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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 *t ppfir than dwelling *be eastoaary wtlMl&ttagst iaoXuwiiag er ingt for the ©endueting ef apnrtasftt house*# flats# hotels* lodging houses# restaurants# mtm* ©lab®* bungalow eourta* tsaeseat honees# ©leaning oi tabtishaeats» theatres* halls* ©m@sef stores# j&opis* st&nel** litauries# aarfcetfl# l Tmterntm# mm$m$ #!&' efntieiie or other or light iimalU® purpose® not prohibited fjl law or ordliiaaeeB# but «S4fi^f of jMMty anaufaoturiiiLg# and that so ®t*oh building shall oost lest than t3$0O*dO» sawlttsivs of the ©set of Hi# ground* Ijjf that as portion of salt land shall be mb- divided into lots or p&rwels ©ontainiiig loss than five awre* s&eh# tmlwsw a stmot and/or alley AeOioated to pnblio wee shall b© pro­vided for ©aoh snob lot or poreel. (©) it ts understood. tot tranter is engaged in the bwatuee-e of fwaaisbiag wo tor to the In- habitants of the City of las Vegas, os a pub- JJJt utility* iM that a part of tlas mmtmmm* tion for this ooiivemnss is that ftr&iftess 'will ooaatavot &s& lay or oauso to bo son* strmotot and laid* at the (jp ant expense of ir&atees# their heirs* wcaoatars, adminis­trators or assigns# water pipe lints and laterals extending from the nearest water min of .las togas Land and Water aoapany to moh lot or pares! within the area hereby ©envoyt& for the distribution of water thereto# and therefore* this eonveyanoe it made and sweepted - upon the further express condition and eovenamt punning with the land# whioh shall be bind log upon all subsequent tarn tees or holders of / title of said land or any portion thereof# that no lot or paroel thereof ooiktalnUig an area if less than five sere® shall be told# leased or otherwise disposed of unless and until Grantees# their heirs# exseuters# ad­ministrators# sweets sere or assigns shall have, at their own ©eel and expense# ©one true ted ant laid water pipe lines and. laterals extend­ing from the nearest water sains of tas Togas Land and inter doapany to each so eh lot or par- eel, for the distribution of water thereto* §*