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    8 1 channel, shall neglect or refuse to p u t in such m easuring 2 device a fter ten. (1 0 ) d ays’ notice by the state engineer, such 3 state engineer m ay open the sluice gate or outlet o f such 4 reservoir and the same shall nbt be closed under the penalties 5 of the law fo r changing or in terferin g w ith head gates, u n til 6 the requirem ents of the state engineer as to such m easurin g 7 device are complied w ith ; provided, that in the event of the 8 neglect of refusal of any person to install the head gate, 9 measuring device, or flume, as required by this section, the 10 state .engineer may, in his discretion, install such head gate, 11 measuring device, or flume, as the case may be, and in the 12 first instance charge the actual cost thereof to the water dis- 13 tribuiion fund of the proper district provided in section 52 1 4 of this act, and thereafter present an itemized statement of 1 5 such charge to the county commissioners of the county 16 wherein said charge and expenses were incurred. Said com- 1 7 missioners shall thereupon present a bill for the said expenses 18 ? to the person liable therefor under this section, and if such 1 9 person shall neglect for thirty days thereafter to pay the 20 same, such bill and costs shall be and become a lien upon the 21 lands and property of tWe person so liable for the payment of 22 ' ' said bill, and shall be collected as delinquent taxes against 23 said lands a,nd property are collected. 24 . ; S e c . 5. Section 72a of the above-entitled act, being section. 25 79^8 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, is hereby amended to read •% 26 as follo w s: - 27 Section 72a. E v ery p erm it, to appropriate w ater, and 28 every certificate of ap p rop riation g ran ted u nder an y p erm it 2 9 by the state engineer upon any stream or* stream system 30 which shall have been adjudicated under the provisions of 3 1 sections 18 to 39 o f this act, shall be, and the same is hereby 32 d eclared to befcsubjeet to existing righ ts and to the decree 9 % 1 and modifications thereof entered in such ad jud ication pro- 2 ceedings, and the same shall be su b je ct to regulation and 3 control by t h e ’state engineer and the w ater commissioners 4 in the same m anner and to th e same extent as rights which 5 have beenv adjudicated and decreed under the provisions of 6 this act, and every such holder of certificate or perm it shall 7 in like m anner be su b ject to all of the provisions of sections 8 52 to 58, inclusive; provided, that upon, any stream or 9 stream'syhem that has not been adjudicated and upon which 10 the'state engineer has heretofore granted and may hereafter 1 1 grant a permit or permits to appropriate water therefrom, 12 any and all such permitted rights Jn> the- use of water so 1 3 granted shall ben subject to regulation and control by the 1 4 state: engineer to the same extent and in the same manner as 1 5 adjudicated and permitted rights upon streams and stream 1 6 systems heretofore adjudicated pursuant to the provisions of 1 7 this act. . 1 8 S kc. 6. Section 73 o f the above-entitled act, being section 1 9 7959 Nevada Compiled Law s 1929, be am ended'to read as 20 follo w s: 21 Section 73. The follow ing fees shall be collected by the 22 state engineer, and shall be accounted fo r and paid b y him 23 into the general fund of the.State treasury.once each m onth; 24 ' provided, [how ever, th at the fees named in subdivision (c) 25 9 f this section shall not apply to perm its fo r underground 26 w aters; and provided fu rth e r,] th at ten dollars ($10) shall 27 be the minimum fee fo r issuing and recording any p erm it: 28 (a ) F o r exam ining and filing an application fo r perm it 29 to appropriate water, tw enty dollars ($ 2 0 ), w hich shall 30 include the cost of publication,, which publication fee is 31 hereby fixed at twelve and one-half dollars ($12.50) . 32 ( b ) F o r exam ining and filing an application fo r perm it to