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I agree.Los Angeles - August 31, 1954 80-11 Mr. C. M. Bates: (cc - Mr. Wra, Reinhardt) I attaeh hereto copy of a letter date'd August 26th addressed to Mr. Reinhardt from the First National Bank of Nevada in connection with pending escrow involving the sale of the Water Company. the expenses and find they are OKj however, we have no information with respect to the title policy fee or the easement report, which were handled out of your office. Will you please advise if these amounts are correct or in line with any understanding you had with the First National Bank of Nevada? I return herewith your file 1-7334, Vol. 7 . The items shown on the letter from the Bank are items to be paid by the Railroads or the Water Company, but as the above letter indicates, this department has no information with respect to the amount of the last two items, and I assume Mr. Bates will advise us direct that they are correct. We have checked the first three items of E, E. Bennett P.S. - Mr. Wm. Reinhardt