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Award, flier, and proclamation for B'nai B'rith, Las Vegas



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    WSooumthener'sn G ArraBena'nd Ma Li eoBmd'rgbiteeh rD shisitpr iActw Naor.d 4 Presented to Las Vegas #415 In Recognition of Outstanding Participation in the 1955-36 Membership Program Dated this Thirteenth Day of March, 1956 President. 'District No. 4 Membership Chairman, District No. 4 U . 1 / Southern Area Acquisition Chairman Southern Area Conservation Chairman B'NAI B'RETH WOMEN CHAPTER s#4i5 "HIT THE HIGH NOTE" REACH_FORJ^OUR pONORjCREJDIT_the EASY__WAY EARN $ 8 . 0 0 DONOR CREDIT FOR EACH BOOK SOLD AND GALS -- DONfT FORGET ADDED BONUS % For each $100,00 earned you receive a lovely 14k gold charm! For each $ 5 0 , 0 0 earned you receivc a beautiful rhinestone Monorail ? ' V THE AWARDS ARE GIVEN ANNUALLY AT OUR DONOR AFFAIR "DO YOU KNOW THE SCORE" 1. . . $7, 000. 00 in awards, inc luding a 1963 automobile, color tv, s t e r e o , winfield china, dishwasher, 8mm motion picture project or and screen, portable TV, tape-recorder, portable typewriter, polaroid camera, transistor radio, 3 piece ladies luggage 2. . . S e l l e r of any winning ticket received a $ 2 5 . 0 0 U.S.Savings Bond, 3 . . . Bonus Ticket on back cover of book for drawing of $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 U.S.Savings Bond when complete book is scid or purchased. SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT HEY, LOOK US OVER LEND US YOUR EAR WE'VE GOT SOME FACTS THAT YOU'LL E E GLAD TO HEAR OUR FIRST MONEY RAISING PROJECT OF THE YEAR IF YOU "HIT THE HIGH NOTE" IT'S EASY AS CAN B E MAKE THIS A YEAR OF FUND RAISING HISTORY JSO START GETTING THOSE $$ (dollars) FROM DEALERS & WHEEL FROM FRIENDS WHO ARE "SHPEELERS" TOO ERS AND B'NAI B'RITH WILL LOVE YOU Send STUBS & MONEY TO ETTA HARMELL 443 Desert Inn Road Phone, . ? , R E 5-0621 or WINNIE STEIN Re 5-2524 by October 20th \ // P l e a s e call Etta for extra books, r \ S 4 P . S . SELL TWO BOOKS INSTEAD OF JUST ONE. ^ PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, B'nai B'rith as one of the largest service organizations has helped to further the aims of Human Relations between the people of the world; and WHEREAS, in the eyes of God all men are created equal to live by the Golden Rule as set forth in the hearts of men; and WHEREAS, all men should believe in the Golden Rule, practice it, and live by it. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Oran K. Gragson, Mayor of the City of Las Vegas do hereby proclaim the week of February 18 to 25 as NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD WEEK in the City of Las Vegas and call upon the citizens of this City to join with B'nai B'rith in the recognition of NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD WEEK. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Las Vegas to be affixed this 15th day of February, 1963. ORAN K. GRAGSON, I {OR ATTEST: SIGR1JD/DODGSON,/Acting City Clerk