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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    JERRY JACKSON gete^a warm welcome from HRH Elizabeth Photo courtesy ofjterry Jackson (from his personal collection) Jerry Jackson remains one of the most beloved choreographers in Las Vegas. With a rapier wit and an "actor's sensibility" Jackson got the most out of performers without demeaning them. Jillian Hrushowy had the honor of working with such renowned choreographers as Ron Lewis, Jerry Jackson, Tony Charmoli, Peter Generro and Claude Thomp- son as well as Billy Petch (who choreographed the dancers in Paris before they began full rehearsals in Vegas). She credits choreographer Jackson with much of her growth as a performer. Although leads got their spotlight when the show opened, the chorus got the most attention during rehearsals. When her partner Mitch moved into production, he found Jillian another partner and looked for someone special to work out the new team's specialty numbers at the Stardust. That special someone was Jerry Jackson. "More than a choreographer, he was a wonderful director, getting the right looks and the right feel out of my perform- ance. He taught me hgw^to act it.'yV' y CM CT 87