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Tax notices: Sadie George




1911 to 1919


This folder is from "Financial Records" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000393. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    TAX RATE TAXES 1911 No. State and County rate...........$2.60 City of Las Vegas (to ta l). . . . 4.00 Las Vegas School District, outside of city (to ta l)........3.00 City of Searchlight (to ta l)... 4.60 St. Joseph School Dist. (total) 3.60 Assessed to STATE OF NEVADA P o ll Tax, Tota l, D olla rs, being the amount o f F I R S T I N S T A L L M E N T o f State, County and Special Taxes on the above described property, f o r the year ending D ecem ber 3 1 s t, 1 9 1 1 . S E C O N D p 18 T A X R A T E S State and County R a te -------------------------------------$ 2 .00 State, County, Las V e g a s C ity and School (to ta l)- 3.0 0 State, County, L . V . School outside city (t o t a l)- . 2 .8 0 State, County and M oapa School (tota l)------------- 2 .60 State, County and Goodsprings School (total)------ 2.15 State, County and O verton School (tota l)----------- 2.25 State, County and St. Thom as School (tota l)------ 2.25 State, County and C ity of Searchlight (total)-------- 4 .00 Assessed to± TAXES FOR 1912 No. S 7 4 STATE OF NEVADA County of Clark ^ _________________ SECOND INSTALLMENTS o f State, County and Special Taxes on the above described property, f o r the year ending D ecem ber 3 1 st, 1 9 1 2 . SECOND INSTALLMENT delinquent first M on d a y o f June, i 9 1 3 . County Treasurer and \eceioer. TAX RATE TAXES 1911 No. 1 4 ^ * State and County rate.......... $2.60 City of Las Vegas (to ta l). . . . 4.00 CHT A T I7 fAI7 M17 \ / A A Las Vegas School District, kD 1 /A 1 I I U F 1 V A U A outside of city (to ta l)....... 3.00 17 Please Return This Card With Taxes C O U N T Y T R E A S U R E R ’S OFFICE, LA S VEGAS. C L A R K C O U N T Y , N E V A D A Las Vegas, Nevada, November 1, 1911. Folio of Roll ‘ V-V-.. Please take nbtiee that the State and County Taxes f o r the year 1911 are now due and payable at my office. A ll taxes ( save and except amounts due upon 2d installments) remaining unpaid at 6 p.m . on ‘Monday, December 4, 1911, will then beeome delinquent and 10 per eent be added thereto. Parties' .paying in semi-annual installments are required to pay on f ir s t installment me FULL AMOUNT OF POLL TAXES due, in addition to one-half of their Real and Personal Property Tax. / The amount assessed to your name is $.L............I.:,-..... T A X RATE State and County rate.................. $2.60 City o f Las V egas (tota l)............. 4.00 Las Vegas School District, outside o f city (to ta l)............................. 3.00 C ity o f Searchlight (tota l)............ 4.60 St. Joseph School District (total) 1 3.60 Poll Tax $' Total . . $ ED. W. CLARK, Treasurer and Tax R eceiver. D E S C R IP T IO N O P P R O P E R T Y S ~ L o t CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA State, County and Special Taxes FIRST INSTALLMENT L o t or Sect. Blk.or Twp. R ange V A L U A T IO N 1 1 5 6 !) 4 5 D IS T R IC T V A L U A T IO N R A T E AM O U N T E 4 . 1 { 4 5 3 . 9 1 W a t e r 1 . 7 6 . 7 4 T ota l .................... 2 . 5 0 Tax Levy of S a d i© 3 . Cooitjj, 802-& 1 * S H p g j t o : a ilo a d # L o s A n g e l e s , r> a i» 1921 Roll D E S C R IP T IO N O F P R O P E R T Y Lot s®§ 111 L o t or Sect. Blk.or Twp. R ange 1 IS 6i$ V A L U A T IO N 4 5 D IS T R IC T V A L U A T IO N R A T E 154 ? J"I- 4 6 0 * M CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA State, County and Special Taxes « , j r rr ' ^ *ientscl It* V j DEC - 5 1921 Mm Assessed to 1 Receiv Clark Couaty, Nevada Sadie B» Georg© f S02i B* -engington Bead* Lee A n g e l e s , Gal# SECOND INSTALLMENT AM O UN T M 2 * 5 0 Tax Levy of 1921 Rod m 148 D E S C R IP T IO N O F P R O P E R T Y jj& ¥ S b CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA State, County and Special Taxes FIRST INSTALLMENT L o t or Sect. Blk.or Twp. R ange V A L U A T IO N 14 "J1 LAO 55 160 D IS T R IC T V A L U A T IO N R A T E AM O U N T G e n * C o . Stonk T a x ______ 1 6 0 . £ . 5 1 4 , 0 ® P o ll T a x ................ T ota l _____________ S a d i e B . G e o r g a , 0 0 2 t i ' K e n s i n g t o n A d * L o b A n g e l e s , C a l i f . Tax Levy of 1921 Roll I W - A D E S C R IPTIO N O P P R O P E R T Y L o t or Sect. U Blk.or Twp. R ange 0 0 V A L U A T IO N CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA State, County and Special Taxes First a d • r r ... | !!stste'!rnenfe of Taxes DEC - 5 1921 D IS T R IC T V A L U A T IO N R A T E G a n • C o # ? I C O # H # 5 1 , -% / . - / , m m ?4 P P & \ s l- ' Assessed to : Receiver, Clark County, Nevada. Sadie B. 6ecrg»* CVOS'h X i a t a t i n ^ t o n A d * B o a A a g o i o s * 0 3 l ; l f * SECOND INSTALLMENT AM O U N T 4 * 0 f Tax Levy of 1921 Roll D E S C R IPTIO N OF P R O P E R T Y Lot SEf l i aai- Pat. 6696 Arable 90*75 acres md inf m m 8 T O $ .6 / 5 , ~£>-v r L o t or Sect. B lk.or Twp. Range V A L U A T IO N 272 CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA State, Comity and Special Taxes Las Vegas, Nevada,................—........., 19___ ..L. , Beceived Second Installment o f above Taxes, amounting to I.........#.*.... ) T a x R eceiver FIRST INSTALLMENT D IS T R IC T V A L U A T IO N R A T E Moapa School 272 2.4505 Assessed to Sadie B. George, 9 - w *•*.*•» m AM OUNT 6.67 I 6.67 Tax Levy of 1919 Roll m 233