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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - Jamiary 10, 1945 B**3 Mr. Frank Strong! Following the newspaper clipping I aant you last night concerning the opening of the at las Vegas. #teel fabrication plant While Mr. G, A. Dueraltng, Proaid.ant of the Steal Conversion & Supply Company of Castle Shannon, Pennsylvania, feae been in this vicinity for two or three seeks checking on the availability of power, labor, ©to., no public announcement was made of the proposed plant until yesterday. This morning Hr. Folger and I looked over the various site® Mr. Duomling had in mind including the one North ©f the undertakes recently acquired by Mr, C. A. Huffey. fhil® this site appealed to him very much he thought it was too oloa# to the Biitmore Hotel and no doubt objections would be raised because of the noise. . \ :? The most advantages site, in his opinion, is the 300*x 300* parcel on cur right-of-way Just v'est of 0#N©11 Lumber Company on Bon&n*a Road. While it is true the spar track does not extend into this acreage ha stated it would act be required at the beginning of his operations as the present haul from end of ep*ir trank in rear of O'Neil Lumber is no further than is required in their Pittsburg operations. When the time comes that a spur track will be required in rear of the 200* x 300* building, he proposes to erect, he states we will have his assistance in scouring priorities as his preduet will bo used by Army and f e w during the war# Ho has selected Las Vegas because of its strategic location and to avoid back haul on his product present moving from Pittsburg to the coaat| he states he has & large market in the inter motmtain territory which he expect# to supply with steel products and has in mind particularly the supplying ox machinery and tools for mine operations in Nevada. I recommend a five year leas® to the above corporation oovering this siti, and if you concur will you kindly arrange with Mr. MoNameeto draw our usual for® of lease. HSUS' k, BRAC&Sr co: Mr. 1. T. Price Mr. A, C, Hitter