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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS LAND AMD WATER COMPANY P r o p e r t y e m b r a c e d i n w a t e r d i s t i r u b t i o n s y s te m a t L a s V e g a s , N e v a d a . Sheet U Bate Class and s iz e o f p ip e e•e• i W.O.No. i •• S ize : Kind f• : U nits 19U7 582 S" Cast ir o n p ip e L in .F t. 19 us 583 n II R It n 19US 59 U It h n 11 N 19US 60s n II N H ' ft 19 U9 61U n n n H n T otal g H ca st iro n 1938 3UU 10» Cast ir o n pine L in .F t. 19 Ul U16 n n n H n 19 Us U39 It H H ft 11 19 U7 567 It H H n n 19 U7 57U It » H it H 19 U9 625 It II II n H 19U9 61U N II H If ft T ota l 10” ca s t iro n 19 uo U07 12" Cast ir o n p ip e L in .F t. 19 U2 3 S8 n II H it 11 19U1 U16 n n n H H 19 U5 515 it H II H ft 19 U5 516 11 H H n n 19 U9 625 n II It n 11 19 U9 61 u n N H n n T otal 12M c a s t ir o n 1939 378 l 6N Cast ir o n p ip e L in .F t. T otal water lin e s Work shop and equipment 1912 1080 Shop b u ild in g , frame Each 1912 10S0 Equipment and t o o ls Lot 19 U7 579 C hevrole t tru ck Each A «? A d d ition s B m Betterm ents Original cost to date o f property T otal work shop and equipment : No.of : units : Investment : cost •• in place as of Becember 31. 1919 . •• s * : Unit Total : price e • • f • Amount : Total origin al cost $ $ $ $ $ 3.555 9.U66.17 A 9.U66.17 9.U66.17 SU6 3,582.57 A 3,582.57 3,582.57 752 3.0U2.60 A 3.0U2.60 3,0U2.60 2,550 9,673.20 A 9,673.20 9,673.20 . 3.659 8.596.89 A 8.596.89 8.596.89 71.016 166.3U9.U6 138.918,23 61.771.90 200,690.13 1.13U 2, USO.lU B 3.60 U,082.UO U.082.UO 1.955 3.298.U9 B 3.90 7,62 U. 50 7.62U.50 1.176 U,822.29 A U, 822.29 U,822.29 U98 1,500.00 A 1,500.00 1,500.00 590 1.9U5.51 A 1.9U5.51 1.9U5.51 3.780 22,900.00 A 22,900.00 22,900.00 2.072 10.280.66 10.280.66 10.280,66 11.205 U5.227.09 Ul,kU8.U6 11.706.90 53.155.36 738 2,802.37 A 2,802.37 2,802.37 2,820 6.331.76 A 6,331.76 6,331.76 69O l,U l6 .5 0 B 3.90 2,691.00 2,691.00 3.250 1U, 676.51 A 1U,676.51 1U, 676.51 5,765 28,752.06 A 28,752.06 28,752.06 2,760 19,660.00 A 19,660.00 19,660.00 2.630 15.950.SU A 15.950.8U 15.950,8U 18.653 89.590.0U 88.173.5U 2.691.00 90.86U.5U 23U 903.78 A 903.78 903.78 705.237.19 6UU.S50.33 133.33U.1_8____ 778.18U.51 1 285.31 285.31 285.31 1 307.05 307.05 307.05 1 1 .7 7 9 .U3 1.779.U3 1.779.U3 2.371.79 ___ 2.371.79 2.371.79