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« H. V. PLATT, First Vict-Prtsidtni SALT LAKE ROUTE LOS ANGELES A SALT LAJtE RAILROAD COMPANY Office of First Vice-President Salt Lake City, Utah October 5th, 1916. Mr, J. Ross Clark Second Vice-president, Los Angeles, Dear Sir: I have approved and return herewith porms-30, Los Angeles Division Nos. 5-1079 and 5-1089, former covering construction of packing house to he leased to Mr. A. L. Woodhill, Riverside, at estimated cost of $7471,98, and the latter covering cost of installing machinery in this packing house, estimated $4550.00, both of which were received with your No. 1899 of October 2nd and referred to in Mr. Nutt’s joint letter of September 30th. Correspondence with accompanied forms 30 is also returned herewith. Yours truly, Enel CC, Mr, H. C. Nutt: