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upr000170 329


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    July 10, 1945 Huntrldga Development 436 Horth Camden Drive Company Beverly Hills, California Attention: Hies 0. 11, Hulohrone Qentleaeni This will aoknoeledge and thank you for your oheok In the aaouat of tlM.00 paying for eater aervloe to Huntrldga tanante for the nonth of June. I am pleased to advlae that our reoorda oontlnue to agree. However there eas one aervloe In the nonth of April that I phoned the local offloe about ooverlng a Hr. Austin In Blook 16, Lot 7. Tour letter ?ay 3nd lndloatea this house eas sold to HoLang hiIn but X understand that It eas not aotually sold until ?ay 1st. Under the olreunatanoss X presume you elsh to Inolude ths April paynsnt In your July oheok.t ?ary truly yours. AHT/ke I. FOLOEH