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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Water Veil #4 Location: 850» North and 500' West of the East Quarter corner of Section 31, 20-61, M.D.B.&M. Elevation: 2131.03' (Top of Foundation Mat) Spudded: 3:00 P.M., A pril 25, 1940 Completed: May 4. 1940 Total Depth: 806' Casing Record 16» - 3/16" w all, 45,000# ten sile, Western Pipe and Steel Co. oasing, c o lla r each end, hung 39' and cemented with 39 sacks below c e lla r flo o r or 46.6' below top of table 10-3/4" - 40.5# Lapweld, Grade H-40, Range 1, T & C casing with Baker Whirler Float shoe hung at 506.4' and oemented with 290 sacks Victor Modified cement. An additional 150 sacks were squeezed be­tween the 16" and 10-5/4" casing from the surface. 7" - 22.0# lin e r Grade J-55, Range 3, T A C casing, 315' long, landed at 801', lower 300' perforated; top of lin e r at 486'; welded b u ll plug on bottom; perforated 60 mesh, 2" slot, 6" centers, 14 rows. LOG 0 - 14 - 34 - 250 - 430 - 460 - 465 - 468 - 481 - 540 - 14 Hard Lime shell 34 Clay and gravel 250 Clay, lime, occasional streaks sand 430 Gravel 460 Gravel, streaks lime and clay 465 Lime shell 468 Gravel and lime 481 Gravel and clay 540 Red clay 806 Gravel