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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    i^Jtlli ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle Las Vegas, Nev. Morning Sun (Cir. 8,531) JON $~ 1961 FROM KOREA ?╟÷ Chaplain Zelig S. Chinitz, recently returned from Korea, recounts some of his/ experiences to Ruby Kolod (left), Jake Freedman (second from right) Big Gifts Chairman, anf Jake Kozloff, (right), State Chairman, UJA; at an informal party in his honor at the Sand J JHotel yesterday. Chinitz spoke to some 40 community leaders in the Gold Room in anotherflJ his fund raising meetings throughout the West. tt??l$3 ~'> L I THE ORIGINAL JDMHKfl PRESS CUWING BUREAU ' 220 West 19th St., New York 11, Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Me CEapIain Warns GIs In Korea Need Salami, Records, Cookies - Badly^jVipnu|to^ ttXfrtJsteiGifts meXjf of ^he United Jewi^pe^m??e_SandyjteL Chaplain Zelig S. Chinitz, just - returned from. Korea after 18 months of hazardous duty there, told an influential group of Las Vegas business and hotel men at the meeting, that the boys need more and more little things from home, little remembrances of the love and faith people here have in them. >ls#.#**^ He pointed out especially that JfnS PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 HOTEL 3l RESTAURANT OPERATOR <^AN FRANC 1 SCO,CAL MAY, 1953 Groves Named to Arrowhead Springs San BERNARDINO-C..N. Hilton has announced the appointment of Rober A Groves as generalmanager of A?╟÷ad Springs ^&^^X dino, California,-one of J&s^torl Ho U% group. Arrowhead Springs Hotel and Spa re-opened on May 15th. It was closed this winter in order to carry out a program of majofj^provements, ??ncludLg installation of air conditioning in the main building, and,f ill again operate on a year-rountf^asis. Groves returns to the |P| Hotels operation with whicMhe was formerly associated for five years m an execu- Uve capacifer as such hotels as the Mayflower ?n Washington, D. C, the Palmer House in O^*** the Town House in Los Angeles. Since he was last associated with the. HiJtoii-group Groves managed the W&XfW&BOt New York City, La Qumta Hotel, near Palm Springs, and was recently retained to open the new HcfeSandsm Las Vegas. LOS ANCfELES San Francisco Portland -Seattle Hollywood, Cal. Variety 1953 pot enough packages from:home are getting to the ho^ni the; front lines, and held the group f$B?·llbound as he recounted the joy and appreciation of the^tsoys jvhen they finally do get gifts lu^fc as kosher salamis, and rec ords,. and cookies. "It's the little things as much aa the bisr ammo that <^*bpys need 'lie, and they aren't getting enough," Chinitz warned the group". "Every family of every boy there, and every group must double and-treble our packages to the boys ?╟÷ and please don't forget to kput blades and a shaving brush in once in a while." k CMfiitz pointed out that a big shortage in Korea, and one as important in effect as the alleged shortage of ammunition recently, was the lack of brushes for shaving and enough blades. - He re- i counted how he always brought i blades with him to the front, (when he had special services for the boys, and claimed they were almost as popular as his prayers. The young chaplainfe#as t h e only Jewish chapla^pHn the American Air Force in J?·pan and Korea, and often held services in 1 the front lines, once holding them near Heartbreak Ridge^s he was ! being shelled by the e#emy. He pointed out that boySkpf all denominations attended .his meetings, and recounted h#w one Of his most puzzling problems was to help a Catholic ?║poy who wanted to marry a Japanese girl The chaplain also Mid how he carried a Polaroid damera with him to the front and ttithe evacuation hospitals and Wm pictures of the F86 pilots just#ft?Θ╝| they were/hospitalized. This was a fa yorite pastime for the boyikget- ting their picture taken.JA*&hav- ing them minutes later to send to { their people to show3i|fe^rere still alive. Chinitz is on a Wesfe#-^8r for United Jeyidsh Appeal to'kfcaise funds for fh^ 1953 Campjd|| and spoke to about.4#lead*|||^?· Las " to effdrfto ra$#t$oney. jje guest of hohofMt the arty given for mmjby Mr.' Sob Tuckj^kr^e^eral UJA cli^rnHi&>'^ Jake Freedmai^S^'-ffi^TOirman. , Another highlight of the meeting tvas the presentation of a plaque to Mr. Gus Greenbaum f or his work as chairman of the UJA here last year, made by Jake Koz-, loff, current state UJA chairman> By ARMY ARCHERD GOOD DRIVING: Although 20th-Fox employes ^ebO^^ Zanuck in the stock battle, they are not jtogto see on g ^ around them. Many are home owners m that ?Σ≤f?Σ≤?Σ≤ who had orgSlzing to fight the new city ordinance ?√ß?╟≤?√ßJW?╜W dat6 till prepared an act for the Sjndam August, ^ posgone h^ da fall because of "MagnificeT?·j5bsession . . ; J?^^Turing the including Vegis, Reno and Tahoe,) will be ^findm^ny top spots locks black for "Caine Mutiny.' Van won -J*?Σ≤^*^ 1Sf?Σ≤t da* i-=?·irrw5? gam Sfex her head during her TV show, she ad libbed: And Im the gal wno I HAD/o do LIVE TV." # # U$ ESTABLISHED BArclay 7-5371- JUN pHS C^^T^- In the ft Las Veg/B-J^e l1- wMch . parlance of th^s, g Jack I considered ?·* *?·^gg Pr^S&^Seft types of Merrill makes hist ^ league .nitery ^ppea started m the |amenJe d at the Tic ^' spellbound, th0lds C??Pa Moffat thePfinish of having to beg oil-J* . does he his songspieL Not only on become a volatile P Satehmo his own Rowing adds another Armstrong "^?? X/fiat of long- name to the imP???^|d in this vil- hairs whojiave clicker ^ lage. Rathei-thanease m f&re Merrill heads J^Stttiata," then with the aria La Mat j^,, and Ifollows with 1? ai?Σ≤?╟? lieve.???? ?√ß applause-shakmg I Believ A < classic in mor ^ gre&t one is ^* W^rted by expres- ^value visually M??\ With "En- Live /^%^ina5??he brings ohs ?√ß chanted Evening, an im_ ?√ß and ahs, ^n ^es^rbling the i Ipression of t-inza ?╟?F ?√ß same melodic Pb??ses^ ^ . ?√ßaro," the bravos mount?╟≤ for Isnowed nfer with ^tn((oid ?√ß"Torna A ?^5fenpoof Song." iRiver," and^!y^85Sn headed by ?√ß The P^?^^ ahd ensemble Ithe great jazz born aim loFLSuis Armstrong^ theb.cies> ?√ß and P^baps a 1 adyming || b_g 1 Satchmo captivates w ?╟?sleepy l^rin and ^e\?Σ≤?Σ≤ rft G{e ?√ß I Time Down South, (in trib- ?√ß you Anything But Love^ ^ fi h W to ?╜nffnld%Sarso^ ^ show and Louella P.ar8??"? & Hole In caught) < 'Bnckete^ oUB t I^d^2f^^stsf beats on the skms^ n ^ along bass. Vema1 temf her 340 pounds on to. g ?╟? Siitts for "Mama s Back ^ taa:g:ed by a floor ^P1^;, ??That's ^Midffl^^S; seguing My Desire," pulls m^ 'iainbast, into all-stops-out closmg m Cozy Cole pajadiddles an 1 drum whappmg on Mop ?? A The Cerneys have a-inng the floor ij. f&^Vidi rooming, with yj^j favls.B "Beguine" ?Σ≤nmg speci nQW The refurbished Copa ^ , ^ using f 0^ maleLfinite improve- I I Ackerman's ^ool tapistry n_ I I well. Ray Smataaa orch, a k I ted by three fiddles, qoeb * ^.]} I I out job. mg^^^mgs^gSSSSS^