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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 30, 1974






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000053. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING #2 THURSDAY, MAY 30, 197^ Call to Order Roll Call Reading of Minutes Old Business Election of Senators By-Laws Committee Nominations Screening Committee Nominations Election of Presidential Nominations Senate Seat Nominations New Business Presidential Working Hours Vice Presidential Working Hours Agency Account Information New Presidential Nominations Announcement of New Committee Members Other Business Senate Summer Meeting Plans Adj ournment SENATE MEETING #2 THURSDAY, MAY 30, 19lh I. The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. II. Roll call was taken. III. Minutes Motion by Ray Carrillo to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Seconded by Carl Collins Correction to the minutes: 1. Section VI-B should be stricken from the minutes because it was out of order. 2. Section IV-D John Borros should be corrected to read John Gori s . Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion passes, 7 yes, 1 abstain IV. Old Business A. Election of Senators Ballots were passed out by Val Buhecker. The persons nominated were approved by Rosalynn Ramey and Carl Collins, members of the Screening Committee. Point of information by Ron Nold, by putting forth the ballot it does not lead to the supposition that the Senators were to vote all at once for the nominated Senators in the various Colleges. 1. Freshman Class Senator Ron Nold introduced nominee Curtis Haggard Discussion Motion by Ron Nold to accept Curtis Haggard as Freshman Class Senator. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed, 5 yes, 3 abstain Curtis Haggard was asked by the Chair to take his seat as Senator. 2. College of Business Eugene Belin introduced John Goris. Discussion 1 The Chair introduced Rick Aniello and Troy Newberry. Questions were directed to the nominees pretaining to their qualifications. John Tofano questioned the attendence record of Troy Newberry when he served as Treasurer for the Student Body last year. Point of information by Ron Nold to John Tofano, the Treasurer is not required under the constitution to come before the Senate except when called for or to present his budgets monthly. Further Discussion Ron Nold stated "dilatory tactics" was being manifested by John Tofano. Motion by Ron Nold to vote on the three proposed Senators for the College of Business Seconded by Carl Collins Di scussion Call for the question by Ron Nold Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed unanimous Proposal by Ron Nold to vote by secret ballot using the ballots that were passed out by Val Buhecker. Those who would like to vote on secret ballot were asked to raise their hands. Passed unanimous The Secretary tabulated the ballot. Troy Newberry and John Goris were asked by the Chair to take their seats as Senators. 3. College of Math and Science Motion by Ron Nold to table the two appointments until they can come before the Senate to be voted on. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed unanimous k. Allied Health Rafael Lara stated Sue Williams, the nominee, withdrew her nomination because she would not be attending summer school and would not be registered in the fall. Discussion 2 Motion by Rafael Lara to move up the senate seat nominations on the agenda. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Discussion Motion to move up the senate seat nominations on the agenda. Motion passed unanimous 5. College of Education The Chair noted there were four seats vacant for the College of Education and nominations were now open. Sue Deems nominated Shirley Lindsey John Tafano nominated Lynn Squires Rafael Lara nominated Chica Ramos Sue Deems nominated Racille Carstensen Motion by Ron Nold to close nominations. Seconded by Rafael Lara Motion passed, 8 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain The Chair noted the nominees would not be voted on until the next senate meeting because they had to go through the Screening Committee. 6. College of Arts and Letters The Chair noted there were four seats vacant for the College of Arts and Letters and nominations were now open. John Tofano nominated: Ed Hersh Howard Needham Carol Stapleton The Chair noted John Tofano had the only nominations because he was the only Arts and Letters Senator. 7. Allied Health - nominated by the Senate at large The Chair suggests that the nominations be held off for a week so there would be time to contact people interested in the Allied Health College. Discussion 8. College of Hotel Management - One seat vacant Carl Collins nominated Craig Ball Discussion 3 B. By Laws Committee Nominations Rafael Lara nominated Ray Carrillo Ray Carrillo nominated Rafael Lara Ron Nold nominated Curtis Haggard Eugene Belin nominated Ron Nold Ron Nold declined Eugene Belin nominated John Goris Motion by Ron Nold the nominations for the By Laws Committee be closed. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed unanimous Motion by Ron Nold to vote on the four nominees as a whole for the By Laws Committee. Seconded by Troy Newberry Motion passed unanimous C. Screening Committee Nominations Rosalynn Ramey pointed out there were five Senators nominated and elected during the Senate Meeting of May lU, 197^. Dispense with the nominations on the Screening Committee. D. Election of Presidential Nominations Val Buhecker asked to be recognized by the Chair. Val Buhecker expl ained the ballots consisting of the Constitution Standing Committees on one ballot and the Vote of Confidence-Presidential Ad Hoc Committees listed on a seperate ballot. Val requested the ballots be marked after the introduction of the nominees. The ballots were then passed out. Discussion The Chair waived presenting the nominees and turned the floor over to Val Buhecker, however, the chair will still have control of the Senate meeting if there is an interjection needed. Val Buhecker introduced the nominees on the Election Committ ee. Discussion Point of information by Ron Nold, Article C, Section 1 of the Constitution states "The Election Committee shall consist of at least three and no more than seven voting members appointed by the CSUN President and approved by the Senate." 1+ Further Discussion Motion by John Tofano to accept Carson Madison to the Election Committ ee. Seconded hy Ray Carrillo Discussion Call for the question by Ron Nold Seconded by Carl Collins Passed, 5 yes, 3 no, U abstain Motion before the floor is to accept Carson Madison to the Election Committee. Motion passed, 10 yes, 1 abstain Point of information by Val Buhecker, the remainder of the nominated members on the Election Committee can now be voted on. Motion by John Tofano to replay the tape in order to correct his original motion to accept Just Carson Madison as a member to the Election Committee. Seconded by Rich Cuellar Motion passed, 6 yes, 1 no, 2 abstain Motion by Carl Collins to recess until the motion can be found on the tape. Seconded by Ron Nold Passed unanimous Meeting called back to order at 6:15 p.m. Minutes should be corrected to read: Motion by John Tofano to accept just Carson Madison as a member on the Election Committ ee. The Chair stated Carson Madison would be the only member on the Election Committee to voted on at this time. Discussion Motion by Troy Newberry to review the rest of the ballot, introduce the members, and vote on all of them it total on the ballot . Motion fails for lack of a second. Discussion Challenge to the Chair by Rosalynn Ramey to restate the main motion so that the Senators are only voting for Carson Madison as a member on the Election Board. The Chair noted 50% of the Senators present must favor this in order to overrule and reintroduce the Election Committee to be voted on. 5 Call for the question by Carl Collins Seconded by Ron Nold Passed unanimous All in favor of the Challenge to the Chair. Passed, 6 yes, 2 no, 2 abstain The Chair stated the Election Committee is now to be accepted Point of information by Ron Nold, Carson Madison has been approved. Motion by Ron Nold to move on to the Appropriations Committee Seconded by John Tofano Di s cus s i on Call for the question by Carl Collins Seconded by Ron Nold Passed unanimous Main motion to move on to the Appropriations Committee. Motion passed unanimous E. Appropriations Committee Val Buhecker introduced Steve Touscher and Dan Russell. Questions were directed to the nominees pretaining to their qualifications. F. Student Union Board Val Buhecker introduced the nominees on the Student Union Board. Questions were directed to the nominees pretaining to their qualifications. The Chair requested that the Senate move on to the Activities Board. G. Activities Board Val Buhecker introduced the nominees on the Activities Board. Questions were directed to the nominees who were present pretaining to their qualifications. Motion by Ron Nold to discontinue the questioning of Joe Belingheri and move on to question Patricia O'Dea. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed, 8 yes, 2 abstain Questions were directed to Patricia O'Dea. Motion by Troy Newberry to move on. Seconded by Ron Nold Motion passed unanimous 6 Val Buhecker requested the Constitution Standing Committee ballot be marked at this time. The Chair stated the Chair was challenged successfully, therefore, the Election Committee can be voted on. Discussion Motion by Ron Nold to move on to the Presidential Ad Hoc Commit t e e. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion passed unanimous Motion by Ron Nold to vote on each committee as a whole so the Senate can move on. Seconded by Troy Newberry Motion passed, 6 yes, 3 no, 1 abstain Eugene Belin asked to be excused. H. Presidential Ad Hoc Committees 1. President's Cabinet Discussion Call for the question by Carl Collins Seconded by Ron Nold Passed, 7 yes, 2 no, 1 abstain Motion before the floor is to move on to the Day Care Board. Motion passed, 8 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain 2. Day Care Board Discussion Motion by Troy Newberry to move on to the Mass Communicatins Board. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion passed unanimous 3. Mass Communications Board Discussion Motion by Ron Nold to move on to new business. Seconded by Carl Collins Motion tied 5 yes, 5 no, 1 abstain The Chair elected to continue discussion. Di s cus s ion SCealclo ndfeodr btyh e Roqnu esNtoilodn by Rafael Lara Passed, 9 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain 7 V. New Business A. Presidential Working Hours Motion by Rafael Lara to accept the waive for the President's working hours request. Seconded by Ron Nold Discussion Call for the question by Ron Nold Seconded by Carl Collins Passed unanimously Motion before the floor to accept the President's working hours request. Carl Collins requested a roll call vote be taken. Ron Nold - Yes Troy Newberry - Yes Susan Deems - Yes Curtis Haggard - Yes John Tofano - No Carl Collins - Yes Rosalynn Ramey - Yes Ray Carrillo - No Rick Cuellar - Yes Rafael Lara - Abstain John Goris - Yes Motion passed, 8 yes, 2 no, 1 abstain Motion by Ron Nold to accept the next order of business. Seconded by Carl Collins B. Vice-President's Working Hours. Di s cuss ion Call for the question by Ron Nold Seconded by Rafael Lara Passed unanimously Motion before the floor to accept the Vice-President's working hours request. Carl Collins requested a roll call vote be taken. Ron Nold - Yes Troy Newberry - Yes Susan Deems - Yes Curtis Haggard - Yes John Tofano - Yes Carl Collins - Yes Rosalynn Ramey - Yes Ray Carrillo - Yes Rick Cuellar - Yes Rafael Lara - Abstain John Goris - No Motion passed, 9 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain C. Agency Account Motion by Ron Nold to dispense with this item on the agenda to be tabled until next Senate Meeting. Seconded by Troy Newberry 8 Discussion Call for the question by Ray Carrillo Seconded by Troy Newberry Passed, 9 yes, 2 abstain Main motion to table the Agency Account until the next Senate Meeting. Motion passed unanimously D. New Presidential Nominations 1. Appropriations Committee: Rafael Lara Eugene Belin Curtis Haggard Troy Newberry 2. Activities Board: Susan Deems Rosalynn Ramey 3. Student Union Board: John Goris Ray Carrillo Dr. Herb Wells - Faculty Bob Coffin - Alumni 1+ . University Senate: Stan Wardel Rick Cuellar Tom Cook Ron Nold Greg Clemense 5. Judicial Board: Dave Johnson 6. Mass Communications Board: Rick Larson - Faculty 7- Day Care Board: Craig Walton - Faculty Discussion VI. Other Business A. Senate Summer Meeting Plans - Schedule passed out B. Ron Nold's Appointment as Parlimentarian. Discussion Motion by Troy Newberry to accept Ron Nold as Parlimentarian. Seconded by Carl Collins Discussion Call for the question by Troy Newberry Seconded by Carl Collins Passed, 10 yes, 1 no Main motion to accept Ron Nold as Parlimentarian. Motion passes unanimously 9 C. The Senators were invited, to visit the Student Government Officers at any time. D. Screening Committee Meeting called for after the Senate Meeting. E. Ron Wold resigned from the Senate in order to accept his new position as Parlimentarian under Val Buhecker. Senate meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. 10 May 30, 1971+ BALLOT Freshman Class Senator For Against Curtis Haggard College of Business John Borros Rick Aniello Troy Newberry Math and Science David Elkins Ron Arnoldson Allied Health Sue Williams ELECTION OF NEW SENATORS Mf , 1974 ELECTION OF NEW SENATORS BALLOT Freshman Class Senator For Against Curtis Haggard College of Business John Borros Rick Aniello Troy Newberry Math and Science David Elkins Ron Arnoldson Allied Health Sue Williams PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS May 30 , 197*+ Sheet 1 of 2 Student Union Board Yes No Ab st ai n Eric Springall (Chairman) Rod Daye John Moylan (Grad. Student) Brock Dixon (Admin. Advisor) Election Committee Jean Giles (Chairperson) Lisa Stepenson Carry Mixson Dennis Casteel Joe Mann Joe Sanchez Carson Maddison Appropriations Committee Steve Touscher Dan Russell Activities Board Joe Belingheri (Chairman) Bill Gonzales James Bennett Patri ci a 0'Dea CONSTITUTION STANDING COMMITTEES PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS May 30, 191b VOTE OF CONFIDENCE - PRESIDENTIAL AD HOC COMMITTEES Sheet 2 of 2 President's Cabinet Yes No Abstain Ron Nold (Admin. Rep.) Debbie Cohan (P.R . ) Carol Levy (Student Ser.) Andrew Hafen (Academic) Sony Garcia (Organizations) Joe Ingersol (Athletics) Dean McCauslin (Admin. Adv.) Day Care Board Mike Petrie (Chairman) Celeste Williams Mike Bagstad Steve Neichin Curtis Haggard Dr. Stephens (Admin. Adv.) Mass Communications Board Serge McCabe (Chairman) David Craddock Mike Navarro Terri Ford Mark Hughes (Admin. Adv.) SENATE MEETING #2 Thursday, May 30, 1971* PRESIDENT'S WORKING REQUEST CSUN Constitution - Article 9, Section 3: "The President and Vice-President salaries are contingent upon said officials holding or being paid for no more than 15 hours of outside employment. These officials may request the Senate to waive this rule and allow a maximum of U0 hours of outside employment. A 2/3 vote of the total voting membership shall be required to waive this rule." President Buhecker is employed by the Student Union as a night manager. He works 17 hours one week and 22 hours the next, which averages 19-1/2 hours per week. The President requests that the Senate waive the 15 hour rule to permit him to work a maximum of 25 hours a week provided it is for the Student Union and he is here at the Student Union. SENATE MEETING #2 Thursday, May 30, 19lb VICE-PRESIDENT'S WORKING REQUEST CSUN Constitution - Article 9, Section 3: "The President and Vice-President salaries are contingent upon said officials holding or being paid for no more than 15 hours of outside employment. These officials may request the Senate to waive this rule and allow a maximum of i+0 hours of outside employment. A 2/3 vote of the total voting membership shall be required to waive this rule." Vice-President Karaffa has the possibility of working 30-35 yours per week during the summer period only. This work is important to the Vice-President because it will enable him to be free during the regular school year. His employer, Van's Builders Supply are family friends and will work his schedule around the Vice-Presidential duties and obligations for CSUN. The Vice-President requests that the Senate waive the 15 hour rule to permit him to work a maximum of 35 hours per week. He insures the fact that this work will not interfer with the Vice-Presidential position. G A R Y , JUT'S P . UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA SYSTEM a s s i s t , I R . . S T U j n i on OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR Faculty Information Bulletin 174-4 To All Members of the University Faculty Subject: Board of Regents Meeting, May 10, 1974 May 13, 1974 \\ V r-A The Board of Regents took the following actions of interest to the faculty: 1. Approved a cooperative doctorate in Education, to be offered jointly at UNR and UNLV. This program is practitioner-oriented, essentially external in concept and basically self-supporting from student fce3. Students will be acccptcd at either UNR or UNLV, spend the first summer at their home campus and the second summer on the other campus. The faculties of UNR and UNLV and the resources of both libraries will be available to the student. A fee of S7S per credit for courses taught especially for this program will be assessed. The regular registration fee will be assessed for all other courses. It is anticipated that students will be admitted to the program beginning January, 1975. 2. Approved a Master's Degree with a major in Speech Communication or Theatre, to be offered by the Department of Speech and Theatre at UNR, beginning fall semester, 1974. 3. Approved an undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in speech pathology, to be offered by the School of Medical Sciences, UNR, beginning fall semester, 1974. 4. Approved a proposal by the School of Medical Sciences that a separate Division of Laboratory Medicine be established within the School, effective July 1, 1974. S> Approved the following procedure for the administration of student association funds: Effective July 1, 1974, student association funds shall be placed in the current funds-unrcstncted group and administered as arc other funds included in this group, with the following points to be observed: A. The constitution of each student association will guide budget development and execution and no constitutional provision shall conflict with Board of Regents policy and generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and universities. (The objective of these principles is to meet the public trust obligations for stewardship and accountability, necessitating a system of accounts and reports which will insure full disclosure of the results of operations and financial position of the funds.) B. Established procedures for all purchasing, encumbrances of fund3, payroll, cash receipts and gifts, as stated in the division's administrative manual, shall be followed except as noted below. C. A division president may delegate to a full-time professional business manager employed by a student association, all or part of the resportBTfbiiltres and authority delegated to a division controller or purchasing director for other .university funds. If such dclegatioTTTs maotr;—H")—t"hc associated student's*' business manager will be guided by the same generally acccptcd accounting principles for colleges and universities as are division controllers, (2) an independent public accounting firm will audit the association's books annually and publish a certified statement which shall be a public document. D. Gifts shall not be accepted by a student association until approved by the Board of Regents. E. The division president shall assure the legality of student body transactions and has the authority to stop the execution of a contract if he questions its legality. This authority shall not be used as a device for censorship nor to control development of student body policy; rather, the intent is to assure the legality of student body transactions. If the execution of a student body contract is stopped by the division president for legal reasons, he shall state his reasons in writing within five working days and return the contract to the president of — the student body organization. The president of the student body organization may appeal this decision to the Board of Regents at its next regular meeting. 6. Approved the establishment at UNLV of a Center for Business and Economic Research as a UNLV Statewide Program with funding for the Center for 1974-75 dependent upon gifts or grants. President Baepler has indicated his intention to request state funding in the 1975-77 Biennial Budget. 7. Approved a request to the Department of Administration and the Governor for an augmentation of the UNR budget of $10C,000 in revenue received in excess of that projected for 1973-74. University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Lai Vegas Desert Research Institute Community College Division Faculty information Bulletin Hay 13, 1974 Pago -2- 8. Endorsed a proposal by the Nevada State Muaoum for a state-funded Archaeological Survey, under tho auspices of the Nevada State Muaoum and in cooperation with UNR and UNLV. 9. Approved changes in student fees at CCD, effective fall, 1974, as follows: Student Association Fee - to be assessed at the rate of 50 cents per credit to all students (previously assessed at S10 per semester to full-time students), except that the fee will not be assessed students enrolled in community service courses or students in any courses in extension centers. Extended the assessment of the $2 per credit capital improvement fee to auditors. Deleted tho application fee of $5 and late registration fee of $5. Added a diploma fee of $10 and a Laboratory fee of $5 per course where applicable. 10. Approved revisions to the UNLV Parking and Traffic Regulations, effective fall semester, 1974. 11. Authorized the Desert Research Institute to participate in a consortium of four universities dealing with arid land problems. The four institutions are University of Nevada System (Desert Research Institute), University of California at Riverside (Dry Lands Research Institute), Texas Tech University (International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies), and University of Arizona (Office of Arid Land Studies). 12. Approved an amendment to t he NNCC Associated Student Body Constitution to provide that election of officers shall be held on the first Friday in December of each year, instead of the first Friday in May. I 13. Approved a constitution for the Clark County Community College Student Body Association, — ' as proposed by the students of CCCC and endorsed by the Executive Vice President and the President of CCD. 14. Reviewed and approved the master plan for the 467 acre site in north Reno to be shared by the Desert Research Institute and Western Nevada Community College. 15. Accepted a number of gifts and grants, including the following: $3,550 in scholarships to UNLV, and $1,365 in scholarships to UNR. $11,306 in athletic grants-in-aid to UNLV. $6,189 from the Nevada State Library to the UNR Library in support of Nevada Newspaper Microfilming Project and Telecopier operations in the Statewide Communications Network. $1,000 from American Metal Climax Foundation, Inc. to the Mackay School of Mines, UNR, for scholarship aid to students, and in support of student field trips. $1,000 from the Anaconda Company to the Mackay School of Mines, UNR, 'in support of summer course for high school teachors and counselors. $1,000 from the Asarco Foundation to the Mackay School of Mines, UNR, to help defray cost of a safety modification kit for the goniometer of the Norelco x-ray diffractometer. $2,000 from the Minerals Industry Educational Foundation to the Mackay School of Mines, UNR, for 3tudent recruitment program. $1,000 from Union Carbide Corporation to Mackay School of Mines, UNR, for student aid and general supportSof students and programs. $5,389 from the UNR Alumni Association for the period March 9 through April 18, 1974. $2,000 from Messrs. Eugene and Jose Gastanaga to the Gastanaga Basque Studies Program. The next meeting of the Board will be June 21, 1974, at UNR. Neil D. Humphrey Chancellor -.« TENATIVE SENATE SUMMER SCHEDULE & OBJECTIVES May - Nomination first waive of Presidential Appointments May 30 - Vote on first waive and nominated second waive of Presidential Appointments. June 6 - Vote on second waive of Presidential Appointments - President submits budgets June 18 - Vote on Budgets -- Submit Contracts **June 21 - Submit budgets to Board of Regents July 2 - Approve and submit Contracts July 16 - Approve and submit Contracts -- Committee Progress Reports submitted. Aug. 6 - Late Business Aug. 20 - Pre-School Meeting **Board of Regents Meeting on Friday