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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

JUL JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW YORK, N.Y. HERALD-TRIBUNE Circ.D. 343,289 - S. 595,563 DEC^g 1952 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO ?║?║||i Los Angeles Portland - Seattle Oakland, Cal. Tribune . D. 160,824 - S. 172,057) (CI Q- DEC 2 b 1952 r=?·,ar/y Bird \\ _ jCoast to Coast /^b^^12^ W * ilTi HY GARDNER?╟÷ ^ -fL" . ~ f5/#^/ _ _ C *%s\i-?· S1 By HY GARDNER; Marilyn Monroe giving Hy Gardner some lowdbwn in Hollywood HOLLYWOOD, Dec... 21.?╟÷Here's how much progress Marilyn theTtnrv fhnf^6 " **! eleV6n m??nthS SlnCe tMS COlumn firSt broke St?Σ≤57 ?╜?S? he^n??wfamous calendar. At that time she was getting between $150 and $350 a week<fc?╟÷ from Twentieth Century-Pox. Late I in February or early in March she'll make her night-club debut rat the Sands Wot,^. fo Las Vegas at a vf\M\s salary of $15,000! If I time permits she'll make similar appearances in Reno and perhaps j Miami Beach. Then she'll give the j boys something to fight for by flying to Korea" employees as victims of a "seasonal fluctuation." Which bears out what I've always said about the Hollywood climate! . * . Ill do a song-and-dance act,' Marilyn told us on the set of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." "I'll sing k two or three .of tha-six songs.I do i in this picture, add a pop tune or two and move around a little. I don't dance very much, but I do wiggle all over!" ..:|?║g J poi^g within the range of her'voice de- | scribe it as a sexy soprano that's ' not quite as low as her neck line ( M-G-M ^records thought she was good enough to team her with the co-star of the musical, Jane Russell, m a "Blondes" album. I pre- | sume this.will be the first series of ; disks cut on Lana Turner approves of Shirley Temple's blast at her school's publicizing of five-year-old Linda Susan Black's appearance in a school play. "I'd do the same thing with my nine-year-old Cheryl, she told the column; "I don't think either of the youngsters ought to be movie stars. I certainly don't want my daughter to get into the 'rat race!'" . . . Terry Moore tests for Otto Preminger's movie version of "The Moon Is Blue" today, then heads East for Christmas. Her mom showed us twenty new swimsuits she designedMr Terry and all I can resort iM'1|rat in some of them it loo^as^'tfeiO^th she ran out of mate?╜a|g-T^^raddles the question oiPwQ&d&gSbvvjciot she is going to mafp.:jBPH?╜rd Hughes. Says, "We're Wl^Slt flying friends."" i .- Saw that rinli.iwM r??n??i..-jJ "[^iiasSpots Swarm With Film Celebrities ?╜AS VEGAS, Nev.. Dec. 25. g rhyme. . M+ Durante cons item g M- ^?? g^., steadiest dato T.00rdSands Hotel are =0 ^dy David Wayne$&*$$&* plot's license, rffda Ja* he sign is ^ g^ | open dMn't believe HMiss * .hands, bmce ui x "Sld''bulHed"n?╜erl2' around the clock, 1 pre- ?√ß p Consider hands super-1 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU '65 Church Street - New York j ZANESVILLE, OHIO TIMES-RECORDER Circ. D. 22,330 ..DEC 26 1952 1 Vegas, Nev.f7eLHoWPreTLfW' **"*?* ?·^ au?^?2' I Photographer to take aSt JJ"t?╟?T^ reas??n enS, tor ^f are chauertag,^^* ^ t^heer **%&;&?√ß j 2 j uglVE!0:rt"ernM.winter,f ~^ ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Angeles, Calif. Herald Express (Cir. 338,078) 2 3 tcrc? Jjgff Chandler Tears Rib Muscles iff Film Fight With Tony Qiiljp By HARRISON CARROLL WTEns'dnTy tme week to go on "East oi Sumatra,* Jeff Chandler almost wound up with a mess of -broken ribs, as Glenn Ford did in "The Man From Colorado." Chandler and Anthony Quinn were supposed to dive to the floor in a scramble for a knife. JJHther in the plunge or when Quinn landed on top of him, Jeffgtore loose muscles or cartilages, around the ribs* At first they thought bones were broken. A rush job of X-rays at St. Joseph's Hospitalf pfiminated this worry. But Chandler was so taped up that he hardly could move. Luckily, the fight stuff is over. If Jeff can only manage to lug Marilyn Maxwell acro^ a threshold, he'll get by without holding up the picture. When the "John Brown's Body" tour closed down for the holidays, the company took off in all directions. 1111111181 ?√ßTy; Power and Linda Christian/ who had planned to spend Christmas in Acapulco, headed Instead for Nassau. The baby with them. " -I^^P^Sl Raymond Massey went to his farm in Connecticut, *Judith Anderson grabbed a plane for her farm out here and Producer Paul/Gregory made a bee-line for Polly wood. The troupe will reassemble in Wilniington, Del. Pat Flies Home The eventful 'Mexican location of "Plunder of the Sun" is over and Pdtricia Medina decided .upon d quiet Christmas with her family in England. She was scheduled to get a planp out of'; New York that woufd put her in London just in t\me for the Yuletide. Anne Baxter Jeff Chandler quiet dates with Mona Freeman. -Just a few parties hand restaurants, though, says Mona. Nothing of any importance. In the first 48 hours after it's opening, the new %#?╜?√ß Hntfi|_ in Las Vegas took in $500,000 above operating costs. So somebody must have money. An uncompleted business deal here spoile'4 j^^'ti^iy^ of Gloria De Haven and Marty Kimmel to spend Christmas together in New York. Gloria had to fly east alone. Kimmel had to stay here to close the deal in which he is represented by Attorney Al Pearlson. And, speaking of Pearlson, it looks more and more as if his next will be Lee Mayo, ex-wife, of Nick Mayo who recently wed Janet Blair. * * * Jack Carson's $800 Vicuna topcoat was stolen in Cleveland . .Reservations are pouring in so fast for Jimmy McHugh's ?╟≤Friday night opening at Ciro's that H. D. Hover will hold the act over for an additional five days. Which may compel Judy Clark, one of the singing beauties in the troupe, to wed Bill Otto here instead of at Las Vegas. In fact, they may even have to marry at Ciro's g.. Diana Lynn and Husband John Lindsay will be among the seven hostssand hostesses of a party at the Champagne Room Saturday. But they still have to make the big decision. g1^i|$$H| *" ?√ß * * CurtisesfGet Break Looks as if > Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis will be working under the.-same studio roof again?╟÷shex-jtt the Dona Id Q?Connor rmtu^A-j^^^i^