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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 1994



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    ? CONGREGATION NER TAMII)? SANFORD D. AKSELRAD: RABBI BELLA FELDMANA CANTORIAL SOLOIST JACQUELINE FLEEKOP: EDUCATION DIRECTOR DOTTY GROSS: PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR APRIL 1994-NISAN-IYAR 5754 GERALD GORDON: PRESIDENT BURTON ROSEBERG: TEMPLE ADMINISTRATOR ANDREA GALE: BULLETIN EDITOR Buffet of Jewish Music? series will continue on April 24, 1994. Featuring oboist Stephen Caplan and pianist Lil?lian Kollar. The popular program series underwritten by CNT?s Dr. Stephen Kollins will include music by Jewish Composers. Stephen Caplan has performed internationally, including Carnegie Recital Hall. Currently, Caplan is As?sistant Professor of Oboe at the Univer?sity of Nevada, Las Vegas, and principal oboist with the Nevada Symphony Or?chestra. He is featured on two critically acclaimed compact disc recordings. A third CD is currently being produced. Recordings will be available for pur?chase in CNT?s lobby the night of the performance. Caplan will present the program that received high praise at the Confer?ence of Jewish Educators (CAJE) in San Antonio last summer. He will feature music by Jewish composers and include selections such as ?Hora Stacato ? and Gershwin?s ?It Ain?t Necessarily So?. The evening with Stephen Caplan will begin with wine and cheese. Don?t miss this delightful event of culinary and musical excellence. Tickets can be purchased at the door. The final performance of the se?ries will be on Monday, May 9, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. The last of ?A Buffet of Jew?ish Music? will feature CNT Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, the Congrega?tion Ner Tamid Choir and pianist Lil?lian Kollar. Tickets for this perfor?mance may be purchased in advance or at the door the night of the concert. Please call the Temple Office to make reservations as soon as possible. Stephen Caplan will perform on Sunday, April 24,1994. Lillian Kollar will accompany on piano. The evening will begin with wine and cheese. Mark your calendar! The #1 Fundraiser of the Year will be held on April 9th at 7:00 p.m. The voice auction will begin at 8:00 p.m. featuring Eric Nelson, the famous auctioneer. There will be $5 balloon raffle, S500 gift baskets , trips, art work, signed sports and soap opera memorabilia, video poker machines, children?s camp packages and much more. Dessert tables and exotic coffees will be served. Come on down! Inside This Issue CNT HIRES NEW ADMINISTRATOR Page 3 APRIL BAT MITZVAH Page 6 COMMITTEE NEWS Page 9 TRIBUTES Page 13 APRIL MILESTONES Page 15 SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP SERVICES Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Friday. Aiyril 1st. 7:30 Shabbat Service Steve Weissman - Guest Soloist Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Ami'll 2nd 10:00 a.m. Yiskor Service F?ridav. April Stii 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood 6:00 p.m. 1st Grade Family Dinner 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Junior Choir Oneg sponsored by 1st Grade Families JTridav. Atyi'il ggnd 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Andrew Gratz - Guest Speaker Oneg sponsored by Alan and Christy Molasky in honor of the naming of their son, Jess Alan Satnrdav. A*>ril 33rd 10:00 a.m. Judith Denton-Pratt Bat Mitzvah Kiddush sponsored by William and Suzann Denton-Pratt Friday, Aprii 7:30 p.m. Sisterhood Shabbat Service Adult Choir Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood *(58ahp Cfbittiriy availableA MESSAGE FROM YOUR RABBI i HEED THE CALL! Page 2_______________________________________________ CONGREGATION NER TAMID During the past month many of you, like myself, have been contacted by our local Federation. Their message is a simple one: ?Heed the Call! Your People need you!? As the over?all umbrella organization for the Jew?ish community of Las Vegas, it is the Federation?s responsibility to reach out to each one of us and ask us to participate in the support of Israel and the continual task of supporting the Jewish institutions of Las Vegas. I am often asked, ?But, Rabbi, what does the Federation do for us? How effective is their organization? And where does my money go?? Specific answers to these important questions should be directed to the Federation. They can show you pre?cisely where your dollars are being spent and the tremendous need for your support. But on a more general level, let me share with you just some of the things that the Federation has done, and continues to be involved in. One of the most familiar areas of in?volvement is that of support of Israel. Without a doubt this is one of the most important tasks of any Federa?tion, not just our own. Annual dol?lars to support PEACEFUL endeav?ors in Israel. For a country that must unfortunately spend so much to de?fend itself, dollars for peace have be?come extremely important. But the Federation does a great deal in our community as well. It serves as the main supporter of Jewish Family Ser?vices, a major supporter of scholar?ships for Hebrew Academy, and a benefactor of every Temple in our community. Indeed, there were days when our Temple was in severe fi?nancial crises and the Federation?s support was crucial to our religious school. In addition to these important tasks the Federation also provides support for Holocaust education, the Goldberg Lecture Series and Hebrew High. The list goes on and on. And the list will continue to expand as the needs of the community grow. While ?Indeed, there were days...our Temple was in severe ..crises.. ? each Temple seeks to build a sense of community, in reality we are only one part of the overall community. We all must rely upon the leadership and excellence of a strong Federation to help bring all of us together and plan for our future. Heed the call. It is one that speaks directly to our interests and most importnatly, to our responsibil?ity as Jews. B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi TEMPLE BOARD Jerry Gordon...President Alan Mann...Vice President, Administra?tion Stephen Joseph...V.P. Ways & Means Lois Doctors...V.P. Membership Steven Weissman... V.P. Religious Ac?tivities Denise Schnitzer....V.P. Education Jack Nitzkin...Treasurer Paul Cohen...Trustee Nadine Cracraft...Trustee Roger Ewan...Trustee David Gross...Trustee Debbie Levy...Trustee Jerry Polis...Trustee Stacey Yahraus.. .Trustee Bob Unger...Trustee Ron Worth...Trustee Helen Zliser...Sisterhood Lenny Gropman...Brotherhood Ronae Fink...Golden Chai Judy Kollins...NTTY Cal Lewis...Past President Eileen Kollins...Past President Kenneth Schnitzer...Past President Dr. David Wasserman...Past President Dr. Steve Kollins...Past President Michael Cherry...Past President Leo Wilner...Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad...Ex Oficio ATTENTION CONGREGANTS! Rabbi Akselrad makes regular weekly visitations to area hospitals to see members and friends of our congregation. Since there is no official notification by Hospitals, it is necessary that you notify the Temple office when a member of your family is hospitalized. Please call Judy at we can better serve you.CONGREGATION NER TAMID Page 3 PRESIDENT?S MESSAGE During the past month much has happened at Congregation Ner Tamid. Two specific events attest to the congregation?s vitality and are symptomatic of our continued expansion and growth. As announced by David Gross, our Sanctuary Co- chairman, elsewhere in this bul?letin, our Sanctuary Campaign is in the home stretch. We are confident that through the commitment of those Congre?gants who have not yet been so?licited our long-awaited sanctuary and accompanying facilities will become a reality. We reluctantly accepted the resignation of Monty Willey as our Temple Administrator. Monty has decided to pursue other career opportunities, and I know he will be successful in his future endeavors. While Monty was only with us one year, he ac?complished much during that short period of time. We will miss him. But life goes on, and after an exhaustive search locally, and throughout the Western United States for a replacement adminis?trator, we have found the ideal candidate among our own meme- bership. Burt Rosenberg has been selected as our new Temple Ad?ministrator. Burt brings a wealth of expe?rience to the Congregation. He has held senior administrative po?sitions with numerous health care organizations, including most re?cently, Women?s Hospital. He has vast experience managing the affairs of institutions far larger and more complex than ours. We look forward to working with Burt and drawing upon his vast experience and expertise. The next few years will be very chal?lenging as we attempt to meet the demands placed upon us by our burgeoning growth and building program while at the same time, meeting the spiritual, educational and social needs of our Congre?gants. It is obvious Burt antici?pates and looks forward to the challenge. Jerry Gordon President Congregation Ner Tamid CNT WELCOMES NEW ADMINISTRATOR urton Rosenberg has assumed the position of Administrator for Congregation Ner Tamid re?placing Monty Willey. Burton, a native New Yorker, moved to California in 1979. He came to Las Vegas in 1990 with his wife, Malka and his two children. Since moving to Las Vegas Burt and his wife have become grandparents through their daughter. Look for Burt's picture and first column in next month's bulletin. For more information on Burt see President?s column on this page.Page 4 CONGREGATION NER TAMID Cantor?s Comer Be sure to read Bella?s col?umn in next month?s bul?letin. The second concert in ?A Buffet of Jewish Music? will be April 24th. Join us for wine and cheese and wonderful music. Call the Temple Office at 733-6292 for reservations. Pledges of $125 or more per person must be made through the Federation office as soon as possible. Tickets will not be available at the door the evening of the per?formance. For further information on this Community wide cel?ebration, contact the Federa?tion at 732-0556. The Federation Presents BUB BE MEISES One Performance Only One performance only of the smash off-Broadway hit, :?Bubbe Meises, bubbe Sto?ries?, will be presented by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas to celebrate Cam?paign 1994 and honor those contributors of $125 or more to its fund-raising efforts. Ellen Gould, the writer/performer of ?Bubbe Meises?, will perform her play with her musical direc?tor, Bob Goldstone, at the Alexis Park Resort on Satur?day evening, April 23rd. A desert reception is included in the $25 per person ticket Festivities planned to celebrate Israel?s birthday, Sunday, May 1,1994 Acommunity-wide, inter-faith celebration of Israel?s 46th year of inde?pendence, will be held on Sunday, May 1st, 1994 at the Sands Hotel and Casino?s Grand Ballroom. The festivities will take place from 12 noon until 4:00 p.m.. ?There will be entertainment, traditional Jewish and Israeli foods, folk dancing, and lots of activities for the kids,? says Dr. Neville Pokroy, co-chairperson of the event along with Cantor Simon Bergman. ?It?s going to be a fun-filled day for everyone, no matter what your age.? In addition ot the food and dancing, there will be many information booths set up throughout the event to answer any questions you have concerning Jewish organi?zation or synagogues in town. ?This is a very important part of our celebration, ? adds Pokroy. ?We are not only here to commemorate Israel?s independence, but we?re here to inform our guests about everything Jewish in Southern Nevada. Last year?s Israel Independence Day celebration attracted record attendance, and Pokroy believes this year will be even bigger. ?Everyone is talking about what a great time they had last year at our celebra?tion. This word-of-mouth should just make this year?s event bigger and more excit?ing.? This annual event is sponsored by the Council of Jewish Organizations and the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. Tickets are available at the door of the Sands Grand Ballroom the day of the Independence Celebration. For more information, contact the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas at 732-0556.CONGREGATION NER TAMID Page 5 SANCTUARY CAMPAIGN What could be more ex?citing than additional classrooms for our children as well as a special place to celebrate our Judi- asm each week? That?s what our Sanctuary Campaign is all about. More classrooms, a Sanctuary, and offices for our staff. Our Sanctuary Campaign has reached an important milestone. We have just passed the $1 Mil?lion mark in commitments to this project. This remarkable accom?plishment has been achieved through the generosity of 48 fami?nes that belong to our Congrega?tion. As you may recall, our Board of Trustees established a cam?paign goal of $1.5 Million to com?plete Phase II of our original building program. The project will include the following: 1. A Dedicated Sanctuary 2. A new Administrative Wing 3. Six additional Classrooms for Religious School and Pre-School 4. A Chapel During the past six months we have made substantial progress not only in the campaign but also in the design of the addi?tion to our present facility. Under the capable guidance of Alan Mo- lasky, we have developed a layout that has been given to a local ar?chitect. With your, help, we ex?pect to be able to break ground sometime this summer. In order for our Campaign to be a success, EVERY member of our Congregation must be commited to this project. During the next few weeks, you will be receiving a brochure that fully describes the Congregation Ner Tamid Sanctuary Campaign. On the evenings of April 18th and 25th, we will be contacting you to obtain your financial commitment to the future of our Temple. This pledge of support may be paid out over a five-year period. ?With your help, we expect to be able to break ground sometime this summer.... Although we have come a long way, there is still a long way to go to achieve our goal. The $500,000 that we will obtain during the next few weeks will provide the foundation for the education of an entire generation of Jews. In the coming years, each of us will be able to visit our Temple and participate in our religious and cultural experience as Jews with a special feeling of accomplishment and pride. A member of our commitee would be happy to meet with you prior to April 18th. Your commitment is essential to the success of this campaign. Please call me to set up a personal appointment. I can be reached at 873-7007 (office) or 456-5833 (home). Sincerely, David Gross SPRING CLEANING STARTING THE SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP SPRING CLEANING SALE CLEAN OUT YOUR CLOSETS! MAKE ROOM FOR ALL THOSE SPECIAL GIFTS DON?T MISS THE 2ND ANNUAL SPRING CLEARANCE SALE! BEGINS, SUNDAY, MAY 1 ST AT 9:00 a.m.Page 6 CONGREGATION NER TAMID | MAZEL TOV! MAZEL TOV! | Hi! My name is Taylor Denton-Pratt and I am having my Bat Mitzvah on April 23rd. I was born in Las Vegas and attend Woodbury Middle School. I?m in the intermediate orchestra on the violin. I also take individual violin and piano lessons. My interests also include drawing, camping, reading science fantasy, biology and fencing. I have travelled in 28 states. I expect family and friends from Texas, Minnesota and Cali?fornia to join me for my Bat Mitz- SAVE THIS DATE MAY27TH On Friday evening, there will be a special Sabbath honoring our High School Seniors. If your child is graduating from High School this year and you have not been notified by letter about this event, please contact Judy at the Temple office as soon as possible. vah. TAYLOR DENTON-PRATT Please join us! APRIL 23RD BAT MITZVAH CANDIDATE. CNT GUEST SPEAKER - April 10, 1994 Dr. Ed Goldman Doctor Ed Goldman is the scheduled guest speaker at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 10th. Currently he is Assistant Su?perintendent of Clark County School District, and has held this position for 5 years. He has been with the School District over 10 years. Dr. Goldman is the co-founder of the coalition of CCSD Jewish Employees. This organization was founded 6 years ago. It?s purpose is to promote the hiring of Jewish support staff - teachers and adminis?trators. When the coalition began there was only one Jewish Elemen?tary school Principal and no Jewish Secondary school Principals. Over the last 6 years the number has grown to two dozen administrators. Dr. Goldman?s topic will be - The New Right in Public Education. No reservations necessary.CONGREGATION NER TAMID Page 7 BACK TO BASICS AT CNT BEGINNING IN JUNE An Introduction to Ju?daism class and be?ginning Hebrew classes will be starting again this summer. Sitting in services with your prayerbook open, have you ever thought to yourself ?1 wish I could read these prayers?? Well, here, is your chance! It?s not too early to make those New Year?s reso?lutions, just in time for Rosh Hashana?. Starting June 21st, the Tem?ple will once again be offering a special 8 week beginning He?brew class for adults. The class will be taught by Melissa Glovin- sky and will be offered at 7-8 p.m. each Tuesday till August 9th. The cost of the class will be $30 per member and $40 for non-members plus a $10 book charge. Melissa has taught in our re?ligious school for ten years and has taught our Adult B?nai Mitz?vah class for three years. Melissa makes the study of He?brew fun and easy. No matter what your age, this is your chance to challenge yourself and to achieve something very spe?cial. Also to be offered will be an 8-week ?Introduction to Judaism? class. If you have ever won?dered what the meaning of Jew?ish Holidays were and how to celebrate them? then this is the class for you. From Rosh Hashana to Shabbat, from Purim to Passover, this class will enrich your knowledge bout the joy of being Jewish. In addition, the class will teach you about major Jewish lifecycle events. If you have wondered about the mean?ing of a Bris, or Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or the meaning of Jewish mourn?ing customs, then this is the class for you! This class will be taught by both Rabbi Akselrad and Melissa Glovinsky. It will be offered on Tuesday from 8-9 p.m. each Tuesday, directly following the Hebrew class. The cost of the class will be $30 for members and $40 for non-members. This fee is the same for an individual or for couples. The fee for taking both classes is $50. The cost of books is additional. To register for either or both of these classes, please contact Judy Klein in the Temple office at 733-6292. EDUCATIONAL CORNER ----------------------------------------------------1---------------------------------------------------- Xhe Passover Experience that took place in March was a ?Great Experience.? With the help of teachers, parents, and outreach we had a memorable time. We made grape juice, horoset, horseradish and matzoh. Family education is becoming a major part of Ner Tamid?s Reli?gious School. Now, our days are longer and the sunlight that extends into evening per?mits us more time for learning, fun and sharing. What a wonderful world we live in! The students of Ner Tamid are studying the environmental attitude of Judaism and preparing to celebrate Israeli Independence Day. American Jews have to remember that they have a bond to Israel. Our school will have another Family Education program on May 1st during Sunday/religious school hours. We have a responsibility to make the world a better place by practicing a Jewish life, respecting others and this wonderful world. Each person has but one life. If we teach our children to take care of our environment and create a world of love and tolerance, then there will be a beautiful world for our future generations. Jackie Fleekop Director of EducationPage 8 CONGREGATION NER TAMID CNT PRESCHOOL NEWS March has been a very busy exciting month for CNT pre-schoolers. We learned about Passover and had our own Seder with Rabbi Akselrad. Also, in order to encourage the chil?dren?s love of books and reading, we took a field trip to BOOKSTAR Book?store. We had a special tour of the store and stories told to us by their wonderful storyteller. We also par?ticipated inthe Tot Shabbat and had a Preschool Open House following the event. In April, we will learn about our environment and the meaning of ecology. The children will develop an awareness of the earth?s natural resources and of the need to pre?serve, protect and replenish these resources. All of our activities will lead to a special celebration of Earth Day. CNT Preschool is now accept?ing registration for our Summer and Fall programs. Our Summer pro?gram will last from June 27-August 5, 1994 and will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Each week we will focus on a different theme and our projects will be related to that theme. Our Summer program is a terrific way to introduce young children to preschool. Our Fall program will be?gin on August 29th. This program is for children ages 3-5 years old. Par?ents have the option of sending their children either three or five days per week. Parents are welcome to visit our school and see all the exciting things we have been doing. Our hours for our Fall program will be 10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. If yu have any questions please call Dotty at the Temple. The teaches and I look forward to meeting you.! TNT News Our Purim Carnival was a complete success. We would like to thank everyone who contributed their time and effort to TNT?s Booth. We would also like to thank Michael Feldman for donating cakes. Some of our next events are bowling, going to the Hard Rock Cafe, and our March event is still unknown. I hope everyone had fun at the Purim Carnival. Please remember we have a meeting every second Tuesday of the month. Jolie Alhadeff, President MARCH OF THE LIVING PARTICIPANT TO SPEAK AT CNT ON APRIL 22ND Andrew Gratz, a senior at Chaparral High School will speak about his experiences in the March of the Living Program, Friday, April 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Ner Tamid. The March of the Living Program brings 5,000 Jewish teens from countries around the world for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The teens will march three kilometers from Auschwitz to Birkenau, the largest concentration camp complex built by the Nazis during World War II. The ?March? commemorates YOM HASHOAH - Holocaust Rememberance Day. As one of the marchers, Andrew will retrace the steps of the ?March of Death?, the actual route which countless numbers of our people were forced to take on their way to the gas chambers at Birkenau. Andrew will experience Jewish history where it was made. Andrew has been a part of Congregation Ner Tamid since 1984. He has held offices in the Temple?s Y Group and volunteers his time to many organizations. Andrew plans to attend American University in Washington, D.C. this fall.CONGREGATION NER TAMID Page 9 COMMITTEES & AUXILIARIES IF YOU DONA TE BLOOD THIS YEAR, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SPECIFY YOU ARE FROM CONGREGATION NER TAMID. It will then he added to our supply of pints to bo used for our congregation. Joe Fink Special thanks to the following participants in the Health Care Forum: SISTERHOOD news As you undoubtedly no?ticed, Sisterhood had a schedule change in March. Rabbi Akselrad was an?nounced in the bulletin as the speaker for our meeting, but he will be at our April meeting in?stead. Hopefully, you all received the flyers we sent in plenty of time to make adjustments in your plans. Our March speaker was our own Sisterhood Historian, Amy Gold. She is a Registered Dieti?cian and shared a bit of her knowl?edge and experience with us. She also planned a great lunch for us...healthful and tasty! We truly appreciate the program as well as all of her other work for Sister?hood. April will be a busy month for us, what with the talent show and Sisterhood Sabbath coming up, beside our regular meetings. We look forward to seeing you at all of these events. Please join us. Love and Shalom, Helen Zliser, President BROTHERHOOD news A special thank you to Rabbi Akselrad for his informative presentation on the Middle update. Our guest speaker for April 10th (Sunday morning) will be Ed Goldman - Clark County School District. He will be speaking on issues facing the Jewish community in the Clark County School District. All are invited. REMINDERS: Golf Putting Tournament set for Saturday Night, June 4th. Bingo Night will be Saturday, November 19th. NEEDED: Workers for the Fireworks Booth. If you can help call Lenny Gropman at 896-7649. NEXT MEETING - SUNDAY, APRIL 10 th, 9:30 a.m. at the Temple. Guest speaker follows. Reverand Jerry Blankinship, Sunrise Hospital MODERATOR Ms. Pam Dalanis RN, B.S., Sunrise Hospital Ms. Grace Dreyer, RNCS, MSN, Director of Nursing, Montevista Hospital Dr. Marv Glovinsky, Behavioral Medicine Associates Dr. Gary Kantor, Hypertension & Renal Institute of Nevada Mr. Alan Stipe, Sunrise Hospital Sisterhood Tributes From Rita and Herman Malkin Speedy recovery to Noreen Sternberg Happy Birthday to Ronae Fink! Sympathy in loss of father to: Ramona Luckman Sympathy in loss of brother to Nadine and Joe Cracraft From Helen Zliser Get Well Wishes to Susan Saskin Speedy recovery to Joe Fink Thank you for making the Purim Carnival a success: Rita Malkin and Francis Klamian From Libby Raynes To A1 Brownstein & Family In memory of wife, SylviaPage 10 CONGREGATION NER TAMID On Friday Eve, April 8, 1994YOM HASHOAH is celebrated to mourn the Holocaust and to remember ?Zachof. History has always been plagued by people with many differences trying to solve them by one form of violence or another. We exterminate, bomb, blast away, segregate, shoot, incinerate, decimate. At times, one generation against another, one philosophy or religion or color against each other. Actually, this accomplishes nothing but death and destruction and random acts of violence. After the smoke has cleared away, the dead buried, truce is declared and we try again to help each other. It is a great tradegy that they did not try to do so in the first place. We can, all people, share neighborhoods, worlds, lives, live in peace, with equal justice, respect for all our own unique differences and learn from the past. So when we come to services and remember YOM HASHOAH, let us try to practice what Rabbi Akselrad preached a few months back. Let us try ?Random acts of goodness and senseless acts of kindness?. What a different world we would give our children. To: Judy Klein In memory of Uncle Burton Goldstein From : Ronae and Joe Fink To: Phil Shapiro Speedy Recovery From: Ronae and Joe Fink To: Morton Kalber & Family In memory of brother. From: Bessie Heller To: Phyllis and Steven Bell In memory of Mother, Frances. From: Blanche and Sonny Blumenfeld To: Rose Goldberg & Family In memory of husband/father From: Bessie Heller To: Dennis Stem Family In memory of mother, Sybil From: Fran and George Lipshaw WHAT IS L.V.C.C.? WHAT IS JUNE 5TH? WHAT IS 12 p.m. ? WHAT IS DONOR? WHAT IS FUN? Our Donor Luncheon at the Las Vegas Country Club on June 5th at 12 Noon. We have 75 Donors on record now. Join us and earn your invitation to a Gala Affair. Ronae Fink, Donor Chairperson SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE Thank you to Dr. Marv Glovinsky and Rabbi Akselrad for their work on the Health Forum that was held on March 4th, after Shabbat Services. It was an informative and worthwhile evening. Also, thank you to Joe Fink for his work on the Purim Carnival Blood Drive. We collected 15 pints. If you or a family member is in need of blood, you can use our Ner Tamid ac?count. Remember that if you give blood on any occasion, it can be credited to our temple account. We would appreicate that very much. We thank all of you who brought in canned goods or chometz during the month of March. The food was donated to the Weekend Emergency Assistance Program. Jolie Alhadoff, President of TNT, was responsible for making a special box for the Temple lobby to hold the food that has been donated. Religious school children are encouraged to bring in extra games and books to be given to less fortunate children in the community. Members of the Social Action Committee led a model seder at the University Methodist Church on March 20th. We shared the story of Passover, ate the tradi?tional foods, and had a question and answer session. During the end of March, Pesach packages were sent to the college students whose name and addresses were on file in the Temple office. To: Lil Lieberman Speedy Recovery From: Bessie Heller (continued top of next column)) Ronae Fink President, Golden Chai Eileen KollinsCONGREGATION NER TAMID Page 11 BIMA HONORS In the next few months you will be asked to participate in Honors on the Bima at a Friday Evening Shabbat: It is a Mitzvah to participatein: 1. Candelight and Prayer 2. Open Ark Door 3. Undress Torah 4. Aleiyah 5. Dress Torah When you are asked, please do not hesitate or be shy. While you may not know the correct prayer to recite - wory not; you will be sent a transliteration of prayers, as you see them presented here. If in doubt of pronounciation. I will be happy to assist. Our first honors were in February: Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ames Dr. and Mrs. L. Lehmer It seems like magic to join Rabbi in his office at 7:20 p.m. before Shabbat and have a special prayer and blessing given us as we all hold hands. It is true, to be Jewish is a joy. Ronae Fink Honors Committee Person FRIDAY NIGHT CANDLE LIGHTNG BARUCH ATAH ADONAI LOHENU MELECH HA OLAM ASHER KIDSHANU BEMITZVOTAV VETZIVANU LEHADLIK NER SHEL SHABBAT. AMEN TORAH BLESSINGS BEFORE THE READING BARECHU ET ADONAI HAMEVORACH! BARUCH ADONAI HAMEVORACH LEOLAM VAED! BARUCH ATA ADONAI ELOHELNU MELECH HAOLAM, ASHER BACHAR BANU MIKO! HAAMIM, VENATAN LANU ET TORATO BARUCH ATA, ADONAI, NOTEIN HATORAH. AFTER THE READING BARUCH ATA, ADONAI ELOHEINU, MELECH HAOLAM, ASHER NATAN LANU TORAT ETMET,VECHAYEI OLAM NATA BETOCHEINU, BARUCH ATA, ADONAI, NOTEIN HATORAH. Arlene & Stuart Platt BeBe& Richard Sturnman Shirley & Phillip Weiner Helen & Thomas Martin Malka & Burton Rosenberg Juanita & David Wasserman Jan & Arthur Cobb Kathleen & William Hahon Amy & Mitchell Altman GOLDEN CHAI CALENDAR APRIL 7 Meeting Cancelled YOM HASHOAH APRIL 10 CNT GAME DA Y 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. APRIL 12 The Golden Commedian (Cats kill Mt) Noreen Sternberg Janet Schleginger Larayne Zimler Matthew Saskin Kimberly Adler Jacqueline & David Wikler Rena & Michael Kane Charla & Jay Rauthause Deeann & Stephen Rowland Roney & Lou Buffman Sondra & Joseph Schwartz Cheryl & Alan Miller Hope & Richard Cummins Karen & Mitch LudwigPage 12 CONGREGATION NER TAMID APRIL MILESTONES KRISTIN ADLER TERI ALTERWITZ HARLAN ARNOLD IRVING BERGER ELEANOR BOSSAK LINDSAY BOYERS DONALD BUCHAHAN CLAIRE BYCEL DANIEL CHENIN JASON CHENIN JODY COLEMAN ZACHARY CORZINE JOE CRACRAFT JUDITH DENTON-PRATT MALCOLM DOCTORS LILLIAN EISNER KATIE EPSTEIN ALYSON FINE JACQUELINE FLEEKOP ARTHUR GELLI ARLYNE GERSTL DAVID GLASSER MORRIS GINSBERG LILYAN GOLDBERG NAOMI GOLDSMITH SCOTT GORDON BRUCE GROBSTEIN ANGIE HARBACH LAUREN HUSNEY STEPHEN JOSEPH RUTH KALLETT SHELIA KAUFMAN SHERYL KOGAN DYANE KOHNEN JUDITH KOLLINS LISA MARANO STEPHANIE McKINNON DAVID MENDELSON GARY MONO BOBBI NEWMAN RONNA NITZKIN JENNIFER OHRINER MARK OSTROVSKY CINDY PETE JUDITH POLLINS MICHELE PREMACK ISOBEL ROSEN JOSEPH SCHWARTZ SUSAN SCHYMAN GILERT SHAW MARA SIEGEL RACHEL SLOAN ABBIE SPOOR BRIAN SPOOR THOMAS STUART JENNABEA STURMAN DARIN TIEP JOSEPH UNGER JEREMY WALTON GILLIAN WELLS HOWARD WEINER PHILLIP WEINER SUAN WEINER ELEANOR WENDER JACQUELINE WIKLER ROBERTA WISNOSKY NEW ARRIVALS FRANK EDWARD OHRINER BORN MARCH 9, 1994, SON OF DR. MARK & JENNIFER OHRINER LAUREN ASHLEY SIEGEL BORN MARCH 12, 1994 GRANDCHILD OF DR. FREDRIC & CAROL SIEGEL DAUGHTER OF JAY & LINDA SIEGEL RABBI?S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Loving Memory of Irving and Burton Goldstein From Jean Goldstein To Ida Fialkow In Loving Memory of Irving Fialkow From Christina Fialkow To Natalie Shaw Happy Birthday! From Judy Hopson To Nadine and Joe Cracraft In Loving Memory of your brother. Jack. From Judy Hopson To the Fessler Family In Loving Memory of Melvin Luckman In Loving Memory of Murray Marks From Frances Marks To Sophie Pisetsky For a fast recovery! From Shirley Kravitz In Loving Memory of Gertrude Phillips From Joan, Dennis and Kim Stein In honor of our 50th wedding anniversary. From May and Nat Raichelle In Loving Memory of Belle Martin From Stacy and Barry Martin From Judy Hopson ROBERTA PRICECONGREGATION NER TAMID Page 13 General Fund To Seymour Kaplan Happy Birthday and a birthday year of happiness. Love Joyce and A1 Karchem To Noreen Sternberg Wishing you a speedy recovery. From Sheila, Norm, & Melissa Kaufman To Sylvia Frank Wishing your granddaughter, Allison, a speedy