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    cJilli ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO |P|v. Los Angeles v Portland - Seattle Las Vegas, Nev. Morning Sun HKt (Clr- 8.531) WAY 1 5 \$B& -Las Vegas TALK iTOWN By DICK ODESSKY TOWN TALK~Now looks as though racetrack will get off to a big bang comes September, what with the threat of I Hollywood Park not opening^ Southern California arj : with racing hassles e I here, watch for even lj I all seems to deal wii I shirt. The "big" mafn J covered with big red are green sequins. Dior," says Jake, "it was^ ALONG 91?╟÷When Beau JeF ters close at Silver Slipper on the | 21st, Rocky Millard and Larry \ Kert will head for L. A. and few days rest, then back here for opening at Sahara, on June 2. . . Note to celebrants (?) who could not keep their guns in holsters while in Strip hotels?╟÷your guns are at the sheriff's office. Sands Hotel's ceiling is now filled with pock marks where couple of joy boys decided to partake in target practice. Using blanks isn't much safer than using actual bullets, as has been demonstr^&gtl here over the years. Many peejpfe have been painfully ihjuredQjiy the blank wads. . .Shooting up our town (with camera) is Nickf DeMorgoli, of Paris Match tmafr . . .Sands is still looking for beaij- timful young lady to sit atop their float as queeii during Sunday's Beauty parade. Any young lass who isn't already ?╜lated to ride on a float should contact eitJb&gJAl Freeman or this columnist'^i^p- to. Hotel ip importing bftVy' *jf lovelies to $de:',their display, but they'd likeftb use a local gal as queen. . .George Moro, Sahaia choreographer* back &tarf'L. ML where he produced aim$$L: Police Show G^drgk&has been working1 on that sh^w*j%?'mai^ years, and his fine lteiidf<|m be seen in most, every m&\xg$h,* iS/bip't forget, this is sfflUk'^e-^KiJ^to Chorus Girls Wel?║^^4#v^|ag bully scolding onerbf-itho lovelies other night?╟÷just becauseshe spilled a drihk in his lap. * * *'''?√ß COVERING THE SPOTS ?╟÷ Quite a sight at Marge and Gow- e,r Champion closing Wednesday., Cower was all over Flamingo Room with his little camera taking pix of other acts, and right be- j hind him was Dave Lees, Desert Sea photog shooting pictures of! season. Citizens in ire than a little upset once the track opens . . Talk on Strip today an's new Helldorado _a. white satin number topping off the flowers sequins. "No Christine Cliffy Stone. Gower snapping the show. Un- beknownest to Dave, Allen A. Arthur was behind them both with his camera, taking in the whole scene. Sound confusing" It was. . .Another partner in new miniature golf course, on Boulder Highway, is Joan Walleck, Silver Slipper cocktail waitress. . . .New additions to Sands chorus line, will be couple of gals direct from Copacabana in New York. They 2$3?·--;vLynn Shannon and Connie 'Jprmith. They replace Helen Carr, who's homesick, and Vicky Lake, who's decided to become a secretary. . .How does Frank Li- buse keep from getting punched in the nose? During his pre-show antics at Desert Inn, Libuse does everything from hitting people in the face with a potted plant to Squ^jgting-them with water from a loaded fish. Anyone seeing him for the first time, is ready for a strait jacket. I thought I'd lose a couple of ribs when he came up behind me to help move my chair in closer to the table. .. In town for Helldorado is Joe Frisco, seen bending elbows with old friends. Also here are the Bill Collier's. Bill heads the sports information department for the L. A. Examiner. ALL AROUND THE ?╟÷ Eddie Fox, Hotel Last Frontier's entertainment director back in town, driving his new car.. .My nominations for most aptly dressed Strip frequenters, in Helldorado garb, that is, are Fern Kozloff, and Sands security cop, Hy Powell. Weir gets around more than I, so he can pick the downtown best dressed pair. . .Recent headline, telling of Christine's opening in L. A.?╟÷"Christine Lays Egg" ?╟÷ So that's what she is... How quiet can it get? Yesterday during Old cJLuen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES *j! San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Calif Reporter (Cir. 6,821) * ?╟≤?╜, Imm MAY 25 1953 Talliilii Shills For Las Vegas, And It's a Natural Both Ways mkhead, who has confessed to practically every periphery, has added one more. Now, for the gambling joint. And it's a natural both ways. currenj|kengage- 1c* V_ [ exp???╜feni firstjifi J ment a^jfhe first expj| I profess ic I exciting ] tertainmel results ai a bistro pe\former? : apologies b^pause, doesn't s Any day I lead a brass iarks her ?√ßher first s. It's an ce of en- p, and the Tallulah as ed make no date, there can't do. expect her to (own to Sunset & j Vine, with Petrillo playing trumpet. There's hardly any category that best I fits Miss Bankhead's cafe performance. I She doesn't sing well, certainly, and I her dancing would even scare off Ar- I thur Murray, and you know what he'd I do for a customer. Yet, there is always I her high humor and great personality. I With those attributes she could prob- I ably read the telephone directory and I make an exciting production out of it. I And maybe some of it is the phone I book ?╟÷ who knows? One isn't always j terribly conscious of materiay when Tallulah is on, for she is alWfys tRe " I consummate artist ?╟÷ always certain, always uncanny in her timing, always I with a feeling for knowing slhen to I pick up her audience, and then lay I them down again. Some of the material is qufce good, I most of it very good. She sings, she I hoofs, she emotes with the dramatic I intensity of?╟÷well, Tallulah Bjnkhead. Unique Singer As a singer, she's unique?╟÷a femi- l nine basso with an unerring sense of I off-pitch. She probably hasn't been on I pitch since she rooted the Giants to the I pennant. When she asks her piano I accomp, Dean Fuller, for a chord, I you're hopeful that she doesn't use it I to strangle herself. But what makes I these extra-curricular activities so pal- I atable is her self-kidding; there is I never any pretense, in her dapsing and I singing, that these are practiced arts I for which she is getting $20,000 a I week at the Sands. She sums it up aptly I by stating that she was told she didn't I have to be good for the cafes?╟÷just I versatile. And all she has toSe, really, I is Tallulah ?╟÷Tallulah of the^ lantern I jaw and lowered eyelids; Tallulah of I the flip rejoinder; Tallulan with her I great facility at the quick transition, I from comedy to drama. These make I her distinct in a business where there I are so few personalities who can take 1 over a stage, and hold it every moment Lthey're on. She has the customers wrapped up I from the first moment she comes on 1 with those one-line jokes, and it does- I n't matter whether they're nickel- I pushers from Yucca Flats or blue- chip bettors from Texas ?╟÷ she's got I 'em. jllr reprise of Dorothy Parker's "Telephone Call" might not be suitable for cafes in any other hands, but here, nevertheless, is a dramatic five minutes that sends her through the I emofwial wringer?╟÷and the audience ?√ß as well: Her most hilarious routine is her finale, and it's really the clincher. It's a Wedlock-Snyder piece of material about a gal's first experience in a gambling casino, and Miss Bankhead's timing is great. The bill also includes the fast-stepping Clark Bros., who go over big with their breakaway stuff just preceding the headliner; Hi, Lo, Jack and a Dame, three guys and a gal with special-material songs; plus Ray Sinatra's house band, whicltplays a neat show and also for the dancing. Gus Schirmer, Jr., did a neat job of staging Miss Bankhead's half-hour, and Joan Edwards and Lyn Duddy supplied the incidental musical numbers. ?╟÷ Nat Kahn. Timers parade all doors were closed with same sign on each- Open After Parade.". . . My choice in fight tonight?╟÷Walcott, by a split decision. If Joe loses, I have no alibis. He's been doing all the preparing for the fight, while Marciano has been doing all the talking. C JUL PRESS CUPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN IBANCrsoo T>n_iPs Angeles Portland - Seattle Us Vegas, Nev. Morning Sun (Cir. 8,53(1 (AY 1 9 1953 Las Vega& TALK .UlTOWN By DICK ODESSHm TOWN TALK?╟÷There's a man in town who is responsible for saving many of our GI's lives in Korea?╟÷he's Joe Lu- bfu, the man who invented the nylon mesh material used to Lmake the bullet proof vests worn by men in combat. There 'nave been nothing but good reports on the vests with almost no casualties suffered by men wearing them. Armored vests aren't Lubin's only product; with his brother he operates the Amity Dyeing and Finishing Co., in New York. They are the outfit that supplies all the nylon mesh for those ventilated shoes, which have become so popular. -Lubin tells me that the footwear has gone over well, especially in warm climates (such as Vegas). Their biggest market though, is in South America, where i$$not only very hot, but also humid. After noticing a man wearing a ventilated Panama the other night, Joe went to work, devising a process for hats. What kind of shoes does he wear? Black leather, of course. ALONG 91-r-Before leaving Vegas last night, Phil Foster showed me a fiialr of cuff flnM^eeeiTi?½| by him from his "old buddies in Brooklyn." The links were made especially for "Brooklyn's Ambassador to the U. S. A.", and were made in the shape of a map Of Brooklyn. Not to be outdone, Phil's manager, Harry Morton, rolled up his sleeve and pointed to a set of links given him by Foster. They were inscribed "10%." . . .J$ke Freedman, the man who rode so well (?) in Sunday's Beauty parade, tells me that ground will be broken at The Sands, within a month for a 150 room addition. Do you think that will take care of the crowds, Jake?.*. .Phone call from a Mrs. Murphy informs me that I was wrong in my Helldorado story, when I said that the Art League's float was a seascape. Indignantly she told me that the background was Fortification Mountain, located at Lake Mead. I'm sorry. ?╟?. .Wonderif press will be barred when Christine opens at Sahara in July. ''It's" been raising merry-ned over treatment by press in L. A. Am told that any newsman who wanted to talk with he or she or it had to show proper credentials, to make sure that no doctors slip^^hrough Why wou the da '""* felk to *QV#RING THE SP&T#-Cott JfratS to Sarins on.wfanhy Rwppn. ^stakes m Sunday's teripprparade. Also to all othavypSai- entered displays. Didh'tspFan "average" float in the wlTjprpageant, which was finest^irTxecprd for our __to\m^*gg0$ in the sun, Al ?╟?jis; New York manufactur- er; Hobart Brownell, Standard Oil company photographer, who's been shooting pix here to go into trayelogue on Nevadfg^and my folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wiflam Odes- jsky. m .Understand..-ap: George Moto0^a.s imported r$al Hawai- iah|>|Sr dance numSerih new Hotel Sahara show. ... .Phone calls fro^a ^Hollywood inforin ioe that Cinerama's doing well. Cast is strong; but plot of tajjgpfilm, as expected, is weak;. .Wjfiner's has been idvertising theirf||p film as "?√ßfftelPiouse of Wax, from the Hovsftof Warners." ' 's^tlisjp * * * Al| AROUNnfrHE ?╟÷ Dougj Rjcfealds, Sandsivmanager, has! promoted Chuck Brown to position of assistant manager. . . . B'nai B'rith women to stage fash-: ion show at Thunderbird Saturday afternoon. * .Abe Schiller out of town again. He; was back one night last week, weartfj?║;the newest addition to his wardrobe ?╟÷ a green shirt, covered with red ?╟÷ Flamingos of course. ," .All riders on Ipfese'lt;. .TThh-'IfliSl^.m. parade w$M from Wildcat-Lair.?√ß?√ß;# .Heard | all the stories gMh^-hxdxmd con- ^ cerning Joe Frisco? No? Just! seat yourse||,,tej|Ba|^botel cocktail lounge and yoCKll* hear all aaaabout the stuttering comedian . . .Art Force talidng about windshield wipers ons:Ms Lincoln going bad. Windshield wipers in.liM gas?. . .Note to Coifeel. Alfred Lambert, executive 6|fieer at Nel, lis: Next time you plan toTfet anyone go up in *?╟≤ jet let me know, I'll be rigfife^l^. '* 3LNoticed "Flying Saucer'^ W_fs being sold at Sy Devore's?i*|?║|*b:Seen them in wfeidow for lot^ppie, but finally saw someone wearing one yesterday .... Diane Davidson, \ daughter of bandleader Cee, has' now contracted with' four places in town to do their commercial art work. > j?╟÷ ?╟÷-u*?·.