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    \ or liquid industrial wastes; or where the premises are or may be engaged in handling sewage or any other dangerous substance. (d) Where the circumstances are such that there is special danger of backflow of sewage or other contami-nated liquids through plumbing fixtures or water using or treating equipment or storage tanks and reservoirs. In special cases where the consumer is engaged in the handling of especially dangerous or corrosive liquids or industrial or process waters, the District may require the consumer to eliminate certain plumbing or piping connections as an additional precaution and as a protection to the backflow preventive devices them­selves. In making plumbing connections the consumer shall be guided entirely by the local or state planning ordinances and not by the District. As a protection to the consumer’s plumbing system a suitable pressure relief valve must be installed and maintained by him at his expense when check valves or other protective devices are used. The relief valve shall be installed between the check valves and the water heater. The double check valve installations will be inspected and tested periodically for water tightness by the District. In addition, the regulations of the State Department of Public Health require that the owner of any premises on which or on account of which check valves or other protective devices are installed, shall inspect these de­vices for water tightness and reliability at least every three (3) months. The devices shall be serviced, over­hauled, or replaced whenever they are found defective and all costs of repairs and maintenance shall be borne by the consumer. The service of water to any premises may be imme­diately discontinued by the District if any defect is found in the check valve installations or other protec­tive devices, or if it is found that dangerous unpro­tected cross-connections exist and service will not be restored until such defects are corrected Section 31. District’s Right of Ingress To and Egress From Consumer’s Premises. The duly authorised agents and employees of the District shall have the right of ingress to and egress from the consumers premises at all reasonable hours for any purpose reason­ably connected with the furnishing of water or other service and the exercise of any and all right secured to it by law or by these regulations. Adopted by BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Resolution No. 10342. Amended by Resolution No. 1041?. Resolution No. 11406. 19