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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    NEWS FROM THE ENTERTAINMENT CAPITAL OF THE WORLD I January 11, 196S M/i. Von Andzn VnodazzK. Vzhznt Inn Hotzl Lah Vzgak, Nzvada Vzan. Sim It ih my plza&atiz to in{onm yon that Pzazz.' '68 ka& bzzn kZlZdtzd &?·> tkz BzAt Skou) oft tkz Vzan. o{ 1967. Szlzation wa4 madz by Tkz REVIEWER zditotiial i>ta{h and bat>zd on youJi pzK^ohmanzzh in Lab Vzgah daning 1967. We at Tkz REVIEWER kzzt tkat Pzazz! ' 6S kah bzzn outstanding and ii> a gnzat tnibatz to AkowbuAinzAA and to La?·> Vzgah* Copy ol tkih week".* ihhaz o?· Tkz REVIEWER containing tkz nzu)i> o{ youiH. &ztzztion atong witk otkzn. top zntzKt&inzn.&, witk tkzin di^ztiznt zatzgonizi> znzlo&zd. PlzaAz azczpt my moAt binzzizz congratulations and wihkzh ^on. continuzd allcczaa in tkz fiutusiz. Yowl* vziy truly, THE LAS {/EGAS REVIEWER