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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 04, 2006






Includes meeting agenda, along with additional information about resolutions. CSUN Session 37 Meeting Minutes and Agendas .

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    uac001267. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    U N LVCSUN S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T STUDENT BODY SENATE PRESIDENT CSUNSENATE ADRIEL ESPINOZA MEETING 37-03 MONDAY, December 4 SU 208 C, 6:00PM Iris Saint Senate President Pro Tempore Business Henry Jimenez Liberal Arts Mike Wong University Studies Thurithabhani Seneviratne Science Wendy Rosser University College Rick Shukis Business Wesley Santos Hotel Administration Courtney Allen Urban Affairs Ryan Boynton Engineering Brett Butler Hotels Administration J Callaghan B . JSS Joe Coletti Urban Affairs Evan Graham Fine Arts Omari Head Hotel Administration Rebecca Hotter Liberal Arts Matt Kendall Fine Arts Nikolas Shallenberger Business Kristopher Smith Science Christopher Strout Engineering Matt Turunc Liberal Arts Marco Valera University Studies Korie Brust Health Sciences Paige Hanson Education Christina Hooshmand Education Yuliya Shakhlevich Nursing I. NOTE: Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Various items are listed as action items on the following agenda. Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call the CSUN office at (702) 895-3645 in advance so that arrangements may be made. CALL TO ORDER II. III. IV. V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following minutes are submitted for approval ACTION 37-01 / 37-02 PUBLIC COMMENT INFORMATION Public Comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. The Chairman may place reasonable limitations as to the amount of time individuals may address the Senate. The Chairman may elect to allow public comment on a specific agenda item when the agenda item is being considered . VI. REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Business Manager Report D. Liaison Reports a. Student Involvement and Activities b. Residence Hall Association c. Student Athletics d. Student Health Advisory Committee e. ROTC f. Air Force ROTC g. Leadership Advisory Board E. Rebel Yell Report VII. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMATION Consolidated Students University of Nevada-Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009 (702) 895-3645 Fax (702) 895-4606 VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS INFORMATION/ACTION A. Action Item: approval of (1) CSUN member to serve as the Senate Secretary for the 37' session. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN senator to serve as the chairperson for the Rules and Ethics Committee. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN senator to serve as the chairperson for the Campus Safety and Awareness Committee. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN senator to serve as the chairperson for the Ways and Means Committee. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $15000 to be paid to UNfcV Professor Rubui i W^nekr for a "Geil Gas Kiln Model DLB-100 S" to be used for academia of the Art and Engineering Departments (sculpture, metal casting, metallurgy, forging, etc.). Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY07 Senate Discretionary Budget. As submitted by Senator Graham. IX. NEW BUSINESS Action Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN senator to serve as the chairperson for the Bylaws and Statutes Committee. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. B. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN senator to serve as the chairperson for the Constitution Revisions Committee. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. Information Item: Approval of Jesse Taylor to serve as Assistant Creative Technology Director for a term ending April 30, 2007. As submitted by President Panchavinin, Vice President Nakashima, and Senate President Espinoza on behalf of Director Maxson. D. Action Item: Approval of a twelve (12) credit fee waiver to be paid to the Assistant Creative Technology Director. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY07 Creative Technology (Discretionary) Budget. As submitted by President Panchavinin, Vice President Nakashima, and Senate President Espinoza on behalf of Director Maxson. E. Action Item: Approval of up to eight (8) CSUN Senator plus Senate President Pro Tempore Saint to sit on the Ways and Means Committee. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza F. H. Action Item: Approval of no more than seven (7) CSUN Senators to serve on the Campus Safety and Awareness Committee. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. Action Item: Commitment/Approval of the Rules for the 37t h Senate Session. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza. See Attachment 37.03.01 c a | Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $1500 for the purchase of CSUN office furniture including a couch, coffee table, end table, and a lamp. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY07 Senate Discretionary Budget. As submitted by Senator Santos. B. C. D. E. C. A. G. I. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $400 for the Hotel Association to participate in their National Conference in New York City, NY in November. These proceeds will only be used towards reimbursing registration fees and NOT to be used for either hotel or airfare. Cost to be uncumbered from CSUN FY07 Senate Discretionary Budget. As submitted by Senator Santos. ooo z^t, J. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $HQ,QQQ- for -foul (4) Basketball Tailgate events. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY07 Campus Life (tailgates) budget. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza on behalf of Director Youshaw. K. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $2000 for the Honors Showcase; a ^ talent show organized by the Honors College to benefit the Susan G. Komen breast cancer Foundation. As submitted by Senator Seneviratne. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to "exceed 1> 1^)00 for the catering of "stedeais -irrtteiibfary" bringing food in the library during study week for students to eat. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY07 Entertainment and Programming (discretionary) budget. As submitted by President Panchavinin, Vice President Nakashima, and Senate President Espinoza. \ M. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $1000 dollars to be used for the fall 07' Vagus Nerve release party. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY07 publications budget. As submitted by Senate President Espinoza on behalf of Director Marazita. X. Executive Board Summations XI. Good of the Senate XII. Adjournment This meeting has been posted in accordance with NRS 241.020 on the third floor of the Student Union, the seventh floor of the FDH, BEH, CSUN annex in the CBC, and also posted on-line at Senate Resolution 1 Of the 37t h Senate Session Summary: Adopting the Rules of the Senate for the 37th Session of the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Senate is confirming that the following Rules of the Senate for the 3 7 th Session of the Senate are hereby adopted Rules of the 37t h Session of the CSUN Senate I. APPLICABILITY Rule No. 1. Generality. The Rides of the Senate for the 3 7th Session of the CSUN Senate are applicable only during the 3 7th Session of the Senate. II. OFFICERS, SENATORS & EMPLOYEES DUTIES Rule No. 2. Senate President. The Senate President shall take the chair and call the Senate to order precisely at the hour appointed for meeting. He/she shall preserve order and decorum, and in case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct within the Senate Chamber, shall order the Senate President Pro-Tempore to suppress it, and may order the removal of any person creating any disturbance within the Senate meeting room. He/she shall sign all acts, addresses and joint resolutions of the Senate; all of which must be attested by the Senate Secretary. He/she has general direction of the Senate meeting room. At the discretion of the Senate President, and with no less than one meeting's notice, business attire may be required. Emergency meetings are exempt. Rule No. 3. Senate President Pro Tempore. The Senate President Pro Tempore has all the power and shall discharge all the duties of the Senate President during his/her absence or inability to discharge the duties of his office. In the absence or inability of the President Pro Tempore to discharge the duties of the Senate President's office, the Senate shall elect one of its members as the presiding officer for that occasion. Rule No. 4. Senate President Pro-Tempore. 1. The Senate President Pro-Tempore shall attend the Senate during its sittings, and execute its commands and all process issued by its authority. 2. The Senate President Pro-Tempore shall: (a) Superintend the upkeep of the Senate's Chamber (Moyer Student Union room 302) and meeting room(s). (b) Interview and recommend persons to be considered for employment to assist the Senate President Pro-Tempore. Ill SESSIONS AND MEETINGS Rule No. 5. Call of Senate—Moved by two (2) Members. A Call of the Senate may be moved by two Senators, and if carried by a majority of the entire body, the Secretary shall call the roll and note the absentees, after which the names of the absentees shall again be called over. Rule No. 6. Open Meetings. The Senate and all of its' committees must follow Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000). IV. DECORUM AND DEBATE Rule No. 7. Points of Order. 1. If any Senator, in speaking or otherwise, transgresses the rules of the Senate, the President shall, or any Senator may call him/her to order. If a Senator is so called to order, he/she shall not proceed without leave of the Senate. If such leave is granted, it must be upon the motion, "That he/she be allowed to proceed in order, " and the Senator shall confine him/herself to the question under consideration and avoid personality. 2. Every decision of points of order made by the Senate President is subject to appeal and a discussion of a question of order may be allowed only upon the appeal of two Senators. In all cases of appeal, the question must be, "Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Senate? " Rule No. 8. Breaches of Decorum. 1. In cases of breaches of decorum or propriety, any Senator, officer or other person is liable to such censure or punishment as the Senate may deem proper. 2. If any Senator is called to order for offensive or indecorous language or conduct, the person calling him/her to order shall report the offensive or indecorous language or conduct to the presiding officer and the Rules and Ethics committee chairman. No member may be held to answer for any language used on the floor of the Senate if business has intervened before exception to the language was taken. 3. Indecorous conduct or boisterous or unbecoming language is not permitted in the Senate Chamber or in Senate or committee meetings. V. QUORUM, VOTING, ELECTIONS Rule No. 9. Recorded Vote—Two (2) Required to Call For. 1. A recorded vote must be taken upon final passage of an action item. Every Senator within the bar of the Senate shall vote "yes" or "no" or record him/herself as "not voting, " or "abstaining. " 2. The votes and names of those absent or recorded as "not voting" or" abstaining" and the names of Senators who motioned and seconded the motion must be entered in the Minutes by the Senate Secretary. 3. A question is lost by a tie vote, but when the Senate is equally divided on any question the Senate President may give the deciding vote. Rule No. 10 Senator Accessibility and Commitment. 1. During all weeks that a Senate meeting is scheduled to be held, Senators shall spend a minimum of two hours in a place accessible to their constituents. These times and areas shall be posted in the Senate Chambers and are to be posted online at www. unlvcsun. com. 2. Senators must maintain membership on at least two committees and/or boards. Committee shall be defined as all CSUN standing committees, Director's boards, and Faculty Senate Committees. 3. Senators are required to report to the Senate President Pro Tempore on what committees they sit on, upon the request of the Senate President Pro Tempore. 4. When a Senator is late to two meetings that Senator will be given one unexcused absence. 5. Senators must comply with Senate Bylaw 40: Stipend Positions are to Speak in Front of Classes and turn in proper documentation in a form supplied by the Senate President Pro Tempore from their instructors stating that they have spoken in class within two weeks of the start of the semester or after being sworn into office. Rule No. 11. Manner of Election All positions that must be elected by the Senate shall conform to the following: 1. An item shall be placed on an agenda at least one meeting before the election is to take place as an Information item that gives a description of the position, the rules that apply to the item, and that the item is a Nomination/Election. 2. At the meeting at which the election is to take place, the same item shall be placed under Unfinished Business as an Action item. 3. Each candidate, if more than one candidate, shall be given equal time to speak not to exceed three minutes. 4. After being allowed to speak, the Senate may ask questions to one or all of the candidates for a period of time not to exceed ten minutes. (a) No Senator may ask any question that is not related to the candidate's resume, the position applied for, or the execution of those duties. (b) Questions protected under the first amendment may not be asked under any circumstance. (c) No attacks on a persons' character will be permitted. 5. After the questioning period the Senate may discuss the candidates amongst its membership for a time not to exceed ten minutes. 6. Finally, a Roll Call vote shall be taken and the result announce promptly. 7. Should a candidate fail to garner the votes needed to be elected to the position, the two candidates that received the highest number of votes repeats steps 3-6 until a candidate is elected or the motion is postponed. Rule No. 12 Voting. 1. In all cases of voting by the Senate, the vote must be taken via voice or division vote unless a proper motion is presented for a Roll Call vote or a Roll Call vote is required. 2. When a recorded vote is taken, no Senator may: (a) Vote except when at his seat; (b) Explain his vote or discuss the question while the voting is in progress; or (c) Change his vote after the result is announced. 3. The announcement of the result of any vote must not be postponed. VI. LEGISLATIVE BODIES Rule No. 13. Committees. 1. All bills and resolutions may be referred only to the Committee of the Senate to whose content the bill or resolution pertains to. 2. Any posted meetings of the Committees' of Senate must be conducted in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes (N.R.S. 241.000). 3. The Chairman may require any vote of the Committee to be recorded in the manner designated by the Chairman. 4. All amendments proposed by the Committee: (a) Must first be approved by the Committee. (b) Must be reported in writing by the Chairman to the Senate at the Senate meeting following the Committee meeting. 5. All minutes of the Committee's meetings must be adopted by the Senate and entered into the Senate Minutes, and filed with the Senate President's office, to his/her committee members' office mailbox and filed in the Senate Chambers in the according cabinet. Rule No. 14. Rules Applicable to Senate Committees. 1. The Rules of the Senate shall apply to proceedings of all Senate Committees, except that: (a) The call to question shall not be ordered; (b) Limitations on debate; and (b) The Rules of the Senate for the 37th Session do not apply to the extent they conflict with any procedural rules adopted by the Senate for consideration of Articles of Impeachment when the Committee of the whole is conducting proceedings on impeachment. 2. The rules of parliamentary practice contained in Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Committee in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules and orders of the Senate. VII. R ULES GO VERNING MOTIONS A. MOTIONS GENERALLY Rule No. 15. Entertaining. 1. No motion may be debated until it is announced by the Senate President. 2. By consent of the Senate, a motion may be withdrawn before amendment or decision. Rule No. 16. Precedence of Motions. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but the following, which shall have precedence in the order named: 1. To adjourn. 2. For a call of the Senate. 3. To lay on the table. 4. For the previous question. 5. To postpone to a day certain. 6. To commit. 7. To amend. 8. To postpone indefinitely. w The first four shall be decided without debate. Rule No. 17. When Not Entertained. 1. When a motion to commit, to postpone to a day certain, lay on the table, or to postpone indefinitely has been decided, it must not be again entertained on the same day. 2. When a question has been postponed indefinitely, it must not again be introduced during the Current Session. 3. There must be no reconsideration of a vote on a motion to postpone indefinitely. B. PARTICULAR MOTIONS Rule No. 18. To Adjourn. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order. The name of the Senator moving to adjourn, and the time when the motion was made, shall be entered in the record by the Senate Secretary. Rule No. 19. Lay on the Table. A motion to lie on or take from the table shall be carried by a majority vote. Rule No. 20. To Strike Enacting Clause. A motion to strike out the enacting clause of a bill or resolution has precedence over a motion to commit or amend. If a motion to strike out the enacting clause of a bill or resolution is carried, the bill or resolution is rejected. Rule No. 21. Division of Question. 1. Any Senator may call for a division of a question. 2. A question must be divided if it embraces subjects so distinct that if one subject is taken away, a substantive proposition remains for the decision of the Senate. 3. A motion to strike out and insert must not be divided. Rule No. 22. Explanation of Motion. Whenever a Senator moves to change the usual disposition of a bill or resolution, he shall describe the subject of the bill or resolution and state the reasons for his/her requesting the change in the processing of the bill or resolution. VIII. DEBATE Rule No. 23. Speaking on Question. 1. Every Senator who speaks shall in his/her place, address the Senate President "Senate President (Last Name) " (in a courteous manner), and shall confine him/herself to the question before the Senate. 2. Except as otherwise provided in Senate Rule No. 7 of the 3 7th Session of the Senate, a Senator may speak only twice on a question before the Senate, for a period of not more than 3 minutes each, unless he/she is granted leave of the President to speak for a longer period or more than two times. If a Senator is granted leave to speak for a longer period or more than twice, the President may limit the length of additional time that the member may speak. 3. Incidental and subsidiary questions arising during debate shall not be considered the same question. Rule No. 24. Call to Question. The previous question shall not be put unless demanded by two Senators, and it shall be in this form: "Shall the call to question be placed?" When sustained by a majority of Senators present it shall put an end to all debate and bring the Senate to a vote on the question or questions before it, and all incidental questions arising after the motion was made shall be decided without debate. A person who is speaking on a question shall not while he/she has the floor move to put that question. IX. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS A. GENERALLY Rule No. 25. Robert's Rule. The rules of parliamentary practice contained in Robert's Rule of Order shall govern the Senate in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules and orders of the Senate for the 36th Session of the Senate. Rule No. 26. Suspension of Rule. No rule or order of the Senate for the 36th Special Session of the Legislature shall be rescinded or changed without a majority vote of the Senate; but, except as otherwise provided in Senate Rule No. 37 of the 36th Session of the Senate, a rule or order may be temporarily suspended for a special purpose by a two-thirds vote. When the suspension of a rule is called for, and after due notice from the President no objection is offered, he/she can announce the rule suspended and the Senate may proceed accordingly. Rule No. 27. Protest. Any Senator, or Senators, may protest against the action of the Senate upon any question, and have such protest entered in the Record by the Senate Secretary. Rule No. 28. Objection to Reading of Paper Materials. Where the reading of any paper materials is called for, and is objected to by any Senator, it shall be determined by a vote of the Senate, and without debate. Rule No. 29. Questions Relating to Priority of Business. All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided without debate. B. BILLS Rule No. 30. Requests for the Drafting of Bills, Resolutions and Amendments. All submissions, bills, resolutions and amendments must include applicable names, acts, addresses, writs, warrants, subpoenas and signatures of all persons and parties involved in contracting for the submission. Rule No. 31. Introduction of Bills. 1. No bill or resolution may be introduced in the Senate unless it is introduced by a member of the Senate or a member of the Executive Board, and in proper form. Rule No. 32. Reading of Bills. 1. Every bill must receive two readings before its passage, unless, in case of emergency, this rule is suspended by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to the Senate. 2. The first reading of a bill is for information, and the Senate President shall not entertain any motions except to discuss, commit, or refer at the meeting in which the bill is introduced. 3. No bill may be committed until read once, nor amended until read once. Rule No. 33. Consent Agenda. 1. All bills, action items or resolutions reported by Committee must be placed on New Business unless recommended for placement on the Consent Calendar. 2. The Committee of the Whole shall not recommend a bill or joint resolution for placement on the Consent Calendar if: (a) An amendment of the bill or joint resolution is recommended; (b) It contains an appropriation or fraudulent reading. (c) It requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate; or (d) It is controversial in nature. 3. A bill, action item or resolution must be removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of any Senator. A bill, action item or resolution so removed must be immediately placed on the Second Reading File as an action item for consideration in the usual order of business. 4. When the Consent Calendar is called, the bills remaining on the Consent Calendar must be read by number and summary, and the vote must be taken on their final passage as a group. Rule No. 34. Reconsideration of Vote on Bill. No motion to reconsider a vote is in order. C. RESOLUTIONS Rule No. 35. Treated as Bills. Resolutions addressed to the Senate, or to either committees thereof, or to the President of the Student Body, or the heads of any of the Directors departments are subject, or to another person or entity in all respects, to the foregoing rules governing the course of bills. Rule No. 36. Treated as Motions. Resolutions, other than those referred to in Senate Rule No. 41 of the 35th Special Session of the Legislature, and other than a resolution pronouncing judgment following proceedings on impeachment, shall be treated as motions in all proceedings of the Senate. Rule No. 37. Question of Privilege. Any Senator may rise and explain a matter personal to himself by leave of the President, but he/she shall not discuss any pending question in such explanation. Rule No. 38. Preference to Speak. When two or more Senators rise at the same time the President shall name the one who may first speak—giving preference, when practical, to the mover or introducer of the subject under consideration. Rule No. 39. Special Order. The Senate President shall call the Senate to order on the arrival of the time fixed for the consideration of a special order, and announce that the special order is before the Senate, which shall be considered, unless it be postponed by a two-thirds vote, and any business before the Senate at the time of the announcement of the special order shal