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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Eugene C.C U EUGENE, OREGON The Eugene Country Club from Eugene, Oregon captured the "A" Division of the eighth round of the Desert Inn's International Gold Cup Tournament. They won over 9 other Oregon teams with a combined 36-hole score of 537. Rainier C.C ^ RAINIER, WASHINGTON Rainier Golf & C.C. took the "B" division of the eighth round of the Gold Cup with a combined total of 537. They won over 10 other teams from Washington. Wedinah III C.C. Over 200 golfers from Illinois competed in the ninth round of the Desert Inn's International Gold Cup Tournament with top scoring honors going to the Medinah, Illinois Country Club. The ten team members had a combined 36- hole score of 878. This was the first time that a new scoring method was used in the Gold Cup whereby first day's score was based on the best ball of the twosome and on the second day's play, the total combined nets of the twosome was used. This was done to bring out the best team by reflecting each team member playing under low net total for both balls rather than best ball of both balls. GOLD CUP EIGHTH/NINTH and TENTH ROUND WINNERS .;:7;77l7lt7i |! 777 7 ,.,;:'?ç Brookhaven C.C. DALLAS, TEXAS Brookhaven C.C. team members captured the "A" division in the tenth round of the Desert Inn Gold Cup Tournament in Las Vegas. Teeing off against eighty other golfers from the Dallas area, Brookhaven bested the lot with a total of 532 for the 36 hole score. They will now return in June to compete with other winning teams for the coveted International Gold Cup, amateur golf's top trophy. Nolan River C.C. FORT WORTH, TEXAS Competing with seventy other players from the Ft. Worth area, the Nolan River C.C. walked away with top scoring honors in the "B" division of the tenth round of the Desert Inn Gold Cup Tournament, pulling together a total 36-hole score of 522. AIL AMERICANS PLAY IN TEXAS GOLD CUP Competing with their country club team members from the Ft. Worth area in the recent Gold Cup elimination are four former All Americans. From left are Hugh Wolfe, fullback, University of Texas '37; Sam Boyd, halfback, Baylor '38; I. B. Hale, tackle, Texas Christian '38 and Rags Matthews, end, Texas Christian '29. Matthews was named also to the National Football Hall of Fame.