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man000009. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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THE BOULDER DcAcM 1T n™,.,..™ OFFICERS PUBLICITY COMMITTEE AL HINMAN President Issued Weekly by the Biu P i k e - chairman PV WFNrPRT Tr™^ LAS V E G A S ROTARY CLUB Ru>' Martin Ernie Cragin L,Y WKilNtrJijKi Treasurer Charlie Sauire<? Editor CHARLIE SQUIRES Club Correspondent Las Vegas. Nevada SAM LAWSON DIRECTORS Sergeant-at-Arm» The rB>e„s t, tT own bky a Dt . am S^ it. e.". I,es SaunPdAerSsT PRESIDENTBSi ll Ferron A] Hinmau Charlie Ronnow __ Pem Pembroke Frosty Mildreo Wa meet Thursdays at 12:15, at Union Cy Wengert Fred Hesse Ernie Cragin Pacific Dining Room ,: ' JSOl. ' SI, i-jLc. : ' = She program fcr next week will be in charge of Bill we will have the pleasure of listening to our visitors, our old friend Cecil Creel. V7elcone tc our City Cccil. ycu with us. Songs for today. 1. Goading 3cng* 2, Save your sorrows* 3. lie. 44. Elbert Hubbard penned many jeweled thoughts, and; these is The Busy I.Ian's Creeds "I believe in the stuff I am handing out, in the firm X am working fcr, and in my ability to get results. X believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest men by honest methods. 1 believe in working, not weeping; in boosting, not knocking, and in pleasure of my job. I believe a man gets what he goes after, that one deed done today is worth two deeds done tomorrow, and that no man is down and cut until he has lost faith in himself. "I believe in today and the work I am doing; in tomorrow and the work I h&^e to do, and in the sura regard that the future holds. I believe in courtesy, in kindness, in genorouity, in good cheer, in friendship unc. in honest compe-tition* I believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every man ready to do it. I believe I am r .ady "HIGHS MOV*: I If everything comes out right, ycu can agree with Hobert Lcuis Stevenson, who said, "I know what pleasure is, for I have done good work*" a man who does good work does not have tc talk, apologise ana explain - his work speaks. A Texas newspaper publisher, who recently retired with tr>a0,000 in the bank, was asked how he did it, End replied as foilov;si "I attribute my ability to retire with a $50,000 bank account, after thirty years in the country newspaper field, to close application to duty, always hewing to the mark and letting the chips fall where they may; the most rigorous rules of economy, never spending a cent foolishly, everlastingly keeping at my job with a whole heart - and the death of an uncle who left i;o 049, 999.50." Don't judge a man by what he has; maybe he would have had more if locks had not been invented* Ferron. This week And then there is A1 ./ay3 glad to have There is no power fcr civilisation and improvement so gre>-t as that -which dormant within ourselves. (Person., lity) The conditions of conquest are al-ays easy. '»c have but to tcil av.hile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back. If your ideas as to the relation between the inhivi-ju .1 .otarian, the Hot-ay Club, ar.d Rotary International are a bit la.ry re-Jd "The Pent Convention" bv our International President, Den Adams, in the January issue of The .t( t iriant Let us not become weary of talking notary ethics. The fre.uent reference co them is what produces the lasting impression. T hanks'?