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    M l lets Togaa, IlefwSa February SO, ltt39 Mf. C* H* Cray* President Hr# F* II* Khlokerbcxsher, Vlee-lt&si&snt m s i m & i m i d i i D ' m w j r Gentlemen J H e en&osed newspaper firms* in reference to land ( mo&tft Bate! oonctruoters, ? leased to fesett th a t be ana lan o f Sand to proposed hotel ©arae stand new talseh It both land to e it1h cemr nCzmittyt a: mediate and wlihbieehr a1l. ofoarrm tohte n oohw* tin© County Court IMw igrlo u ltu m l lk ‘ acres w ill n c^ /m rert to should bo sufriM ehs, in jagr’ ptu%* S# a « f Urn1 I# through |dG|tfea# *wb#n ated to gfrcSmaonsted eeo-tony, and 1 m Mo Tausi of airs a tsh deona- County Ceraniisaionors fu rth e r donation o f ilti^ iV jtfio u id bo fo r im- ties® hCtotvmipoa bnyee n» wsormyet hing and an e n tire blool: fo r (SO) cunts donated fo r as opsa©r© ,ii grefofesiaso ntth, iarntdy i(t3 0} **at for a w ry b eau tifu l laaintonanc© o f the park M il >h to pay carer s i s ty por-cont (60$) ^ ------- imot Iw/M U for t t to auMlYid© the six ty (00) aoros Clarkes la s Fowneii®, o r a t M ast th a t p a r t jm the m m % st o r tb t omok and fronting on the M taaj& g tsn eq rt Subdivisions are se llin g fa s t bore and a t M gi pxites* I re o a ll th a t in Hay* 1005, xm sold mm f m Sbadred rhouttad Dollar© (p o o .000*00) worth o f m /poxtf in one day, and a t p rices par le t about one-third (1/3 / o f m a t outlying subdlvidere are sow getting* * a ffei City Crnmlmlomm a r e now p l a n n i n g t o mm® t b o Bed l i g h t D i s t r i c t m m t e a k o f CM Stem, o r B u t aide, a n d sties this is done., the acreage m eoulft m M iv i& o woula bo ideal f o r a restricted residential d t s t r i e t , a n d w ould diroetly thoe the nailroad and Sbderdl M 0 m ^ s wttlob would bo a pleasing s t U r t for all passenger trail®*