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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, December 2006



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    Beth Sholom Bulletin December 2006- Hbshvan-Kislev 5767 Hanukkali Festival The ThirdAnnual Temple Beth Sholom Hanukkah Festival will be held on Thursday, December 14 at 6:00 PM in the Sigesmund Sanctuary. Orchestrated by Cantor Daniel Friedman, the free event will feature a symbolic menorah lighting, singing with t he st udents of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center, the Solomon Schechter Day School and the Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies and instrumentation by the Ruach Ensemble. After all of the singing and performances, guests will convene in the social hall for dancing with a disc jockey. A I Ianukkah Festival would not be complete without latkes and Women's League will provide delicious latkes for all to enjoy. This program is free and open to all congregants and school families. Women's League Annual Hanukkali Bazaar Don't waste you time running around town, save your Hanukkah shopping for Sunday, December 3, the date for this year's Women's League Hanukkah Bazaar. The TBS Women's League Hanukkah Bazaar has grown to one of t he largest and most diverse Hanukkah shopping experiences in Southern Nevada. Over 30 vendors will be displaying their wares from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Temple. In addition, there will be something for everyone with plenty of food and drinks, schmoozing and a raffle. Young and old are invited to attend this free event. Rabbi Felipe Goodman As we grow older, whom do we become? Rabbi Felipe Goodman I am enamored of The B(x>k of Genesis because the "stories" it contains are much more than simple stories. The narrative often serves the purpose of making us realize how different and yet how similar our ancestors were. After three millennia of history the Biblical text still draws us to understand the importance of seeing our own lifes reflected in (lie verses of The Torah. Take for example Parashat Toledot, which is the story of Isaac, from the birth of his two sons-Esau 6c Jacob-to his old age. At one point in his life Isaac is expelled from the land of Gerar, under the kingship of Abimelech, and returns to a region where his father, Abraham, had once lived. The Torah recounts one of his first actions after returning to this land, "Isaac dug anew the wells that had been dug (hiring Abraham's days there, which the Philistines had stopped up following Abraham's death. Isaac [reopened the wells andl gave them the same names that his father I Abraham] had given them (Gen. 26:18)." Water frequently serves as a metaphor for salvation. One contemporary Torah commentator suggests, "There is a redemptive quality about the wells. When Isaac digs them, lie finally realizes what his father went through. Realizing his father's wisdom, Isaac now calls the wells by the very same names that Abraham had given them." Rabbi Lawrence Kushner, in his Torah commentary, Sparks Beneath The Surface, notes, "Isaac comes to the profound realization that, despite our efforts to the contrary, we are our parents. We have become them. The middle-aged man looks in the mirror one morning while shaving and realizes that he looks just like his father-as he remembers him at that age. The struggle for Isaac (and for us) is like coming home. Spiritually mature adults realize that their parents are in them." As a young man, I was taught there is a difference between "growing up" and "maturing." A bumper-sticker from years past proclaimed, "We all have to grow up, but we can be immature forever!" Maturity is being able to rise above the parental baggage we all carry into adulthood. At the same time, it is understanding that our parents wrestled with the same issues we do. They tried their best to provide us with what they learned to be the necessities of life. They love us as only they could. A significant part of our very essence is them. They are us. We can reject them for mistakes they made, but in doing so we only reject ourselves. Or, we can accept them for who they are, understand their love even in weaker moments, and know that our personal success in life can only be achieved by accepting what they've given us as the foundation upon which we craft our own unique character. Maybe Mark Twain was correct when he wrote, "When I was fifteen my old man was the stupidest person on this earth, by the time I was twenty-one it was amazing how much he had learned!" December 2006- Heshvan-Kislev 5767 Capital Campaign and Building Update Work is continuing on the Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion on two routs; design and fundraising. Hie Building Committee has been working on refining the plans for this building. While we await approval from the County Commission on a variance request for the Guard House, we have been reworking the project plans to ensure that all of our program needs are met as efficiently as possible. Speaking of program, when Chancellor Elect Eisen of the Jewish Theological Seminary spoke at (lie Temple on November 12, he addressed the value in inter-generational programming. In fact, he shared that intergenerational activities have been one of the most significant memories for American Jews and is often the thing that they think about when they think about their Judaism. When complete, the Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion will house a variety of activities that will bring together children with their parents and grandparents. In addition, it will provide space for programs that encourage our senior adults, who don't have local children and grandchildren to connect with young families who don't have t he benefit of grandparents in town. The opportunities for connections, development of extended families and a stronger community are countless! Ioallow all of this to happen theCampaign Committee has been hard at work raising the funds for this project. The Campaign Committee has developed a wide range of dedication opportunities for this project. Since (he Rabbi's impassioned presentation on Kol Nidrc, a number of congregants have come forward to help bring us closer to our campaign goal. In President & Executive Director Beth Sholom Bulletin opportunity to meet with the sof'er, learn about how the Torah was written and participate in writing a letter in the Torah. Hundreds of congregants had the experience of a lifetime on Sunday, November 5 as they witnessed and participated in the completion of a new Torah for Temple Both Sholom. Over the past two and a half years, Temple Beth Sholom congregants have participated in the writing of this new Torah. They gathered on November 5 to welcome Torah I layim to its new s y n a g o g u e leaders. The lorat I layim is used regularly at Temple Belli Sholom during daily minyan services and 011 Shabbat. addition, members of the Campaign Committee, along with Clergy and stall are meeting with congregants to gain their participation in the campaign. You can help the congregation get to our goal s(K)ner by calling Laura Sussman at 804-1333, ext. 133 to let her know you are available to schedule a meeting to discuss your gift. home. Students of the Judy and ool Studies had an Ronald Mack School of Religious The Torah was escorted into the Sigesmund Sanctuary, held by Linda and Leonard Eckhaus, under a chuppali held by students in our Religious School. The new I brah approached the bima amidst singing by (lie congregation, accompanied by the Ruach Ensemble and greeted by members of LSY holding al I of 11le other I <>ra11 scrolls from the ark. Ashofar choir announced the completion of the Torah as the last letters were written by To rat Hayim, The Torah of Life, Dedicated November 5 Education Beth Sholom Bulletin Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas is proud to sponsor Girl Scout Troop 23, the only Girl Scout Troop sponsored by a Jewish organization in Las Vegas. The troop does not only consist of SSDS-LVstudents. Jewish girls from other elementary schools in Sumtnerlin are in the troop as well. The troop o f f i c i a l l y kicked off on Sunday, Novem ber 5th with over 20 girls in attendance! ITie next event for Troop 23 will be a visit to the Artful Potter on Sunday, December 3rd for a tour and menorah/dreidel making. For more information about Troop 23, please contact the SSDS-LV Office. November was a busy, busy month for Solomon Schechter! Second and Third Grades went to the Bellagio for an Ansel Adams exhibit. The school celebrated Thanksgiving with a homemade feast. December brings a performance at L Dor \ "dor and a special Chanukah program for families. Recruitment events for 2007-2008 are already underway. Next year the school 4 will continue with its expansion and will introduce Fourth Grade. Anyone interested in finding out more about Solomon Schechter is encouraged to visit the office and tour the school. Please call Lillian Radomsky at 804-1333, ext. 114. The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies The Ronald and Judy Mack School of Religious Studies, together with the Temple Beth Sholom congregation, welcomed a new Torah to our synagogue on Sunday with a ceremony that the whole Religious School took part in. From the honor of accompanying the Torah to the bimah, holding the chuppah, to chanting from the Torah itself, each class of the Religious School participated. The Sofer (Scribe), Rabbi Druin, gave us all a fascinating look into how a kosher Torah is created, and the hard work that goes into it. Each child held the quill of the Sofer's pen while he wrote a letter, and they all said a blessing Schnee together. What an inspiring mitzvah! The procession was very moving, and the Religious School students were fascinated by the ceremony. We celebrated a new Torah, just as we celebrate a new life, and a new generation to carry on our traditions. The Torah took two years to complete, and many of our congregants and Religious School students have written letters in the Torah itself. The students in Grades 1 -6 received a special treat on November 19lh, when they were invited to play a unique "live" board game, where the students were markers! They were challenged with grade-appropriate questions to advance on the board, and they had a great time! Another new project that was kicked off in November in the Religious School is the "Be a Mensch" campaign. We are on the lookout for students, teachers, etc., who are being a mensch, so we can surprise them!! We all enjoy learning the concept of menschlichkeit, Hit- Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center and discussing in class what makes a mensch. December is a short month, jam-packed wit li exciting events. You are all invited to join us on Saturday, December 9th, as Kitah Vav (Sixth Grade) helps lead the morning service. Kitah Vav will be the first of our grades to lead Shabbat services. Don't miss these wonderful opportunities to shed a little nachesl Also coming up in December is the Religious School Chanukah I lappening on Sunday, December 10th as well as the I BS Chanukah Festival on the evening of December 14th. Students have been busy preparing decorations, presentations, and songs. Mark those dates on your calendar so that you celebrate the I loliday of Freedom together with us!! Adult Education Temple Beth Sholom was happy to participate in the nationwide Read I lebrew America program by offering a crash course in reading Hebrew on Sunday, November 5th. Beginning at 10:00 AM, this three-hour course gave all the tools one needs to begin reading Hebrew. The turn out was tremendous and we can look forward to many new Hebrew-readers in our congregation! Please call Lillian Radomskyat extension 114 if you would like a brochure mailed to you, if you would like to join the Adult Education Commission, of if you have any questions about Adult Education at TBS. Early Childhood Education Jennifer Zukowski were able to bid on gorgeous original artwork created by their children just for this fabulous event. This brunch was so successful, it is sure to become an annual event. Education December 2006- Heshvan-Kislev 5767 Temple Beth Sholom Preschool accepts children ages 18 months through pre-Kindergarten. For more information regarding enrollment, please contact the Early Education Department of Temple Beth Sholom at (702) 804-1333, ext. 112. 5 The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood ("enter held a fabulous Character Brunch fundraiser, Sunday morning, October 22nd. Temple Beth Sholom's social hall was packed full with families and excitement. An enormous thank you to our committee L a i I a S p i e g e l , I I a n a Vann, Debbie Roxarzade, Dana Wallace, Amy Godsey, Julie Fox, and Nikki Segal! Thank you so much for all the time and effort you cont ributed to make this event such an incredibly fun time for all involved. Also, a huge thank you to Sara Rosenstein for donating all of the frames that accompanied our children's beautiful artwork. Throughout the morning, Elmo, Belle, Dora, and Spongebob Squarepants were all on hand to entertain the children. In addition to the silly characters, the children took advantage of the bounce house. "Balloons with a Twist" was there to create incredible balloon creatures for the children. Several fantastic items were up for bid at the silent auction. A raffle was held for beautiful themed gift baskets put together from items donated by our preschool families. Elmo graciously posed for pictures with our children. And to top it all off, families Temple News Beth Sholom Bulletin Men's Club Musings Marlowe Mogill I lope you all had a good Thanksgiving, and that (his note finds you and yours well. Well - not only does the Ruach Ensemble play incredibly well at the 1st Friday Night Services, but their embroidered shirts are handsomely worn, atid I might add, very well received. Many thanks to Nina Lemansky of Campus Club Uniforms for all her efforts. Very big and busy times coming up. Read on please. 1. Don't forget to attend the Women's League Chanukah Bazaar on Sunday Dec. 5th, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Buy "lotsa" good stuff and make sure to stop by the Men's Club Table where you will find - 2. Our raffle tickets on sale. This is for a $2,000.00 Gift Certificate, to sail on virtually any line, anywhere and at any time within the next year and a half. Only 100 tickets will be sold. They are $100.00 each. The final date of sale is January 5, 2007, or sooner if all the tickets are sold. Watch your mail and emails for further information. You may also call Carol Jeffries at 804 -1333, Ext. 104, or email me at What a wonderful Channukah present! (Thank you again Carol for being so incredibly great!) 3. Hurry, hurry, hurry!!! Only 20 tickets are available for the Pioneer Pure Vision Las Vegas Bowl, to be held Thursday, Dec. 21 st, at 5:00 PM at Sam Boyd Stadium. The game is the Pac 10 - vs - Mountain West Conference Champions. WOW! Tickets are $18.00, and the seats are "altogether." For information and reservations, call Myrna at 804 -1333, Ext. 100. This game is Sold Out! 4. And what are you doing on Saturday, Dec. 16th, at 7:05 PM, which is well after sundown? Meet us at the Orleans Arena for a Wrangler I lockey game. A donation of only $10.00 per ticket is requested. And still another Channukah present! For info and reservations contact our "resident sports desk person," Myrna, 804 - 1333, Ext. 100. (We Thank You Myrna - we know you'll be busy. You're wonderful.) And 5. Mark your calendars - Wednesday, December 13th at 6:30 PM - for the Men's Club Meeting. Of course, a scrumptous repast will be offered. For this meeting, we extend a special invitation to all new members and the "younger" guys. Join with the AK's and see what we do. You'll be our guests. Our pleasure. Please attend. Thanks. G-d Bless. Happy Channukah. A healthy, good, sweet year. Keep Israel in your prayers. Marlowe Cantor David Schnee Appointed Ritual Director Rabbi Felipe Goodman is pleased to announce that Cantor David Schnee has joined the staff of Temple Beth Sholom as our Ritual Director. As part of his responsibilities, Cantor Schnee will be leading morning and afternoon minyanim and be part of the team of B'nai Mitzvah tutors. Cantor Schnee is a native of New York. I le comes to us as a fresh graduate of the II.L. Miller C a n t o r i a 1 School at the Jewish Theological Seminary where, in addition to his investiture as a 1 lazzan of the Conservative movement, he received an MA. in Sacred Music. Cantor Schnee spent 15 years living in Israel. It was there that he met his wile Yonina, the principal of our religious school, and where their three sons, Yonatan, Raphael, and Cavriel were born. While in Israel, Cantor Schnee worked in a variety of capacities, including teaching children with autism, working with the sick and elderly, and as a member of The Jerusalem Magrigal Quartet, which presented children's operas in schools throughout the country. The seeds of his love for Hazzanut were planted from his many years as a member of the choir of the Jerusalem Great Synagogue. Cantor Schnee feels honored to be a part of Temple Beth Sholom and is grateful that fate has led him to (lie open arms and the warmth of the people that make up its community. Temple Beth Sholom Publicity Club Learn publicity and marketing tips from a pro and put your new skills to work helping to promote synagogue activities. No experience is necessary, only a love for the synagogue! Call Laura Sussman at 804- 1333, ext. 133 for more information. Women's League News Kim Memar The Women's League wishes all of our Temple family a healthy & happy Hanukkah. As we prepare for the festivities of I lanukkah, DON'T FORGET to stop by our beautiful Schwartz Judaica Gift Shop where everyday new & excit ing gifts are arriving. Bar Mitzvah December 20th is the Women's League general meeting from 11:30-1:30 pm. A light latka luncheon will be served. We'll be having a white elephant gift exchange so come prepared with your gift exchange. Please RSVP to Kim Memar, 646-5401, Bev Chervitz, 243- 0760 or Debbie Miner, 364-0833. Please bring a small unwrapped gift to be given to Jewish Family Services to be given to children whom might not have as bright a I lanukkah otherwise. AUDREY MERKIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND SUPPORTS "MARCH OF THE LIVING" PROGRAM A tradition began November 7th, with the first Audrey Merkin Scholarship Fund luncheon at Piero's Restaurant. That event, and the scholarship fund, is sponsored by the Women's League of Temple Beth Sholorn, where Audrey Merkin served as an Executive Board member, and an energetic fundraiser for Temple and community causes. Merkin, a lifetime Las Vegan, passed away earlier this year, as a result of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a rare allergic reaction to me d i cat i o n . More than 70 people attended the luncheon, learning of "March of the Living,'' a life-changing program for high school teens, to which a scholarship will be presented each year in Audrey's name. "We're working to help teens participate bit his remarkable experience, in Audrey Merkin's memory," said Sandy Mallin, Merkin's close friend and past president of Temple Beth Sholom. "The program, which begins in Poland and ends in Israel, brings together teens from around the world, each year, during the week surrounding Holocaust Memorial Day and Israel Independence Day.'' Audrey Merkin Scholarship Fund committee members include Sharon Adashek, Shirley Chaplin, Suriva Fischer, Abbie Friedman, Fran I xvien, Caryl Berg, Lara Stone, Emily Goodman, Debbie Miner, Kim Memar, Sandy Mallin, Barbara Kenig, Carol Jeffries, Debbie Lederer, Marci Seltzer and Mona Silverman. All work tirelessly to raise the funds that will perpetuate this endeavor. A raffle including a watch donated by Aaron Lelali Jewelers (won by Suriva Fischer), and necklace donated by Emily Goodman (won by Mona S i l v e r m a n ) helped raise additional funds. Photos courtesy of Ira Ellis Photography The Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom thanks Mr. Freddie Glusman, Piero's, Monise Neumann, Bureau of Jewish Education of Los Angeles, and Ira Ellis Photography for help making this day special. For more information on the Audrey Merkin Scholarship for Teens, please contact Sandy Mallin at 722.8623, Carol Jeffries at 255.3520 or Sharon Adashek at 242.8767. Aaron David Novick, son of Emily and Michael Novick, will be called to the Torah on December 16, 2006. Aaron is a high honor roll student at the Meadows School where he is in I he seventh grade. Aaron is a black belt in karate and has been training at the United Studios of Self Defense since he was three years old. In the summer of 2004, he traveled to China to train with the Shaolin Monks. Aaron is a member of People to People, an international student ambassador organization. Through this group he has traveled to several foreign countries. In his free time, Aaron enjoys fencing, swimming, bass guitar and playing computer games with his friends. He spends his summers experiencing Judaism at both Camp Alonim and Camp I less Kramer. Aaron is a kind, happy, intelligent blessing and lie is honored to share this special simcha with family, friends and neighbors. 7 e c e m b e r SUNDAY MONDAY Kislev-Tevet 5767 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY r"ou?n mu-i^DD 8 Calendar SATURDAY Special Events g Women's League Hanukkah Bazzar 1 ? 21 December 3,2006 at 10:00am =3:00 pm For more information, please contact ICSm Mfen 1 V at 646-5401 Hanukkah Festival Thursday, December 14,2006 6:00 pm Come join us for a symbolic menorah lighting, singing with the students of the schools and instrumentation by the Ruach Ensemble. uiiitfCv SSDS Hanukkah Party Monday-Thursday 6:00 pm Every Saturday in the Steinberg Chapel Led by Cantor Dtivid Schnee and Rabbinic Intern Benny Katz. Tie time will vary based on the time of year. the 3rd Shabbat of the month at 10 AM for Religious School students and their patents. LA Safety Issue ;; For the safety of our congregants and the beauty of our ^jr ^ ; marble floors, wheeled shoes may not be used in the H synagogue. Tributes RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Shirley Chaplin Thank you: Margie 6c Mario larquino For the comfort provided during our recent loss Eunice Galsky 6c Family In Honor of: Carrying the Torah Linda 6c Leonard Eckhaus Sally Dick Eskenazi on the Birth of your Twin Grandsons Evelyn 6c Leon Goldstein Jackie 6c Hon Turshinsky An Aliyah: Estelle 6c Edward Devore Kol Nidre serv ice: Sharon <fe Robert IVwiott Speedy Recovery: Dotty Gary Evelyn 6c Leon Goldstein In Memory of: Bernard Breyer Michae l Breyer Ed Goldenberg's Mother Evelyn 6c Leon Goldstein Ida Groman Jenifer,; Jay r, Richard, Harrison 6c Jordyn Selznick Yiskor: / Iarvey Gitel CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you: For the comfort provided during our recent loss Eunice Galsky 6c Family An Aliyah: / lolly Jacobs SANDRA & STANLEY MALLIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In Memory of: Mort Karsh Anonymous 10 PRESCIIOOL SCIIOIARSIIIP FUND In Memory of: llcnc Atkinson Dana & Joel Wallace Peggy Gutman Dana 6c Joel Wallace Les Levine Marci 6c Hob Murdock Bernie Li to IT Mona 6c Charles Silverman JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: Sally be Dick Eskenazi on the Birth of your Twin Grandsons Marsha 6c Steve Cohen Speedy Recovery: Louis Levin Lillian Radomsky Marci Seltzer Debbie Lederer In Memory of: Sheldon Kronfcld Racine 6c Gerry Murdock Lillian & Mike Radomsky SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL Speedy Recovery: Alma Brooks Joan Davis Sheila Galper Bruce Joseph Louis Levin / lelene & / larold Sussman SIDNEY CHAPLIN MEMORIAL FUND In I lonor of: Audrey ic Stan Abramow's Granddaughter Allison becoming a I Sal Mitzvah Shirley Chaplin Speedy Recovery: Marci Seltzer Shirley- Chaplin GENERAL FUND Jason Mash Lillian Welsh In Honor of: Jean <S: Lou Arin on the Marriage of Debbie Garald Todd Blanche 6c Phil Meisel Audrey Davis' daughter Elyse Davis becoming a Bat Mitzvah Blanche & Phil Meisel Clifford tV Geralyn Molin's daughter Andi becoming a Bat Mitzvah Susie 6c Barry Levett Laura Sussman Racine 6c Gerry Murdock Carol He JefTZucker's granddaughter Elyse Davis becoming a Bat Mitzvah Blanche & Phil Meisel Speedy Recovery: Margie Wrobel Susan 6: Wa rren Flaks In Memory of: Dr. James E. Gearien Dr. 6c Mrs. Ludwig Bauer Ida Groman Bella & Sol Lieber Jacki 6c Steven Permuth Denise Walsh YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Sara Agron Elissa Agron Charlene 6c Ibny Carter Lilian Glicken Esther Barsky Samuel Barsky May Mushkin Abraham Blum Sylvia 6c / loward Schwartzer Robert Chaim Bohincr Richard Bobiner Nathan BobrofT Rose BobrofT Judy 6c Manny Stein Tributes Dave Brown Laurie 6c William Barron Benjam i 11 Brustowsky Ruth 6c Allen Brewster Doris Chiss Elsa & Allen Chiss Howard Cohen Sherrill Nesbit Sidney Eckhaus Linda 6c Leonard Eckhaus John Ellis llacine 6c Gerry Murdoch Sheldon Factor Jayne Factor Louise Frush Sam Dvorak Ellen Gentry Viola L. Goldstein Margaret Gershman Sheila 6c Jay r Gershman Israel Gertler Lillian 6c I ienry Kronberg Marie Gordon Reba Saiger Eli llayon The Tredup Fam ily Abraham Kirschenblatt Sue 6c Irwin Kirschenblatt Irving Klegerman Dorothy Klegerman Bessie Kline / larriet Straus Gloria Kohen Ilene, Phil, Staci, Elyssa, Larry, Sandi 6c Jay David kornfeld Edith 6c Allan Bloomberg Oscar Bud Lauren Sheryl Honig Helen Levin Elaine 6c Robert Levin Otto Lewv Anita Lewy Jeffrey Martin Marks Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau Bessie Meisel Blanche 6c Phil Meisel Annie Leah Moskowitz Millicent Cohen Dave Oberne Hylda Leitner Sidney Peilte Zelda 6c Jordan Goodman Alfred Popkin Karen Popkin Matthew Popkin Esther "Lala" Powell Lillian & / lenry Kronberg Helen E. Beiter Norma J. Mlerisky Terri Wilensky- Genzer 6c Robert Genzer Louis Beiter Norma J. Wdensky Etya Shreer Yuri Rozantal Simon Shreer Helen Slonini The Wechsler Family Phyllis Sotnick Carol Sotnick Stanley Stern Dr. Albert 6c Nancy Rosten Leonard Stiel Marcy Simon Louis TamarolT Betty Schwartz Ann Victorson Fred Victorson Janice Victorson Max Weinstein Adele & Philip Engel Nathan Wexler Daniel Wexler L'DOB V'DOR Ruth Broads Milcbed Gerson Blanka 6c Fred Schuh Rose Volpiansky In Honor of: Shirley Goldberg's Birthday Rut he Spector Priscilla Schwartz-Modes' Honor by lladassali Debbie Lederer Anita Lewy Mel Wolziner Ruth Goldfarb In Memory of: Ida Groman / iarriette Jackler IAWRFNCE A. SCULLY LIBRARY FUND Speedy Recovery: Mrs. Philip Scully Ellen Scu lly Margie Wrobel Ellen Scully HEATHER SAXE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Dr. &c Mrs. Stan Abramow's Granddaughter Allison becoming a Bat Mitzvah Dr. Andrew be Karen Bronstein's Daughter Allison becoming a Bat Mitzvah Dr. 6c Mrs. Bernie Bronstein's Granddaughter Allison becoming a Bat Mitzvah Andrea, Richard, Drake 6c Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon Schore CHEVRAH KADIS HA SOCIETY Eunice 6c Alan Galsky In I lonor of: Wendy Kraft 6c Laura Sussman's Daughter Emma becoming a Bat Mitzvah Anita Lewyr MOLLIE WEISS MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Mae Marmor Niiger Barbara 6c I gal ChozahinojJ 1 1 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Free Olympus DS-330 Digital Recorder! Locally owned... Rates as low as 8c (a line! ? Electronic Edit/Signature Available 1 5 I I A N S H A N PA I . A ST REALTOR? Direct (702)307-5500 Cell (702)370-0327 Fax (702)212-2223 lanpalastw. w ww.RedSellsJ hi/ 3090 S. Durango #100 Las Vegas. 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