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Hadassah board meeting minutes, October 6, 1996



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    H A D A S S A H L A S VEtSAS~tHAf*T?R BOARD tlFTTrMG-mitOTES Sunang^-GrOctuber, t 9 9 6 TlFFting-called to order at tt> a m. Thanks to Rosntee mfASURFR-PEFORT -Shirley is in MASS, but balance as of_3 Sept ]s~$4,263.63 -Already made ajteposlt .to Treasure island for Gala, -also to u S. Postal Service tor $400- EDULATION -tort putting article In next newsletter - 9! t August Lori, in Israel, heard was Impressed with Netanyahu's arirq approach VIDEO from Natlonat arrived Tor Presidents - i t s 1/2 hour that was supposed to De on PBSjocally, but never got aired station said there was lack, of interest for this program! -do not show it outside Hadassah tannily,-due t-o legal constraints , riTH ASSFtlDLV OF JEWTSH FEDERATION - Seattle -would someone like to go to (& pay for*} i t ? Attt. ^rand-Qpenfrrg Fdu: at ion courses to be avatlatle/says lori Ltpm an-"Brown -re: Prayer in the Schools &~Hates STtrlmes FUNDKAISING fJre^st Carreer Awareness Ptns -Presidents may order thi order book - C A L L IN ror most imme dt. ivery of orders OR FAX 6 APRIL GALA' -gave deposit to Treasure Island at the Mirage -approached Gov. n i l l e r& wife, but not able to attend 60.000 Jewish people est to be in Summerlln -inviting Sen Reed & Sen. Bryan -what about Mayor Jones Notes Per Eleanor Schwimmer: -Gala is a chapter event / -we have special gifts as prizes)^ 1st prizes; Judy gave us a/tennis bracelet 2 trips in U S., inci Hawaii & Alaska also things from TiffanJ s, The Jewelers -asked each group of chapter to have a participant as a member of the committee -we need more big ticket Items for the raffle -last time we talked about $5 per ticket & 6 for $25 -raff le tickets will be printed & distributed to Group Fundraisers Calendars available today Take es many as needed -ba a $75 per person $25 donor credit as of now - 1 0 0 $ uonor credit for raffle tickets -For RAH-LL TiCktl S each group should have someone in charge for this/these credit & KEEP GOOD RECORDS -Use curitr ibution letter (distributed at this mtg.) to get gala gifts to raffle ke-type or iust re-use CALENDARS-have raised over $5,000, there are discrepancies -please call JuAnrie Gellerk report any misprints, so we can make Lite appropriate communications with respective buciness or person PRESIDED S' REPORTS RISHGNA Pear I nof here, but. LAST nuNl H - Membership Luncheon at Desert Inn- -Steve Oyer played piano & ^arig (he's from D.I. staff), charged maybe $100? -luncneon price was -got a new lite member o. members! THIS MONTH - Las Vegas Country Club - 21 October - $15 -speaker Paula Quigliano, on women's issues