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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    WATER LITIGATION MHDDY RIVER. Ix>8 Angeles, Oct. 23, 1915. Mr. A. S. Halstead, Bldg. ' i * Dear Sir: Returning your f i l e in the above matter w ill say that I represent Knox and Holmes as p la in tiffs in the original water suit now pending, involving their rights to a portion 6f the water of the River. In so fa r as the Railroad is concerned we have a prescriptive right to the user of water at Moapa, and our water at St. Thomas is supplied from a well sunk on our right of way and is percolating water, which, under our decisions in Nevada, belongs to the owner of the s o il. Waters> however, as a precaution, at the Thomas 1branch was completed, purchased one ? L Si ° Ck in Muddy Valley Irrig a tio n Company, which the Company now owns. This is su fficien t fo r a ll purposes. I K S A f d0 think i t wise fo r the Company to eon-vey its water right to the Muddy Valley Irriga tio n Com-that’ has^be^^fpvYfS0^ i j r f £*mpf that has been levied on the stock and yo pf ayw htihche athssee sCsomme­nl pany w ill have notice la te r. Very truly yours,