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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 12, 1999






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 29 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000961. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 29-17 Monday, April 12,1999 MSU201 7:00 PM David Fisk Senate President Pro-Tempore Education Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Teddi Raffail Urban Affairs Tara Schroeder ealth Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration Paul Moradkhan Sciences Luis Ay on Business Sheridan Green Engineering I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports 1. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR DALEY; 2. Elections Board, DIRECTOR RAMIREZ; 3. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR AYALA; 4. Entertainment & Programming, DIRECTOR JOHNS; 5. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE; 6. Student Services, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN; D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report G. Business Manager Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS SO cr: i—UJ1 CO A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending $2,500 to co-sponsor the third annual College of Fine Arts student art show, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR LAZAROFF; B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $800 for 2 days with 6 students for the stress massage relief event, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CANEPA; VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT[in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II David Fisk Senate President Pro-Tempore Education MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 29-17 Monday, April 12,1999 MSU 201, 7:00 PM Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Teddi Raff ail Urban Affairs Tara Schroeder •alth Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration Paul Moradkhan Sciences Luis Ay on Business Sheridan Green Engineering I. II. CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH called Senate Meeting 29-17 to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Johnny Anzalone Luis Ayon Christian Augustin Catharine Bastunas Josephine Binetti A'lisa Bronder Amy Canepa Aaron Clemens Stephanie Davy David Fisk John P. A. Garcia Gil Glancz Sheridan Green Brady T. Knapp Anne-Marie Lazaroff Marc Maietta Monica Moradkhan Paul Moradkhan Christy Morgan Teddi Raffail Tara Schroeder Ofir Ventura Ryland Whitaker * denotes tardiness CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SENATE MINUTES 29-17/April 12, 1999 III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve Senate meeting minutes 29-13 made by SENATOR BASTUNAS, seconded by SENATOR AYON. SENATOR LAZAROFF made a motion to amend the first page for her absence to be excused, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Move into a vote to approve the minutes. Motion passes 22-0-1. (SENATOR LAZAROFF abstained.) IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports: ( 1. SENATOR FISK stated that the Dean search for education met Friday and they are making arrangements to speak with each of the candidates. 2. SENATOR GARCIA stated that the Scholarship Committee met Friday and they are done for the rest of the semester. C. Director Reports: 1. NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR DALEY stated that he had nothing to report. 2. ELECTIONS BOARD DIRECTOR RAMIREZ was not present. VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO (read a report from the Director.) The last Elections Board meeting will be on April 19th and the last required candidate meeting is on April 26th. SENATOR BASTUNAS made a motion to strike Ramirez and insert Estus, seconded by SENATOR CLEMENS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. 2 SENATE MINUTES 29-17/April 12, 1999 3. ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR AYALA stated that he had nothing to report. 4. ENTERTAINMENT & PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR JOHNS was not present. VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO (read a report from the Director.) 5. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR DE LA FONTAINE stated that she is planning a board member banquet. The REBELPALOOZA publicity is in the Senate boxes and her board will be putting up 500 fliers tomorrow. 6. STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FLEISHMAN was not present. D. Residence Hall Liaison Report: Jen Peck stated that this week they have 22 students coming in town from UCSD. They are doing the clean-up for REBELPALOOZA. They are having Olympic night in the Dining Commons in about two weeks. They had their Executive Board elections and they have a new President who will be the next liaison. E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report: The liaison stated that they had their scholar athlete luncheon today that recognized the top 30 athletes who had a 3.72 GPA or higher. F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report: Ann Yu stated that they had a meeting last week. They are electing a new Executive Board and are looking for a new President. G. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE was not present. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that he is ill. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending $2,500 to co-sponsor the third annual College of Fine Arts student art show, costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR LAZAROFF; Motion to approve made by SENATOR A YON, seconded by SENATOR LAZAROFF. 3 SENATE MINUTES 29-17/April 12, 1999 Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $800 for 2 days with 6 students for the stress message relief event, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CANEPA; Motion to approve made by SENATOR BASTUNAS, seconded by SENATOR CANEPA. There was some discussion. SENATOR LAZAROFF made a motion to amend the amount to $1200, seconded by SENATOR A YON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Move into a vote on the Item. Motion passes 23-0-0. VIII PUBLIC COMMENT IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO stated that Faculty Excellence Award submissions need to be in this week. He needs RSVPs for the banquet. Interviews for the J.C. will be starting on Friday. PRESIDENT PRICE congratulated the new Executive Board. He is looking forward to the transition period which didn't really happen last year. Tomorrow at 9:30 there is a meeting in the Thomas and Mack about the Rebel Experience and he needs somebody to go. Some budget adjustments were passed in the Executive Board meeting today and they will be on the next Senate agenda. The Board of Regents meeting is coming up at the end of the month in Reno. The Rebel Yell is shying away from playing softball against CSUN. They could try an inter-CSUN game. He congratulated the Rugby Team for qualifying for the national championships in Cincinnati. The leadership scholarships are out and the deadline for them is Friday the 23rd. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that he is trying to have his current office painted and the roof of the storage shed fixed. Anyone interested in the IAC should see an executive board member after the meeting. They have to nominate 4 people at the next Executive Board meeting. He also welcomed Scott Pajak who is the President of IFC to the meeting. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH yielded the floor to Sunny Martin. Sunny Martin stated that the Princeton Review lists the top 331 Colleges and Universities and they have a section on students. She asked the Senators to fill out surveys to be sent back to the Review. X GOOD OF THE SENATE 4 SENATE MINUTES 29-17/April 12, 1999 SENATOR BINETTI congratulated the incoming Executive Board. She also stated that she is up for Softball. SENATOR DAVY stated that she is up for softball. SENATOR GARCIA congratulated the incoming Executive Board. Everyone attending the AIDS walk on Sunday should meet in the MSU at 8:00. SENATOR RAFF AIL congratulated the incoming Executive Board. SENATOR SCHROEDER congratulated the incoming Executive Board. SENATOR M. MORADKHAN congratulated the incoming Executive Board. She also stated that Alpha Delta Pi is doing a fundraiser at Gordon Biersch tomorrow. SENATOR BASTUNAS congratulated the incoming Executive Board. She also wished good luck to those who are leaving. SENATOR CANEPA stated that she is glad the election is over and everybody did a great job. There was poor voter turnout but she is looking forward to a good year. She also stated that UNLVino was a great success. ( SENATOR VENTURA thanked SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH for making the meetings so entertaining. He encouraged everyone who lost in the elections to try again next year. SENATOR GLANCZ congratulated the incoming Executive Board and stated that he has to leave. SENATOR GLANCZ leaves at 7:35. SENATOR CLEMENS said good-bye to SENATOR GLANCZ and congratulations to everybody for anything they have done to deserve congratulations. SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN congratulated the incoming Executive Board. SENATOR GREEN congratulated the incoming Executive Board. SENATOR KNAPP congratulated the incoming Executive Board and stated that UNLVino was a raging success. He had a great time at UNLVino. SENATOR WHITAKER stated that losing sucks and congratulated the incoming Executive Board. Instead of playing softball they should play ice hockey. 5 SENATE MINUTES 29-17/April 12, 1999 SENATOR AYON stated that Jason Moss who is an alumni will be speaking about a book he wrote at 7 p.m. on Friday. He thinks it is sad that nobody from the Rebel Yell shows up or wants to play softball. He thinks they should just schedule an inter-CSUN game. SENATOR MORGAN wished everyone a great week. SENATOR BRONDER had no comment. SENATOR MAIETTA had no comment. SENATOR LAZAROFF thanked everyone for passing her Item and stated that she was surprised there were no questions asked. SENATOR ANZALONE congratulated the incoming Executive Board. He stated that he had fun and learned a lot during the election. He warned everyone to look out for the Rebel Yell. He thinks the Elections Board should have had more open forums for the candidates to speak. The Rebel Yell was able to control a lot of things during the election. SENATOR AUGUSTIN stated that the Rebel Yell is interesting. He tried a professor who deals with newspapers to see what their reaction was to last Thursday's newspaper. He thinks they shy away from putting their name down when they write editorials. He didn't approve of the editorial and he thinks that if you are going to write something so harsh you should put your name down. He also stated that it would be wise to leave the J.C. interviews up to the new Executive Board. SENATOR FISK stated that he wonders about the research methods and polling of the Rebel Yell. He asked Senators to give him their schedules for the summer and next semester. He might move the meetings back to 6:00. He wants to get started on the Director applications ASAP. He asked Senators leaving in May to let him know. He also stated that he will be participating in the AIDS walk. XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting made by SENATOR FISK, seconded by SENATOR AYON. Move into a vote. Vote to adjourn passes 22-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH adjourned the meeting at 7:41 p.m. Submitted by: Prepared by: Richard D. Kimbrough II 6