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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    7 5 3 / Los Angle - May 23, 19^2 In Exploration Well No. 10, Las Vegas, we have drilled to depth of 1250' with following result: Bottom of our present Deep Zone 790* Shale bed to S20 ’ 130 * of gravel to 950* 150 ’ of shale to 110 0 ’ 50 of gravel to 115 0 ' Shale to bottom. We are cementing off today at 820' and will run perfor­ated liner to test out the two lower zones as to volume and quality. Looks quite encouraging that we have developed an excellent deeper zone. It will take actual test, however, to determine. Without No. 10 our three new wells have developed suf­ficient water for the early summer at least, and perhaps for entire summer season, and while hadly delayed in delivery of pipe and shortage of labor in construction of new settling basin, etc., the work has now progressed to where there appears no danger of water shortage incident to warm weather. S-39 PS 2018-12-20 2018-12-20… 32960 32961.pdfpage /p17304coll5/image/32961.pdfpage