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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 19, 1976






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 5 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000118. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SENATE MEETING //14 October 19, 1976 I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order by chair at 5:15 p.m. II. Roll Call Roll call was taken by the CSUN Secretary. Members present: Absent(Ex): Absent(Unex): Debi Fields Joe Mann Sharon Baker Brad Peterson Leona Gonzales Rick Gutierrez Bobby Lawson Joe Warpinski Tom Moreo Gerone Free Tina Purdy Scott Lorenz Marshal Willick Rick Pipkins Ron McCormick Dominiclc Cirone Andrew Sultan Paula Adamo Pam Phinney Jace Mills Bill Van Anda Jodi Tenuta Evan Fishman John Jeffrey III. Approval of Minutes Motion by Brad Peterson to approve minutes as submitted. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Motion passes. IV. Information Dan Russell reported on the sale of the Basketball tickets. V. Committee Reports A. Activities Board Activities board report was given by Scott Lorenz. He submitted the Erick Von Daniken contract for $2,350 all inclusive. Scott Lorenz moved to approve contract for Bob Katz for November 23, 1976 for $850. With discussion, this motion passed unanimously. B. Union Board Joe Warpinski gave the Union Board report and submitted the Union Board Operating policy to be approved at the next meeting. C. Elections Board. The Elections board report was given by Sharon Baker. Results are posted downstairs. Sharon submitted the following by-laws. "For any Freshman candidate, a high school GPA of 2.0 or higher shall be required for candidacy." " A GED shall constitute a 2.0 or C GPA." D. Organizations Council Pamela Hysell reported on the approval of the following organizations by her Council and moved for their approval by the Senate. Seconded by Gerone Free. Sigma Nu Alpha Kappa Psi Resident Student Association Pre-Law Organization Personnel Management Assoc. UNLV Ski Club Psi Chi La Raza UNLV Accounting Assoc. Sigma Chi Delta Zeta ACLU Asian Studies Student Theatre Program Bazoo (Baptist Student Union) Motion passes with the condition that Asian studies and Student Theatre Program do not ask for matching funds since their memberships do not consist of enough CSUN members. VII. New Business A. Motion by Gerone Free to appoint Dr. Cassese as the new Parliamentarian due to Dr. Stephens' resignation. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Motion passes unanimously. Brad Peterson moves to accept by acclamation. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Motion passes with one abstention. B. Joe Warpinski moves to present a"Done-Good Award" to Tom Moreo and the Executive Officers. Gerone Free seconds. Motion passes with one abstention. Gerone Free moves that steps be taken that the Alumni of UNLV be given some consideration above the general community. Seconded by Dan Russell. Motion passes with two abstentions. Gerone Free moved that the Editor of the Yell be removed from his position at this time. Seconded by Rick Gutierrez. Joe Warpinski made an amendment to that motion to read that we would demand Don Beury's resignation from the Senate. Seconded by Marshal Willick. Marshal withdraws his second. Motion then seconded by Tom Moreo. Discussion. Joe Warpinski calls for the question. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Motion to vote immediately passes. Vote on amendment passes with eight in favor, five opposed, and 2 abstaining. Joe Warpinski calls for question. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Motion passes. Vote on main motion passes with eight in favor, five opposed, and 2 abstaining. Marshal Willick requests a five-minute recess. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Passes with one abstention. Meeting called back to order. Don Beury is now present. Mr. Beury decides to think it over and let the next Senate know his decision at the next Senate Meeting. Dan Russell makes a motion that Mr. Beury put his decision in writing for each Senator. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Motion passes. Sharon Baker states that Mr. Moreo's protest will be heard at the Elections Board meeting Thursday at noon. Brad Peterson made a motion that the roll call be published in the minutes name by name. Seconded by Rick Gutierrez. Discussion. An amendment was made that any absence, excused or unexcused be marked as such. Seconded by Bobby Lawson. Amendment passes with six in favor, four opposed, and three abstaining. Discussion on main motion. Motion passes with three abstentions. Dan Russell moves to adjourn, seconded by Rick Pipkins. The second is withdrawn. Brad Peterson moved that the CSUN Senate send to the proper authorities a resolution to the affect that traffic lights be installed at Maryland Parkway and University Road. Seconded by Scott Lorenz. Discussion, Motion passes. Brad Peterson moves to accept by acclamation. Seconded by Scott Lorenz. Motion passes. Rick Pipkins moves to adjourr.. Seconded by Dan Russell. Iiotion passes, meeting adjourns at 6:35.