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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    NEVADA STATE MUSEUM SANTA BARBARA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MEMBER INSTITUTIONS Western Speleological Institute, Inc. Dedicated to the Study and Preservation of Natural Caves MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Santa Barbara, California PHIL C. ORR, DIRECTOR O. H. TRUMAN, PRESIDENT HON. CLARK J. GUILD, VICE-PRESIDENT J. W . CALHOUN, SECRETARY PHIL C. ORR, TREASURER DR. A. S. COGGESHALL JULIUS BERGEN TRUSTEES March 29, 1957 Dear Charles: Enclosed is check to cover your labor for Feb- March of 88 hours. Numbers for spe cimens will have to wait a little until I can get my head above water. Have two new employees to get trained. The stuf from P3b marked Kmisc. for ClV’ merely , 4-v-iq +- it- was iunk normally discarded but saved for possible CIL*1 date-^ I doublt that it will be used for that purpose, though i t \ f possible that as a result of your study, we nay need some particular Clip dates. Owl cave, has never been excavated, the material you have is ^surface stuff. Cowbone did not produce mgch basketry Now thqt you have finished the analysis, I th^ that we should determine what it signifies, if anything. Then, If the?e S antSng of importance from a basketry standpoint we should publish* Whether it is better to publish a paper o?3a ^oint p a p S by Rosaire L d < W presenting some of the other^associations etc, is a “ ^ f ^ i o h must be deeded on the basis of what you have found out about the DasKepry Question: Have you learned anything new? or is this just a rehash o? what has llready been known? 2 . in comparison with other basketry known, does ^his material warrant anything more than a brief description of types found. 3 . or does it show any material changes accordingto either level or cave? Give the matter a thought, as to how you think the material should be give me something in t hep rewsaeyn toef d ani n oulme before I sS ge Ly u . I will be in L.A. for the GSA meeting April3 -20. we may b. eab, lt e to get 4t-ro,gt,Aet+-nhePrT tvhne^nn,, or if yj ou .c, oamrleM up wtniQ an idea, we may beable to get together before thenm1 Sincerely, Orr