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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. WORLD-TELEGRAM & SUN iU M B B5B_ Tips on Tables | Johnnie Ray Is Headliner At Club By ROBERT W. DANA. Befitting its glamorous new I interior, in which the removal | of pole? and installation of I strategically placed loudspeak-jers add immeasurably to the I enjoyment of the entertainment, the Latin Quarter is presenting a Pom Arden production of such magnificent scope and taste that I recommend it to one and all,young and old, who appreciate music and dance in a well-planned spectacle based on a popular theme. Currently starring the linger of enduring fame, J ohnhie Ray, and featuring the hilari-cus\ satirists, the Bernard Brothers,^ ?╟úInternational Holiday for Love?╟Ñ gives vivid proof of the kind of superior entertainers New Yorkers and out-of-towners will enjoy during the hot-weather season as the New York Summer Festival prepares to launch another season of welcome. Sings a Dozen Songs. Counting his opening ?╟úTaking a Chance on Love,?╟Ñ Johnnie sings a dozen songs, making each a compelling piece in itself rather than an appendage to a singer?╟╓s style. Completely sincere in his approach to his work, Johnnie I never gives the impression of I thinking of himself and pos-jsible effects he might have on I an audience. Rather, he be-I comes lost in the song and pets it'lead him through its message and its tempo. With the twinkling piano (background of Jo Lombardi's | orchestra hidden behind a | curtain on an upper stage, |johnnie sings ?╟úLeave It to M Me.?╟Ñ A girl at the ringside is the recipient of a Ray kiss on the cheek as he sings ?╟úWalking My Baby Back Home.?╟Ñ ?╟úDon't Worry About Me,?╟Ñ he sings, as he plays the piano. ~ Builds Up to a Sock. He sings ?╟úJosephine,?╟Ñ the soft and romantic ?╟úWalking in the Rain,?╟Ñ ?╟úAll the Way,?╟Ñ ?╟úUp Above My Head/' ?╟úLittle White Cloud?╟Ñ and ?╟úCry.?╟Ñ Each number builds up to a sock finish. Johnnie Ray is not only a great singing star, he?╟╓s an extremely gracious performer. With their pantomiming satires of records, the Bernard: Brothers make memorable moments of comedy, culminating in a priceless condensed version of ?╟úThe King and I.?╟Ñ The take-off on Deborah Kerr and Yul Brynner in ?╟úShajl We Dance??╟Ñ is a classic. ?╟úInternational Holiday for Love?╟Ñ is liberally stocked with other talent. The Bob DeVoye Trio, two handsome fellows and a petite and beautiful girl, is the most impressive new dance act to come along in years. This trio's effortless grace is measured gradually to a swift adagio finish. Acrobats From Australia. For acrobatic excitement one couldn?╟╓t ask for more than the supple tricks of the Seven Ashtons from Australia. And then there are the lavish > production numbers, with such talented singers as Marthe Eirolle, Gina Genardi Bm css FROM PEARLIE MAE?╟╓S Luau Lei Room located in AL PARVIN'S HOTEL 'In the South SL SPECTACLE DU ^ I PARTIE DE BAGAGES VOTRE N* er ALOHA ?√ß