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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

4 Kids are the same all over. They?╟╓re unpredictable, nicely nutty, and wonderfully was?½ deep down inside. Like the youngsters in Warsaw, behind the Iron Curtain* At say concerts, they all sang along when X did "Diana" and Ifiii., ?╟╓ - >?√ß;?╟≤' |:^|??illliii::?½|: .v-:\;; fit |||| ?╟úPut Tour Head On My Shoulder," and XStores absolutely arnased at their English.. They knew every word* and their pronun- . ?½?║ |||l|lSgftfS|f ?√ß SSfl^ffSpll?║!0SfiM'S^iS ?√ß S?║I P*???√ß p elation was nearly perfect. . If ' X remarked on this to the manager of the theater, and he laughed. 'They learn your songs by playing your records f , ?╟╓ : ?√ß . . > , \.??-y , " v over and over,"he explained, %lthout eves? understanding *, | | ?╟≤ , t i , jjj > ' , ?╟≤ <?√ß?√ß... js } ?╟≤ . * ' |! i , , ?║1s *?╟╓ ?╟≤ * ; ' f - ' . ; the words* Xf you want to know the truth, most of them can?╟╓t even say ?╟╓hello* in English!" ?╟≤ ":'N _?√ß ' ?√ß . While touring several cities in Poland, X was struck by . ': i I S |l , i 1 'v f ?╟? ' ' ' ' I '4 * 8 A/ .. V:- . ?╟≤ <?√ß * ?√ß .. - ?║ I 3 (V \. * /$ - . * the beauty of the girls and the independent spirit revealed j V - ?√ß ?╟≤ ?√ß ?√ß .; >: j**J by the people* X also noticed that the churches were thronged , * ?√ß , e Vt Hv?╟ ^1 * ?╟≤ / * ?╟≤ / j. on Sunday and there was evidence on all sides that the govern-/ |j|g | t f; f \ ' * , . i ment was very wary in its relations with the people. X rem-/ ember meeting a group of teen-agers of both sexes who told . '?√ß . .H . liHi me they played my records. When X asked theta if the author*# ities might not frown on the playing of music and songs from the other side of the Iron Curtain, one bright young thing sailed and said something in Polish which my translator said went like this* "They didn?╟╓t dare take the cows fro?½ the peasants and they won?╟╓t dare take our records from us." And this X thought was a political revelation in one sentence*