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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (COPY) Mi fel R APR r i 1953 Omaha, March 27, 1953 199 Mr. Mb. Reinhardt -Los Angeles (Cc - Mr. P. 3, Lynch Mr. R. M. Sutton Mr. W. R. Rouse Mr. W. H. Hulsizer) Referring to your letter December I4., 1951# and subse­quent correspondence relating to change in corporate set-up of water producing and distributing facilities in Las Vegas, Nevada: tJPRR Executive Committee yesterday approved transfer from LA&SLRRCo. to TJPRRCo. and sale by latter to Las Vegas Land and Water Company of the Railroad*s water production facilities, including 50? acres of land at Las Vegas, transfer to UPRR to be made at tax base comprised of ilk,107.13 for land and $663,621*.69 for improvements, or a total of fo77#73l*82, and the sale to LVL&WCo. at market (appraised) value representing average of ap­praisals arrived at by Railroad and Las Vegas Valley Water Dis­trict engineers, i.e., $267»650 for land and $1,350,25U for im­provements, or a total of fl,6l7»90U* Please arrange to have appropriate documents prepared and submitted. Copy of this mallgram is being sent Mr. Lynch with the request that he arrange for preparation of appropriate work order authorities to cover the transfer from LA&SLRRCo. to DPRR Co. and acquisition by LVL&WCo. Also, Mr. Rouse will please in­struct Mr, Bennett to arrange for filing of application to ac­complish transfer to the shop well of LAfcSLRRCo*s. water ap­propriation of 2.5 cubic feet per second at Las Vegas, and Mr. Hulslser will please arrange for preparation of requisite data covering all property holdings of LVL&WCo. not related to the water business so that in the event the sale of its water system to the Las Vegas Valley Water District is not consummated we will be in a position to submit recommendation for formal ap­proval to transfer such properties to either LA&SLRRGo. or The Union Land Company, as appropriate. S-39U MAILORAH A. E. STODDARD