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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    INTERNATIONAL GIN RUMMY TOURNAMENTS INDUSTRIAL ARTS B U I L D I N G *3 135 INDUSTRIAL ROAD* LAS VEGAS, NEV. 89 102 AREA CODE 702/735-7472 Dear Tournament Entrant, Thank you so much for your planning reply card - it will help us figure how many people will be here for what we hope will be the biggest Tournament ever. There are several points we would like you to follow through on for your comfort and convenience: 1. Please make your own reservations at the hotel of your own choice. 2. Please make sure any people you know who are planning to attend send in their entry forms just as you did. 3. Please distribute the enclosed brochures and entry forms and let us know if you need more. If there is anything further we can do to help make your entrance in the 11th International Gin Rummy Tournament more pleasurable and enjoyable, please let us know. Kindest regards,