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    §pi ^ | Sa n Pedro, L os A ngeles & Sa l t L ake R ailroad Co m pany / J I ? OFFICE OF GENERAL ATTORNEY T . E . G I B B O N , G e n e r a l C o u n s e l . C. O . W H I T T E M O R E , G e n e r a l At t o r n e y . Salt Lake City, Utah, M arch 9 th , 1905. ... Land & Water Rights Black Rock, Walter James.'• .• .• T. E. Gibbon, Esq. , General Counsel, Los Angeles, Cal Dear sir:- Upon taking up the option between the Company and Walter James for lands at Black Rock, dated February 15th, this Company was to convey to him certain lands which it now appears belong to the Short Line. Arrangements have been made to secure a deed to us from the Short Line but the same-cannot be secured before the date of expiration of the option which is March 17th. I took this up with Mr. J. Ross Clark yesterday and after seeing him arranged with Mr. James* attorney to give him, if the option should be taken up, an agreement to convey the lands described within a reasonable time in lieu of the deed. I enclose herewith original and six copies of agreement to that effect which I have prepared for execution by the Company. If approved by you as to form will you kindly secure execution of the original and return to me as soon as practicable. I ought to have it not later than the 16th of the month as the deal must be closed on the 17th if titles are satisfactory by that time. Yours very truly