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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 7, 1975






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 4 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000092. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SENATE MEETING #13 October 7, 1975 Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes IV. Committee Reports A. Activities Board B. Appropriations Committee C. Organizations Committee V. Old Business A. Approval of Student Union Board Policy VI. New Business A. Emergency Meeting VII. Information A. The next regular Senate Meeting will be October 21, 1975. CSUN SENATE MEETING #13 OCTOBER 7, 1975 I. The Meeting was called to order by Rafael Lara at 5:32. II. Roll Call was taken III. Approval of Minutes Correction was made by Scott Blackmer to Section V. of Old Business. Motion by Scott Blackmer should read: "Motion by Scott Blackmer that Senate approve the following resolution u Also, the motion should not be included under the Operation Policy for the Student Union Board. Motion by Joe Warpinski to accept minutes as corrected Seconded by Kevin Haggerty Dis cuss ion Motion passes, 1 abs . IV. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Committee Jeff Baird gave the Appropriations Committee Report (attached to minutes of previous Meeting #12) Motion by Gerone Free to approve the $2000 to the Learning Resoarce Center Seconded by Bill VanAnda Di scus s ion Motion by Rosalynn Ramey to have a sign posted saying that CSUN funded the Program Seconded by Joe Warpinski Motion by Gerone Free for immediate vote Seconded by Bill VanAnda Motion passes, 1 opposed Vote on amendment: Gerone Free yes Kevin Haggerty yes Scott Blackmer ab s Frewin Osteen no Bill Thomason yes Herlinda Salazar yes Reed Manning yes Dave Wodis yes Rick Gutierrez ats Pam Moore yes Rosalynn Ramey yes Joe Warpinski yes Eugene Belin yes Bill Vananda yes Amendment passes Discussion is on main motion as amended Motion by Gerone Free for immediate vote Seconded by Kevin Haggerty Motion carries Roll Call Vote: Gerone Free yes Scott Blackmer abs BillThomason yes Reed Manning yes Rick Gutierrez yes Rosalynn Ramey yes Eugene Belin no Bill VanAnda yes Kevin Haggerty yes Frewin Osteen yes Herlinda Salazar yes Dave Wodis yes Pam Moore yes Joe Warpinski yes Motion passes Jeff Baird continued to give the Treasurer's Report B. Activities Board Report Rosalynn Ramey gave the Report (attached) Dis cuss ion Two contracts were submitted: 1.Batdorf & Rodney& James Lee Stanley 2.VTN Contracts C. Organizations Committee Motion by Scott Blackmer to approve the following Organi zations: 1.Intercollegiate Knights 2.Associated Music Students 3.UNLV Water Polo Club k.Tiaka Discussion Motion passes unanimously Motion by Gerone Free to alot $500 in Matching Funds to the Associated Music Students Seconded by Rick Gutierrez Motion passes unanimously Discussion Motion to table Approval of Student Union Board Policy by Rosalynn Ramey Seconded by Scott Blackmer Motion carries Motion by Gerone Free to appoint a Senate Ad Hoc^ Committee for getting the School a Marching Band Seconded by Dave Wodis Discussion Motion passes, 1 opposed, 1 abs. Motion by Joe Warpinski that CSUN express,in the form of a letter to the Yell, CSUN's discontent with the Editor's answering of letters to the editor. Seconded by Rick Gutierrez Motion to table previous motion until Dave Kelley present to answer questions Seconded by Gerone Free Discus sion Motion carries unanimously Motion to rescind previous motion regarding mailing of minutes to Senators Seconded by Kevin Haggerty Motion carries Motion by Rick Gutierrez that Senate Minutes be put in Senator's Mail Boxes 1 week before the Senate Meetings at regular 2-week intervals. An agenda will also be placed in the boxes. Seconded by Frewin Osteen Motion carries Motion by Gerone Free to Adjourn Seconded by Scott Blackmer Motion passes, 6 opposed Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 Respectfully submitted to the CSUN Senate, Debbie Roussell, Senate Secretary - H -