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Kol Ari El newsletter from Adat Ari El, January 2000



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    Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice The Monthly Chronicle of Adat Ari El A Reform Congregation Embracing Traditional Judaism January 2000 22 Tevet ? 23 Shevat Vol. IX ? Issue No. 1 KOL HARAV...The Rabbi's Voice SHABBAT 2000 There is a belief in Judaism that events happen for a purpose and nothing is by accident. This concept brought me to analyze the juxtaposition of the Millennium change from the 1000's to the 2000's, and Shabbat New Year's eve became an unprecedented world wide media event covering the moment of change across our globe. Each time zone's major celebration was documented by television networks. All of the cities, save Las Vegas, offered their greatest display of fireworks and grandeur to celebrate this rarely experienced event Many Jews, however, celebrated the evening that represents the most important day in a similar manor as is done each week. That most important day is Shabbat. It is the only day mentioned in the Ten Commandments as the Holiest of days. I do not think the juxtaposition of New Year 2000 and Shabbat was a mere coincidence. I think that it was a profound reminder that Shabbat remains for Jews the greatest of celebrations, even superseding how the rest of the world celebrated the change of the Millennium. The year 2000 is not relevant in Jewish terms. It is a reference to the time of Jesus. Though we live in a country and world that uses the reference of Jesus as a time stamp, we Jews are connected to a time and people that has over 4000 years of rich Rabbi Gary M. Gotbart President Steven Janovitch 1st Vice President Judy Smith 2nd Vice President Mildred Cohen Recording Secretary Jeanne Schomaker Corresp. Secretary Melissa Horowitz Treasurer Dr. Phillip Devore Immediate Past President Dr. Lawrence Copeland (702) 221-1230 FAX (702) 221-1386 Event Hot Line - 390-8142 E-Mail - 3310 S. Jones Blvd., Las Vegas 88146 history. The concepts introduced by the Jews and their Torah had a profound influence on the world. What we celebrate helps define who we are. Adat Ari El celebrated the Shabbat that happened to fall on December 31, 1899, with a traditional Shabbat dinner with family and friends, that was sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Mark Ohriner in honor of their daughter, Ashley's 13th birthdays. We celebrated with Zimirot, songs, food and thanking G-d with the Birchot HaMazon, the Thanksgiving after the Meal. Ashley helped lead the services following dinner. We followed with our usual Mine hag, the custom of Shabbat services, and celebrated as did Jews throughout the world the most important day of the year, of the week, of the "Millennium," Shabbat Maze) Tov to Samantha Steelman, daughter of Bob & Shell Steelman, who celebrates her Bat Mitzvah with family and friends on Friday, January 14 and was called to the Torah to lead services on Saturday, January 16. We commend this wonderfully talented young lady as she takes her place in our Jewish Community. B'Shalom, Rabbi Gary M. Golbart Featured Articles Kol Harav 1 Bonnie Spivak 2 Sisterhood 5 Birthdays & Anniversaries 6 Yahrzeits 7 Calendar 8 KolAriEl The Lion's Voice ? Page 3 FROM BONNI... Before I begin my column this month, I need to give you some background information. I belong to an internet dub devoted to the television show "Law & Order". It is our rare good fortune that one of our members is also a writer for the show. At first, she was sent to the site to find out what die-hard fans were thinking about the program, the characters and certain issues raised in various episodes. Little by little, she offered bits of information when someone would raise a question until, ultimately, she admitted who she is. She had initially been sent by her boss but has come to enjoy the site so much, she now goes there for her own personal amusement. Recently the show did an episode dealing with Holocaust victims, swindled by life insurance companies out of millions of dollars when the companies refused to pay benefits to survivors after WWII. It was a very strong episode, written by another writer on the staff, Barry Schindel, who is both a lawyer and a Jew, and the episode prompted a discussion at our club site that I would like to share with you. One of our members, a self-described redneck male from Tennessee, started the ball rolling by commenting that he found the episode to be very powerful and moving and that the world should never forget the lost lives of all the Jewish people slaughtered by the Nazis. Someone else wrote that she is consistently amazed at the number of people who believe the Holocaust didnt happen, including people she knows personally. Another member, however, commented that the show dragged for him - no one wants to hear about banking or insurance fraud, WWII and especially the Holocaust, he maintained. Then another wrote, "I care about the Holocaust, but not always." At this, a young woman from Arkansas jumped into the fray by saying that she had once lived with another woman who believed that the Holocaust was a gigantic Jewish conspiracy. It was, she believed, a plot devised to gain sympathy and land and that the plan was put into motion by Jews, Jewish sympathizers and various world governments, including the U.S. She maintained that footage of the camps, pictures of the bodies, the gas chambers, the ovens were all faked and no one could ever convince her otherwise. Our member from Arkansas was incensed by this attitude, mentioning the six million Jews who had perished and writing that those who are "bored" by discussions of the Holocaust do a disservice to their memories. At this point, an odd thing happened. At almost exactly the same moment, our writer friend and I wrote about the other millions who died at the hands of the Nazis ? gypsies, homosexuals, the disabled, communists, dissenters of all stripes. Catholics, and anyone who did not fit into Hitler's idea of the "perfect" race. Even if one did not believe Jewish claims, what about all these others? - Fifteen million souls in all, including the six million Jews. This wasn't just a "Jewish" problem; it would ultimately have been everyone's problem. And, in response to the idea that the U.S. government was somehow in collusion with Jews in this infamous "plot", Lynn wrote that the Americans knew where the rail lines to Auschwitz were and didnt bomb them because there was too much profit in them. Then, in another odd coincidence, we both wrote about how the Holocaust had impacted our families. In my case, my grandmother's family - father, sister, brother-in-law, assorted aunts, uncles, cousins - were rounded up in their little town in Poland, forced to dig a trench on the outskirts of town and when they were through, they were all short to death and buried in the trench. In Lynn's case, eighteen members of her family were killed, including her great grandfather, a Rabbi in Berlin, who was shot on the steps of his Synagogue as he addressed members of his congregation. According to Lynn, because Barry Schindel cared so much about this issue and nagged Executive Producer Rene Balcer mercilessly until he was allowed to write the episode, we were able to have this dialogue amongst the group members. She wrote: "If we talk, we think. If we think, we remember. If we remember, we are among those who will try not to let it happen again." And although I am a cynic at heart, maybe she is right Maybe the best course of action for us to take, perhaps the only course of action, is to keep talking, thinking and remembering so that such atrocities are never again allowed to be perpetrated against humanity. I'd like to leave you with something else Lynn wrote: "If I lie on my back and close my eyes and begin to count, I will end at a hundred, or, perhaps, two hundred. My mind will not go farther. It will not allow greater numbers to penetrate... Imagine the music we might have heard from one of the talented souls the Nazis deemed unfit to live. Imagine the mother who never again tucked her child into bed. Imagine the sheer number of those. Fifteen million. Fifteen million that we know about When I lie on my back to count, I cannot count When I lie on my back to count I think, "I lost eighteen." Eighteen. Just in my family. Eighteen faces I will never know and eighteen stories I know all too well. Their lives all unfinished, they lived interrupted existences because they were in the estimation of one madman, different "Lie on your back. Count" Until next month, I remain. Bonni Spivak ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ALL CONGREGATIONAL MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE GENERAL MEETING ON TUESDAY. JANUARY 18, 2000, AT 7:00 P.M. BYLAWS WILL BE VOTED ON, A TREASURER'S REPORT WILL BE PRESENTED AND THERE WILL BE AN ELECTION OF NEW BOARD OFFICERS. A STATE OF ADAT ARI EL WILL BE PRESENTED BY OUR BOARD PRESIDENT. IT IS IMPORTANT TO VOTE FOR YOUR BOARD REPRESENTATIVES AND TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INFORMATION EXCHANGE OF OUR CONGREGATION. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO ATTEND THIS VERY SPECIAL MEETING. KolAriEl The Lion's Voice ? Page 3 THE JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE U.S.A. A Message from Paul H. Blumenthal I would like to tell you about The Jewish War Veterans Of The United States of America. This organization is the oldest national veterans service organization in our great country, organized in 1896. I am proud to be a member and officer, Jr. Vice Commander, of Murray L Rosen Post #64, here in Las Vegas. Although I can list dozens of services and activities in which we are engaged, I will touch on just a few. We at Post #84 are involved in aiding homeless and needy veterans financially and in other ways, serving coffee, sandwiches and cake at our coffee bar regularly for patients at the VJL clinic, running a bingo game every fourth Wednesday night for Psychiatric patients at O'Callahan Hospital at Nellis Air Force Base, distributing food packages to needy families on holidays such as Pesach and Thanksgiving, presenting bonds to reward the top students in the local R.O.T.C. programs at the high schools, providing meal coupons and tokens for homeiess veterans, and many other ways. Recently we helped a veteran, homeless and destitute through uncontrollable circumstances, get his barbering license back. We paid the license fee and he is now employed again and off the street We get the funds for this kind of work by soliciting donations for poppies twice a year around Memorial Day and Veterans Day. You've seen us out there at the supermarkets. In addition, through the National organization and our local posts we promote veterans affairs to improve conditions such as improved medical care for all veterans, as well as Jewish community concerns. J.W.V. supports Israeli independence and security. We also have various social programs during the year. I would like to invite ALL VETERANS who served in the United States Armed Services, men and women alike, who are not affiliated with J.W.V. to become MEMBERS of my Post, Murray L. Rosen Post #64. I would like also to invite SPOUSES OF VETERANS AND NON-VETERANS to join us PATRONS and accomplish our goals. Current members of Adat Ari El who are members of Post #64 include Richard Horowitz, Abe Efros and Arthur Meyer and my wife, Fran, and Evelyn Efros who are patrons. We meet every month at the Rainbow Library at Buffalo and Cheyenne at 1:30 P.M. We are a very friendly, active group of about 16 people and I know you will enjoy being a member of J.W.V. If you are interested, please call me for an application. My phone number is 266-9601 and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. B'NAI MITZVAH CLASS A B'nai Mrtzvah class for men and women who have not had a Bar or Bat Mitzvah Ceremony is beginning in conjunction with our Hebrew courses and "Guide to Judaism" course. For information and registration call our Synagogue Office. This is a great opportunity to fulfill that dream of reading from the Torah and leading services at Adat Ari El. ADAT ARI EL SCHMOOZERS MEETING AAE Schmoozers Meet Againl This time it's a Game Night! Bring your favorite game and either a meatless Hor D" Oeuvres or dessert to share. If your last name begins A through M, please bring an Hor D' Oeuvres; if your last name begins N through Z, please bring a dessert In order to get in the gate you must call the Temple Office for the Gate Code. Time: 7:30 P.M. Place: Jaycees Mobile Park Clubhouse Harmon & Jones Date: January 22, 2000 Open to all Adat Ari El Members. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Jeanne Schomaker & Chris Simon SITUATION WANTED Female Congregant and Temple Member Seeks Position (full or part-time) as Receptionist or Customer Service Representative. Excellent references and resume. Very light computer knowledge, types approximately 30 WPM. Can handle correspondence independently and enjoys working and helping people. Please call Rhoda Gogatz, 877-2678. V n o CERTIFIED MOHEL LEROY BERNSTEIN, M.D. Ritual Circumcision n V n m a Certified by the Ra7b9bi6n-ic7 0C0ou0n cil of Los Angeles KoJAriEl The Lion's Voice Page 4 ALIYAH - FROM THE BRONX, NY TO LAS VEGAS By Rhoda R. Gogatz When I finally decided to make my move, I was frightened. I was moving to a new State, new surroundings, a new way of life, and, most important to me, a new Temple to join, become involved in and to worship. My second day here, I went to the Israel Exhibit, which I enjoyed immensely. Little did I know that when I met Rabbi Globart at the festival, that he would become my Rabbi and Adat Ari El my Temple. I was going to "shop around." Two weeks later, Arthur Meyer and Ethyl Baron brought me to AAE, and I fell in love. The services were so beautiful, the congregants so friendly, and the warmth, the love, the spirit of Rabbi Golbart and his special leadership just made everything perfect At the point in the service where "first timers" were asked to get up and introduce themselves, I proudly stood up and pledged to join ADAT ARI EL within two weeks at the New Member Welcome Nosh. I knew I was "At Home". Needless to say, I met some wonderful people who would become my very dear friends. This is something I hadnt experienced in all my years of Temple affiliation and involvement back home in the Bronx. One never knows what life holds for them, and I was confident that all was going well. I have now been a member of ADAT ARI EL and the Sisterhood for six months and I want to share my feelings with you about ADAT ARI EL -the "Temple With A heart" Rabbi Golbart put up my mezzuzot at my home with a most beautiful service and explanation of the mezzuzot, which was enjoyed by all who attended. He has been a very special friend at various times of difficulty for me. His special devotion to my sister-in-law and to me upon my nephew's death, and the warmth and special words at the funeral will never be forgotten. My son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren love ADAT ARI EL, and I hope and pray they decide to move to Las Vegas. That would be my dream come true because we would then be a Temple family. He (my son) looks forward to his visits to Las Vegas and coming to ADAT ARI EL for services, etc. Rabbi & Leslie are very special people, always ready to "Be There" when called upon for whatever the needs of the congregation are. While I'm friendly with many congregants, there are some that I've become very close to, and I'm honored to have them for my friends. I never realized just how wonderful people from Adat Ari El are until I was hospitalized on December 7, and from the time I returned home on December 13. The phone calls, the visits, the friendship and concern is almost overwhelming. The visits and phone calls from Rabbi and Leslie, the sincerity and genuine concern for me have been a great source of comfort for me. You have all contributed to my recovery in your very special ways. The most wonderful day of my new life was the day I came to ADAT ARI EL Little did I know I would gain a family unlike any I had known before. ADAT ARI EL has so much to offer for every age group and is constantly working towards adding more programs. The Shabbat Services are so beautiful and meaningful - and to watch Rabbi Golbart leading the children at the Torah Tot Shabbat Services is truly a joy to behold. AAE - though a storefront location instead of a larger building, has so much to offer; so much love and spirituality that it is larger than life. The warmth and friendship for one another is felt by all who attend. To all who havent been to Services lately, c'mon over and see for yourself. Friday nights will then truly be Shabbat for you - with very special feelings. To all who a rent members of Sisterhood or the Men's Club - join and come to meetings and see for yourselves their special devotion in raising funds for the Temple, etc. We have the Schmoozer's Club which is a lovely group of members from all walks of life, meeting once per month to "schmooze", nosh and socialize. In closing, I pledge to work as hard as I can for ADAT ARI EL I hope and pray that G-d grants me the time and strength. Thank you Rabbi & Leslie - thank you to all my Congregational friends for the love and the friendship you've given me. Thank you G-d for leading me on the right path to my Temple - my home at ADAT ARI EL By the way, for all New Yorkers who've heard about the Shalom Pel ham Parkway Festival and heard Art Raymond talk about "Rhoda - the fastest pisk in the Bronx" - that's me! Shalom - L'hitraotU (Till We Meet Again) ULPAN (CONVERSATIONAL HEBREW) CLASS COMMENCES Adat Ari El began an Ulpan (Conversational Hebrew) Course on Wednesday, January 12. The Ulpan method is used to integrate the immigrants to Israel in order to quickly speak Hebrew. Tuition for members is $76 and $86 for non-members. The course will continue on Wednesday evenings through March 22,2000, from 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. You may sign up for the course by calling the Synagogue Office, full payment must be made upon registration. MOMMY & ME GROUP MEETING The Mommy & Me Group will meet on Saturday, January 29 from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Call Michelle Sorom at 228-7670 or Andrea Bell at 871-7036. KolAriEl The Lion's Voice ? Page 3 SISTERHOOD NEWS On December 7 we had our Sisterhood Chanukah Party at the home of Dr. Mark and Jennifer Ohriner. We ate ourselves silly with delicious brisket, chicken, salmon and, of course, latkes_.and fattening desserts. Everything was wonderful. We celebrate with our gift exchange and our traditional Menorah lighting. Everyone brings their own Menorah and we light all the Menorahs at one time. It is truly a beautiful sight. An abundance of thanks goes to Jennfier and Mark for opening their home and for all the planning, cooking and making our Chanukah Celebration extra special. Thanks go to all the people who participated in our fundraiser at Border's Books. The following gift "Rappers" were: Chris Simon Bonnie Fox A dele Meyer Jennifer Ohriner Sheila Rose Fem & Sammy Kosh Roni Miles Tina Pecinka Larry & Bobby Kneitel Donald & Gloria Heipern Samantha Steelman Linda Janovitch Helen Groner Lori Snipper Jackie Hess Ashley Ohriner Ricki Green spofi Tony Bruno Cheryl Waldman Robert & Robin Addis Sharon & Danielle Remer Linda Jasson HAVE A SPECIAL SIMCHA? Celebrate Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Good Grades from Kids, or Thank You's. Remember loved ones by hosting an Oneg Shabbat Sisterhood's "S.O.S. Team" will do it all. Stop by the Synagogue Office to check out our menus and reserve a date ? or see Michelle Blank or Jennifer Ohriner. SISTERHOOD DONATIONS If you have made a donation of any kind to Sisterhood, and we have not recognized you, please accept our thanks. Let us know and we will add it to next month's list We thank you all for supporting this fundraiser. I know you had a great time doing it and we all look forward to doing tt again next year. Special thanks go to Raymond & Nancy Greene for organizing this event and for all the hours you both put in gift wrapping. We appreciate your support very much. MARK YOUR CALENDARS - February 1 ? Pizza/Bingo Night $10 per person includes 2 bingo boards, a chance to win some great prizes, a good meal and lots of fun. Please call the Synagogue Office and let us know if you can cornel Time - 7:00 P.M. Happy New Year, Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President Sammy & Fem Kosh - In Memory of Roberta Zack, Mother of Carol F est en ENTERTAINMENT BOOK SALES A big THANK YOU to everyone who made the selling of Entertainment Books so successful. Because you took the time to sell or buy books, Sisterhood is able to give the Temple a check for almost $800. Books may still be purchased by order only. See Fem Kosh or call Helen in the Synagogue Office for your purchases. Fern Kosh Sisterhood Treasurer THANK YOU "RAPPERS Our Adat art El Sisterhood Gift Wrapping Project at Border's Books at Rainbow and Lake Mead, Helped out a lot of tired shoppers in needl We WRAPPED so many books and things, our fingers were almost numb, But each of US had a terrific time and a great deal of FUN! We raised a LOT OF MONEY, $798.33 to be exact, It sure will help our Temple stay on a fast track. A grateful THANK YOU to our members and friends who wrapped with such panache. That they never stopped, even for a nosh! We hope you will join us next year, to help BORDER'S and our Synagogue, And see us succeed even more, never fear!! TRIBUTE CARDS MAY BE ORDERED Sisterhood Tribute cards are a delightful way to honor a special occasion or to commemorate someone who has passed away. I am now taking orders for - $6 for individual cards or $10 for seven cards. Tribute Card Sent from Rhoda Gogatz - In Honor of Ashley Oh liner's 13th Birthday Tribute Cards Purchased by MScheie Devore Triibute Card Purchased by Helen Groner Gertrude Fuhr, 877-3246 CALL MEI Nancy Greene KolAriEl The Lion's Voice ? Page 3 January Birthdays February Birthdays 1/1 David Gordon 1/1 Joanna Grigoriev 1/3 Samantha Steelman 1/4 Shelli Lowe 1/4 Jack Towsner 1/6 Thomas Shulman 1/7 Jim Little 1/8 Laura Wennstrom 1/8 Matthew Sapowith 1/8 Melinda Schreiber 1/10 Stevi Wara 1/11 Jeremy Kingery 1/12 Harvey Blank 1/12 Adam Marks 1/12 Alexander Marks 1/13 Matthew Dion 1/14 Fran Blumenthal 1/16 Elarva Fox 1/16 Danielle Remer 1/17 Benjamin Gordon 1/17 Jonathan Greenbaum 1/17 Jeff Brieger 1/20 Michael Moore 1/21 Sammy Kosh 1/21 Sheri Steelman 1/22 Geoffrey Mall 1/24 George Minimi 1/24 Stanley Canter 1/26 Sidney Copeland 1/26 Sarah Blank 1/28 Dr. Peter Gesund 1/28 Dawn Moore 2/1 Scott Schreiber 217 Frederic Marshe 2/8 Dr. Robert Ukeiley 2/8 Marcia Marx 2/8 Don Rose 2/9 Wendy Kingery 2/12 Gayla Wennstrom 2/13 Rachel Maggal 2/14 Brandi Weinberg 2/14 Michael Kingery 2/16 Cory Wilson 2/18 Danyel Copeland 2/19 Spenser Blank 2/19 Judith Tachau-Koury 2/20 Seymour Kaplan 2/24 Larry Malmedal 2/24 Aaron Leites 2/24 Tami Rosen 2/26 Danielle Simon 2/26 Margaret Jolcover 2/26 Michael Perer 2/26 Courtney Ukeiley 2/27 William Spivock 2/27 Bonnie Spivak 2/28 Haley Brieger Anniversaries Anniversaries 1/3 Feme & Ron Unger 1/3 Barbara & Jamie Marks 1/6 Jean & Robert Goldberg 1/10 Charlotte & Irving Rabb 1/18 Carol & Steve Daugherty 1/23 Sheri & Robert Steelman 1/26 Hazel & Harold Handeknan 2/2 Dr. Eliot & Melissa Horowitz 2/6 Aimee & Marc Smithline 2/20 Michal & Robert Bloom ROBERT B . STRIMLING, M.D. Board Certified DERMATOLOGY (Mayo Clinic * Surgery Intern; Residency * Washington Univ., S t Louis) Fellowship Trained (Boston Univ.) Former Laser MD at Laser Institute of New England ? MOHS Skin Cancer Surgery (Highest Cure Rates - 99%) COSMETIC LASER SURGERY Sunrise Mountain View Medical Center 3150 N Tenaya Way Suite 680 Las Vegas, NV (702) 243-6400 Serving the Jewish Community Since 1946 Phone 385-1441 Fax 388-7307 Mortuary ? Cemeteries ? Pre-Planning 925 Las Vegas Blvd. No.. Las Vegas. NV 89101 KolAriEl The Lion's Voice ? Page 3 YAHRZEITS - JANUARY/FEBRUARY PLEASE NOTE: Date shown is Hebrew month and day of death, according to our records. The corresponding English day and month of observance for the current year is in parenthesis. If no Hebrew date is shown, English date only is observed. To correct any erroneous information, please call the Synagogue Office. January 1 - 3 1 23 Tevet - 24 Shevat 1/2 Jack Altschuler Tevet 27 (1/6) Mamie Spitzer Tevet 27 (1/6) Sophie Brown Tevet 26 (1/3) Sam Gottlieb Tevet 28 (1/6) Morris Katz Tevet 28 (1/7) Rose Gitlin Shevat 3 (1/10) Jack Greenspon Shevat 3 (1/10) Evelyn Kramer Shevat 4 (1/11) Bessie OIKsky 1/13 Rae Sachs Copeland Shevat 6 (1/13) Betty Sanft 1/16 Dora Morris Shevat 8 (1/16) Louis Field Shevat 8 (1/16) Rabbi Moshe Maggal Shevat 16 (1/23) Lillian Adeknan 1/17 Norman Brotman 1/17 Sterling Wilson Klein 1/24 Leonard Hess Shevat 17 (1/24) Ellen Gross 1/27 Max Rogow Shevat 21 (1/28) Ethel Gottlieb 1/28 Albert Kubey February 1 - 29 25 Shevat - 23 Adar I 2/2 Shevat 26 (2/2) Shevat 27 (213) Shevat 27 (2/3) Shevat 28 (2/4) Shevat 28 (2/4) Shevat 28 (2/6) Shevat 30 (2/8) 2/8 Adar 2 (2/8) Adar 16 (2/8) Adar 16 (2/8) Adar 3 (2/8) 219 Adar 1-4 (2/10) Adar I-4 (2/10) Adar 1-6 (2/11) Adar I-6 (2/12) Adar I-8 (2/14) 2/14 2/14 Adar 20 (2/16) Adar 10 (2/16) Adar I-23 (2/17) Adar 12 (2/18) Adar 24 (2/18) Adar 1-14 (2/20) Adar I-26 (2/20) Adar 14 (2/20) Adar 1-16 (2/21) Adar 1-16 (2/21) Adar 18 (2/25) Adar 18 (2/26) Adar 21 (2/27) Adar 21 (2/27) Adar 23 (2/29) Adar 23 (2/28) Adar 23 (2/29) Frances Hyatt Bruce Sonen stein Richard White Harry Wertman Lenora J. Newman Mae Berman Winokur Isadora Dunaisky Bess Waldman Mary Grace Lomonaco Morton Shulman Huguette Adams Huguette Adams Jerry Piatt Joseph Lomonaco Amie Rudacevsky Pauline Gotdenberg Marian Averack Emil Morgan MaxKatz Sabina Retig Solomon Retig Frieda F est en James Edward Ohriner Samuel Becker Millie Steiner Sarah Inbinder Milton Groh Frank Platt Clara Kosh Steve Wichmsky Jean Rogovin Fannie Silkes Estelle Reise Eleanor Sax James Greenbaum Joshua Horowitz Rose Gotdenberg Abraham Kaplan THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS KOL NIDRE APPEAL Irwin & Sharon Kalet Edward Seltzer Ira Allan Robert & Renee Pilks Barbara Morris Robert & Hillary Stoltz Shelley Weinberg Alan & Sonia Hoffman Shirley Jackson Norman Rothbart Susan & James Little GENERAL FUND AAE Sisterhood Ariine Levenson - Mishaberach for Ariine Sidney & Frances Copeland - In Memory of the Late Wife ofS. Levine Or. Eliot & Melissa Horowitz Karen Federiin Michael & Adete Sherman - In Honor Ashley Ohriner's 13th Birthday Carote & Don Schoengold - In Honor of Ashley Ohriner's 13th Birthday Robert Katz - In Honor of Dr. Mark & Jennifer Ohriner for Sponsoring the New Year's Eve Dinner Carole & Donald Schoengold ? In Memory of Carole's Father, James Shakman Robert Solomon & Nancy Hexter Robert & Hillary Stoltz - In Honor of Their Anniversary and Yahrzeits for Bert Kollins and Max Kollins Paul & Frances Blumenthal - Yahrzeit for Fran's Father and Aliyah for Opening the Ark Susan Brager Steven & Linda Janovitch - In Memory of Steven's Grandmother, Ellen Gross David & Joann Sonen stein - In Memory of David's Brother, Sister and Mother The Golbart Family - In Honor of Leslie Golbart Michete Devore Richard & Dorothy Wurzei Helen Groner - Chanukah Party Raffles BUILDING FUND Dr. Marvin & Irene Perer Michael & Carol Festen - In Honor of Their Anniversary Bonrri Spivak - In Memory of Lee Sisselman RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Lana Reich SCHOLARSHIP FUND Michael t Carole Festen - In Honor of Carol's Birthday RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Dr. Patricia & Mitch Altman ? To Thank Dr. Mark & Jennifer Ohriner for the New Year's Eve Dinner KoJAriEl The Lion's Voice Page 8 JANUARY AND FUTURE EVENTS CALENDAR All Events are at the Synagogue Unless Otherwise Stated SHABBAT SERVICES ARE HELD EVERY FRIDAY EVENING AT 7:30 p.m. TORAH TOTS AT 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 12 ULPAN (Conversational Hebrew) Class Commences 6:30 P.M Wednesday, January 12 Guide to Judaism Class 7:00 P.M. Friday, January 14 Samantha Steelman (Daughter of Sheri & Robert Steelman) Bat Mitzvah 7:30 P.M. Saturday, January 15 Samantha Steelman Bat Mitzvah 10:00 A.M. Sunday, January 16 No Religious School - Martin Luther King's Birthday Tuesday, January 18 Congregational General Meeting - Board Elections 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, January 19 ULPAN Class 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, January 19 Guide to Judaism Class 7:00 P.M. Saturday, January 22 AAE Schmoozers - Game Night 7:30 P.M. Jaycees Mobile Park Wednesday, January 26 Guide to Judaism Class ? LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE ~~ 7:00 P.M. Tuesday, February 1 Sisterhood Pizza/Bingo Night 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 2 ULPAN Class 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, February 2 Guide to Judaism Class 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 9 ULPAN Class 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, February 9 Guide to Judaism Class 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 16 ULPAN Class 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, February 16 Guide to Judaism Class 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 23 ULPAN Class 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, February 23 Guide to Judaism Class 7:00 P.M. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Michelle & William Douglas Elinor Karp DATED MATERIAL Adat Ari El P.O. Box 14158 Las Vegas, Nevada 89114 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS, NV PERMIT NO. 1205 Business-Card Size $10/month 1/4 Page $30/month 1/2 Page $50/month Full Page $90/month All rates are subject to change without prior notification. It is necessary to furnish camera-ready art (clear, high-quality black-and-white original printer line versions of any type and/or illustration). Photocopies, raised print (thermography), or ink colors are not suitable for reproduction. Please do not staple, tape or paper clip your art work to your ad. Logos should not include screens, extremely fine lines or small-size type. For all advertising and Editorial information, contact Helen Groner at the Adat Air El's Synagogue Office. The telephone number is: 221-1230. ADAT ARI EL is located at 3310 S. Jones Blvd. at the South East corner intersection of Desert Inn Road and Jones Blvd., in the Bonita Plaza. Weekly Shabbat Services begin at 7:30 P.M. Friday evenings, with TORAH TOTS starting at 7:00 P.M. (includes free babysitting). For more information, please call the Synagogue Office Weekdays at 221-1230. Bonita Plaza 3310 S. Jones Boulevard CONGREGANTS: The Synagogue Office updates our database weekly. Please contact us to inform our staff of any information that has not been included or is incorrect. We will include any additions during Shabbat Services. Please call the Synagogue by Thursday Noon. KOL ARI EL Chronicle of Adat Ari El Founded 1992 Published monthly from September to August at the Synagogue Office: 3310 S. Jones Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89146 Office: (702) 221-1230 FAX: (702) 221-1386 E-Mail Subscription price...$18.00 per annum Copyright?1997 Adat Ari El and Kol Ari El The Kol Ari Editor reserves the right to edit all submissions to this monthly chronicle. Committee press releases and article deadlines must be received by the Synagogue Office no later than the 18th day of each month prior to publication date.