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I agree.Los Angeles,Cal. Ro t . 27,1922 3 Mr. R.L.Huntley, Omaha, Reh. A 691 The top of the 70,000 gal. tank at roundhouse is 42 feet above top of ra il opposite depot. The tank its e lf has depth op/Z0 feet. We originally planned additional storage near tha/depot,as suggested, with supply connectiin to existing coach line. ThisRecommendation was subsequently changed, however, to that shown on Fora 30 when it was decided to treat the locomotive water. This change was m^rae on account of its economy over the original plan as cost w ill be about &g%560 less. Neither Dr. Barr or we could see any advantage in having additional storage for treated water,which this new tarn: would necessarily be. The treating plant w ill have capacity of 18,000 gallonar per hour which is more than twice the consumption. / The 16-inch line from the springs aifso gives a large surplus of raw water. In case of failure of this sprlng—lJjyj/we also have the new w elliin reserve. The capacity of this well is 40,000 gallons per hour, or over four time consumption. Our plans were changed as outlined above, and for the reasons stated. Dr.Barr did not suggest these changes but thoroughly agreed with them when he was here last. B-141. A. Maguire