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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    / 7 Los Angeles, July 9» 9215-3-W Mr. W. A. Jurden: (CG*» Mr. E. K. Bennet Mr. A. D. Hanson Mr. if. 0. Perkins) Attached are copies of General July 8th and Chief Engineer's letter Jul yM an6tahg,e rh'so thletter in connection w ith transfer of our water rights fro® well No. 1 at Las Vegas to Shop Yard well*. advises the commencement of work on the tank is sufficient for us to submit proof of commencement certificate, however, we should have some place to divert the water to before this proof is filed. While the tank is up, it still has to be tested and chlorinated, which will require about two more w e e k a . t h i s "P ro o f of Commencement"» I direct your attention to the necessity for submitting the map to accompany the application. This map has to be prepared by an authorized Nevada State Engineer and I suggest you arrange for this through Mr, Maag at Las Vegas, After these are available, the "Proofs o f Commencement" w i l l be prepared by the Law Department, In conversation with Mr. Bennett today, he While we have until January 8» 1955 to file