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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vsgas - May 24, 194® W 23-1-49 Ur. 0. M. Cory* I @f - Ur, Frank Strong Mr. B. E. Bennett) W 0-599 authorises the construction of a pipo lino In Westwood Park Tract for S. M. Pahor, ander the provielone of Bale 9-A. Will you kindly prepare oar usual form of agreement to cover labor required in this installa­tion* addressed to Pahlen Construction 808 Company, Xno., South 5th Street, Lae Veg&s. * The description of the work to be performed ie ae follows* •‘Commencing at a connection with the existing water main at the intersection of West Charleston Boulevard and the entrance to Westwood Park Tract, thence southerly 800 feet to Point *A*| thence at right angles westerly 280 feet, thence at right angles southerly 300 feet, thence at right angles easterly 400 feet, thence at right angles northerly 300 feet, thence at right angles westerly 120 feet to a connection at Point "A* above mentioned,* The total pipe footage is 2200 feet and the consideration Is |18?5.O0. Contract Bend attached should be addressed to United States Fidelity and guaranty Company, a Maryland Corporation* A. M. Folger