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    MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE DISTRICT OFFICE, 919 WEST BONANZA ROAD, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, COUNTY OF CLARK, STATE OF NEVADA An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas Valley Water District was held in the Board Room of the District office, 919 West Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, Nevada. The meeting was called to order by President Thomas A. Campbell at 4:10 P. M., Tuesday, November 13, 1956. The following Directors were present: Thomas A. Campbell Harry E. Miller R. E. Thorn Absent: G. William Coulthard C. Norman Cornwall S. R. DuBravac William L. Rosevear Also present: W. C. Renshaw, Leo A. McNamee, Julia Woods and Mary Jean Barozzi CHART.FSTON PARK IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION President Campbell noted that this meeting had been called to discuss the application for deferring billing under meterd charges from the Charleston Park Improvement Association which had been submitted in written form as requested at the meeting of November 7* The time of this meeting was agreed upon at the November 7 meeting, all of the Directors present at that time having indicated that they would be present. However, there was not a quorum present, although Director Coulthard had notified President Campbell he would be a little late. The President Advised that Director C o r n w all would not be present since he had a court matter at this time, and that Director DuBravac was out of town. In response to a question, Mrs. Barozzi advised that she had notified Director Rosevear1s office of the meeting and asked that she be advised if he could not be present. She had not heard from him. The President read the following letter from the Charleston Park Improve­ment Association. "Board of Directors November 8, 1956 Las Vegas Valley Water District W. Bonanza Road Las Vegas, Nevada Gentlemen: As requested by your chairman, Mr. Thomas A. Campbell, at the meeting of your board on Wednesday, November the 7th, and to confirm previous discussions, we hereby formally submit our position as regards installation of water meters.