now instead of several years from now. Bank of Nevada (formerly Bankwest Nevada) has been an enthusiastic supporter of our Congregation for many years. So we approached the Bank regarding both construction and permanent financing, and the Bank?s response was a financing package that allows us to achieve our vision. Thanks to everyone at Bank of Nevada who made this possible. Finally, while the Major Gift Campaign to date has exceeded our expectations, it is not yet done and your continued commitments and gifts are needed to meet our goal. When the campaign was first announced in 2001, the minimum Major Gift was set at $5000 and has never been increased. At the request of the Committee at the July meeting, the Board authorized an increase in the minimum gift for new commitments from $5000 to $7500 effective October 9,2006. This will not effect existing commitments and those made prior to October 9. As such, we hope that everyone will be Major Donors and that this will encourage you to commit prior to the increase becoming effective. Contact Irv at the Temple office for more information. ?( S eptember. 2006 9) September Birthdays 1 st-Victor Arriaza Mrs. Dolores Bale Jill Ewan Mr. Eric Fisher Jennifer Guttman Austin Primack 2nd-Mrs. Sheryl Chenin-Webb Mrs. Rona Mendelson Mr. Gary Rosenberg Mrs. Nanette Spector Mrs. Carolyn Strong 3rd-Hannah Hansen Mrs. May Raichelle 4th- Mr. Brent Berger 5th - Mrs. Adele Engel Dillon Farrow Mr. Marvin Rosenthal 6th - Ellen Becker Mr. Raz Blit Caitlin Bold Ryder Holladay Stacie Marano Ms. Kelly Morris Joshua Wachs 7th - Drew Fisher Mr. Drew Rounds Mr. Mel Weinberg 8th- Ms. Linda Alterwitz- Mizrahi Mrs. Michelle Blank Mr. Garrett Forni Mr. Todd Hansen Jessica Simon 9th - Kylie Bold Piper Bold Ms. Anita Getzler Russell Letizia 10th- Matthew Birch Mr. Marvin Levine Mrs. Phyllis Mark Sophie Ruth Palbaum Dr. Bruce Shapiro 11th-Mr. Trevor Curran Mr. Jerry Grau 13th- Mrs. Jennifer Garshofsky Mr. Joseph Jolcover Mrs. Helene Karp Mr. Steven Reiner Mrs. Nancy Silber Mr. Marcus Thuna Dr. Fred Toffel 14th - Leah Bloom Mrs. Mary Levey Haden Resnick 15th - Mrs. Jennie Litt Ms. Marilyn Moroknek Mr. Jordie Primack Mr. Nathaniel Raichelle 16th - Mrs. Pearl Davidson Mr. Bruce Familian Ms. Susan Fine Harrison Gale Mr. Michael Roe Mrs. Lisa Simon Mrs. Sybil Stenzel 18th - Samantha Berger Ms. Margot Colbert Mrs. Marilyn Goldstein Jordon Green Letie Green Myriah Green Noah Lellouche 19th - Amanda Stuart Shayna Unger Ms Shelly Weiner 20th- Mrs. Adelaide Alter Mr. Jeffrey Jonas 21st-Mrs. Joanne Bernick Dr. Marvin Budgar Allyson Milton Mrs. Stacey Milton Mrs. Marjorie Sheld Mr. Charles Weiner 22nd-Mrs. Lelia Friedlander 23rd-Jenna Bromberg Mr. Christopher Fisher Geena Marano Mr. Eric Polis Maggie Sanders Mrs. Fran Sanoff Elizabeth Scheinman Mr. Daniel Socolof Alexander Swezey Matthew Unger 24th- Mrs. Sheri Cohen Mr. Arthur Marshall Mrs. Sheri Newman Sarah Pomerantz 25th - Jacob Bailin Leah Becker Mrs. Robin Greenspun Nicholas Roque Lora Smylie Danica Torchin Mrs. Sheryl Zeitlin 26th- Rachel Moody Ms. Robin Rankow Mrs. Hyla Worth 27th - Mr. Edward Birch Ariel Rosen Carolyn Rubinstein Kennedy Weinberg 28th - Mrs. Marilyn Cohen Jonathan Fine Mrs. Clarice Goldberg Mrs. Pamela Poster Sarah Zeitlin 29th - Seth Butwinick Mrs. Patricia Roberts 30th- Mrs. Shanon Barnett Paul Unger (J Q WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Anna & David Robins on the birth of their son, Zachary Charles, on July 15. He weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces and was 18 inches long. Mazel Tov to Myra & Brian Greenspun, proud and very happy first time grandparents of Oliver Michael Arenson! Proud great-grandmother is Barbara Greenspun. Proud new parents are Amy & Paul. Mazel Tov to Jon Wellinghoff being appointed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, winning Senate confirmation in July. Jon, his lovely wife Karen and sons Jacob and Jules will be moving to Washington D C. We wish them good luck as they leave Las Vegas and CNT. Mazel Tov to Jen & Joshua Dei Valle on the birth of their son, Aaron Saul, on August 2. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 5 oz. And was 20-1/2 inches long. Proud grandparents are Marsha & Art Goldberg Mazel Tov to Laura & Kevin Bailey on the arrival of their foster baby, Lois. She was born May 9, weighing only 2 lbs 1 oz, but is now a very healthy 8 lbs 6 oz! September Anniversaries 5ept I 5^pf is TV. & AV^. Le.onar'd T^ai^irv AV ?j AV^. jHowa^d 5Un,k 5ept Z AV ?* AV^. TVrvial AV. & /Ary Brill 5*pf TV Ss A\r^. ^joal T}<avid^ar\ /At'. ?j AVy rJ&rVy Fox AV. ?j A\r^. AVIcolm TVctar^ 5cpf 17 5apt3 AV. ?> AVy Uavid Polij AV. ?s A\ry Gary Ber'ejid AV AV^. A\ick\<3^l Zone. AV ?> AV?. At'fkjr' Kvinij 5ept 19 5ept 4 AV AV^. Ar'lkvjr' T^ackild AV. & AVj. Victor' (Ha'Ler' 5ept zo 5?pt s AV ?j AV^. TVkby SoyaK AV. ?j AV^. 3l?fipkar\ ^Zokerv 5ap* 21 5*P+ & AV ?j AV^. Alar\ AVIa^ky AV. ?j AV^. ^affr'e.y Ei^arvk<nt4 5 opt zz AV. AV^. Lawrence. Ep^fein AV. ?> A\y. "Ekomaj pajnick 5ept7 5*pt Z3 TV Ss A\r^. AtLy WikW AV AV^. (HanKi T^ovj^a'jd 5*p* s AV ?j AV^. Wor4k AV