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    m L a s V e g a s L a n d a n d W a t e r C o m C A R L R . G R A Y , P r e s id e n t , O m a h a . N e b r . F . H . K N IC K E R B O C K E R , Vic e -P r e s ., Lo s An g e l e s , Ca l . C . H . B L O O M . S e c r e t a r y . Lo s An g e l e s , C a l . C . C . B A R R Y , Au d it o r , Lo s An g e l e s . C a l . W . F . T R U E L S E N , Tr e a s u r e r , Lo s An g e l e s , C a l . C H A R L E S A D A M S , Ag e n t , Lo s An g e l e s , C , W A L T E R R . B R A C K E N , Vic e -P r e s . a n d Agt l a s Ve g a s , n e v . T. E . C O N N O L L Y . As s is t a n t a g e n t L a s Ve g a s . Ne v . Los Angeles, March 9 Mr. W. R. Bracken, Vice-President, Las Vegas, Nevada. 1933. Dear Sir Some local parties connected with the Los Angeles Brick Company called to see me today about the new jail proposed at Las Vegas. They left a statement prepared by Mr. Orville L. Clark, an architect, who as I understand it is interested in or has prepared plans for the proposed new jail. The purpose of their visit to see me was to enlist our support for the larger expenditure for new jail in the vicinity of the court house, and also to use our influence with County Commissioner Davidson to vote in favor of the court house proposition. I told them frankly we felt the taxes in Clark County were already too high, and that as we were paying better than fifty percent of the taxes in' that county, we felt we had a right to express a view. Said to them that if a new jail is needed in Las Vegas, I thought they should remodel or enlarge the old jail in its present location. They felt the conditions warrant a larger structure at the court house. Their interest is in securing the contract, furnishing material, etc. You might have some of the tax experts over there look over the figures submitted by Mr. Clark, and with return of the statement, let me know what you think of it, as well as Present status of the jail proposition. r. - Yours truly,