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    PAYROLL 1962, representing ll^S^^3K=fM^Hssw$ 1 OQj^jMlI^^^^^amaiBrellla^^g^i^m^^g^MGat&qbK^MBludes the ser.viceijSBBa tries, in which 24,775 workers earned a total $ 108^Sijilion^by plp212 in 1961. U. S. Government, mi 11 ion. The largest sing le source of wages was the hotel industry, which pa id 10,369 workers $49,496,670. Retail trade accounted for $37,467,462, while amusements ran third with $33,880,829. MAJOR ^^pLRIAL GROUPS NUMBER EMPLOYED ANNUAL YEARLY AVERAGE PAYROLL?)./,'?╟≤ .. .................... . 3,430 s 23,122,660 MM 4.998 36.595'i200 Transportation, Communication & 3,329 19,038, ,528 TotaKTraae H||1M| mm Wholesale 1,318 $ 8,475,462 Retail Trade ................... ...... nlMH (2,317) ( 7,479,194) Finance, Insurance & Real Estate ... 1,922 9,885, ,485 ill M lllf mm5&4h ?║fj|j Hotels BSM ?╟≤ brrm 1,433 5,491,215 Amusement ........................... pjS98 7,275 76,373,112 Miscellaneous ............................... ]04**r 558, ;1%J 4,450 1?║?·25?8'27 ,800 5 ?╟╓'36-,ffl H BTitary ?√ß?╟≤:...*:?√ß.?&! ?╟╓.1 ,>00 Ifoo 9,500,000 Military ................................. pfq58^ HMM,{L54 TOTAL .............................................................. 60,634 $362,538,104 MaigtOffice of. tnelptate of ^NevaO^i^DlQy^entJSeeffiitv |I^KaQOTeBLW??ffDoesr-E^fflBMBLPc^ude afrS'SMRgliS^Klevada [EroolmrKie^S^uri^ Depar?½?½OT?½lljBAFB, Las Vegas Air Force^St^an^nd 'Lake Mead AND EMPLOYMENT The Nevada Employment Secj^ffl^^B^m^tlreported?╟╓an 11.1 pga cent increase in' totajjre^^^^^^at the cbv~ r lM^^tBS7myi4 35(0 at the end of, November; compared'*;toT57Wi5O' the year before. ^^^B ative qfsjhe, grea^^^^^^B^.tne,area during the year is the 56.8 per cent i nc rea se^?½:o n st r uct i on" I a do r ?,> Th i^a!^lQ>^M^jsuostant [al^ increases ||ga|jrjculture, 37.5 per i n s u ra ncej^d?╟╓-?╟╓ rea I estate, 29.7 per cent, and .wholefeaU&trade, 24 the labor pool increased ^B^^pKo^idecapTy^the, number of unemployed declined 15.9 per centJtoS^^ per cent |>f?Σ≤reg labor force. NOVEMBER NOVEMBER % OF MAJOR INDUSTRIAL GROUPS 1962 'M?╜!|6i INCREASE INCREASE Manufacturing , .... 3,250 3,050 MQ Construction Woo ^^2'5pO^?║, I^^E^itio^^ommuaicatiibh & Public Utilities M 4,700 4,100 600 1^ Total Trade iptfoo 1 JIIIh 12.0 Wholesale Trade ....(1,550) 300 ?╟╓24.0 Retail Trade M 9,150) (:8,^00)^ 850 10.2 Finance, Insurance & Real Estate -?╟÷ 1,850 mrmh ^^29.7 Service Indusfnes^a) ...................................... ....25,300 24,650 ' :650. ; Hotels ?√ß i,H (11,050) .4 Personal^Sertrices .................................... ....(1,500) <(1BH 150 11.1 Amusements H^nM ( 4,650) MR|M| aMlsSlkOther Services ....( 8,100) 500 6.6 Government ?√ßMSB 6,500 650 >'\||{'0.0 All Oher Mis^llTnTOU^nappr.i^|(m]Py^*^ Mrasom Agr 550 400 150 Self-Employed.--;-UnpaidsFarntlv^np|^M ?╟≤* Domestics irePMafe Households V5.2' TOTAL EMPLOYMENT ^MHi|RsSl| ....64,350 57,750 6,600 11.1 U n em'p logmen tSprJ. T.t .7f.Y. ' _ ^S^oo:^''1 ?╟≤4,280 - MMSMBM -15.9 lumlWn Labor Force ....67,950 62,030 5,920 11.0 Unenro^^d Percentage of Labor Force1 ?√ß;.. ?√ß 6.9 (a) ^^fusjVe.of domestics. (b) fining - Nursery ,stock growers. M|Exclusive of rffiffiary personnel, but^mcludes^^ffii employees at m|jMry. in5tallations. SOURCE: Nevada Employment Security Department (Clark County Office).