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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, December 1994 - January 1995



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    Copgregaticp Ner Tarpid ?ran u n'rin The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas Kislev - Tevet - Shevat 5755 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Leah Kamer Preschool Director Gerald Gordon President Monty E. Willey Administrator Rebecca Herren Bulletin Editor l(?app? Chanukkah Surprise JL he Sixth Annual Chanukkah Family Dinner December 2, at 6:00 pm begins an exciting and eventful evening filled with story telling and song. Join Rabbi Akselrad, Cantorial Solo?ist Bella Feldman and the Junior Choir for an enjoyable dinner of Chicken and Potato Latkes catered by the Sisterhood. As a tradition with Ner Tamid, Hes?ter Katzman will tell a story titled ?Her- shel and The Hanukkah Goblins.? The story tells about the haunting of a syna?gogue by goblins who will not let the villagers celebrate Chanukkah and how Hershel saves the day by expelling the synagogue of the goblins. Join us for a special evening you will long remember; RSVP with the Temple office as soon as possible. We ?ll see you there! $ V" 1 WorsAip Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Cantorial Soloist, Bella Feldman ?I December 2, 1994 Chanukkah Family Dinner - 6:00 pm Chanukkah Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm with the Junior Choir performing Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood December 9, 1994 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Fink - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by The Fink Family December 16, 1994 Shabbat Services - 7:30 pm Bar Mitzvah of Kevin Daniels Oneg Sponsored by The Daniels Family December 23, 1994 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood December 30, 1994 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood January 6, 1995 Shabbat Family Dinner - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood January 7, 1995 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Kevin Spoor Kiddush Sponsored by The Spoor Family January 13, 1995 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood January 14, 1995 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Schnitzer Kiddush Sponsored by The Schnitzer Family January 20, 1995 Shabbat Family Dinner, Grade 3 - 6:00 pm Shabbat Service-7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Grade 3 Parents Interpretive Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired are the 2nd Friday of each month. $ Baby-sitting every Friday night ^Q-Tnar iters" Auction You won?t want to miss out on Congre?gation Ner Tamid?s first annual Surprise ?Quarters? Auction to be held on Satur?day evening, December 3 at 7:00 pm. You?ll want to bring a wrapped gift (min?imum value of $10.00), $3.50 entry fee and a couple rolls of quarters and the fun will begin!! Toss a quarter to enter each drawing and pick either a surprise gift or steal a gift that?s already been opened. As is our Temple tradition, a table full of fabulous deserts and tasty treats will await you. Hey it?s fun... it?s easy... so come on down and try your luck. To RSVP, call the Temple office at 733-6292. For more information contact Jacky Rosen at 456-7617. ? Inside This Edition Rabbi?s Message 2 From the Administrator s Desk 2 President?s Message 3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 4 B ?nai Mitzvah 4 Religious School News 5 Kids Corner Preschool 5 Yahrzeits 6 Auxiliaries & Committees 9 Anniversaries & Birthdays 12 Tributes 14messagefrom abbi &hemukkah - rUhe C'Miracle ofqfreedom CPbe know the answer, no matter how many times we are asked: ?No, Chanukkah is not the ?Jewish Christmas?!? Yet, beyond that staunch affirmation of Jewish pride too many are at a loss to tell the specific differences between the two holidays. After all, both come in December, both involve present giving, both cele?brate joy and peace. So what difference does it make if the distinction between the two is blurred? Both have become so secularized, so commercialized that they have lost their reli?gious meaning. To which I answer: That is precisely my point! Christmas and Chanukkah are religious holidays. They are not secular holidays. No mat?ter what we or others may profess, the two are both beautiful, sacred, and distinctly different religious holidays. Christmas is a celebration for Christians which depicts their belief surrounding the birth of Jesus whom they feel is their Messiah. The symbols of the holiday --the tree, wreath, presents, etc., all are reminders of this important event in the history of Christianity. And no matter how beautiful they may be, there is simply noth?ing ?Jewish? about them. Chanukkah on the other hand had always been considered a minor Jewish holiday. It is not mentioned in the Bible. And in fact bears only scant mention in the Talmud. Without question the importance of Chanukkah both here and in Israel has grown because of its proximity to Christmas and the growing commer?cialization of both holidays. Is this bad? No, not necessarily. Chanukkah does have an important message which should not be forgotten. It is a message about the importance of standing up for basic beliefs, even and perhaps especially when the world around us tries to suppress or deny the practice of those beliefs. It is about miracles. Not the miracle of a ?Divine birth? but the miracle of freedom. Indeed when we kindle the Chanukkah Menorah it is a poignant reminder that the light of freedom is bom by every generation. With freedom of religion, however, comes the challenges of choice. Chanukkah reminds us of the importance of Jewish particularism. The Jews who fought long ago fought not only against the Syrians, but against assimilationist elements who sought to totally destroy Judaism. Ironically, the message of Chanukkah has nev?er been so relevant or meaningful as it is today. We live in a world where challenges to our religious beliefs do not come from governmental authorities but from apathy, assirr^^ ilation, and ignorance. Chanukkah reminds us that we must con^^ tinue to kindle the light of faith and freedom that bums within each of us. For this is one battle that must be won in every age, by every generation. $ Rabbi Sanford Akselrad JU ^ ( zb Administrator?s Desk It continues... the excitement for our new facility'. The closer we approach D-Day, ground breaking, the more excitement is felt from the membership. As explained either in person or through Jerry?s letter to you, each of you will be receiving on your next statement the Sanctuary Commitment charge begin?ning in December. It will be noted as Sanctuary Initial Fee. This charge will be a one time charge payable before the end of the year. It will be placed in the Sanc?tuary Account for disbursement at a later date. Beginning with your January state?ment, each of us will receive a monthly charge that likewise will be placed into the Sanctuary Account. By placing the sanc?tuary money into its own separate account, I can assure you that the money will be accounted for and obligated only for use against sanctuary-related expenses. It will not be used for paying the utilities. It would be most helpful for me if you could write a separate check indicating that it is for the Sanctuary payment. This will help us keep our record keeping cleaner. $ Do You Buy Groceries? Do You Buy SCRIP? Do You Shop At Albertsons, Smiths, Vons? Buying SCPP has turned out to be a Great Success!!! At the November Board Meeting, we were presented with a $6000 check!!! Keep buying SCPP - it?s a wonderful way lo support YOUP Temple!!! 2 Spatiaf. Pdace. To J5e.don.g $ Congregation N er T amid $ ___ Temple Board __ Members Jerry Gordon President Alan Mann VP Administration Stephen Joseph VP Ways & Means Lois Doctors VP Membership Eileen Kollins VP Religious Activities Philip Goldstein VP Education Debbie Levy VP Social Jack. Nitzkin Treasurer Janis Rounds Recording Secretary David Stahl Trustee Nadine Cracraft Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jerry Polis Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bob Unger Trustee Ron Worth Trustee David Gross Trustee Maxine Gratz Sisterhood Scott Dockswell Brotherhood Ronae Fink Golden Chai Libby Goldstein NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio SANCTUARY FUND GOAL ? 2.0 million HELP US MEET OUR ? GOAL! message. As I write this article an additional con?gregation is forming in the Las Vegas Val?ley. This can be viewed as an indication of a vital and growing Jewish communi?ty. As Jews migrate into the Valley, they appear to have a high percentage of pre?vious affiliation and that is reflected in their affiliation with us and other congre?gations. Additionally, as Las Vegas grows and becomes more congested and crowd?ed, pressure builds for neighborhood con?gregations. All of this is inevitable and I believe benefits the existing congrega?tions, including Congregation Ner Tamid. The differences between the existing congregations goes beyond whether they are orthodox, conservative or reform or any combination or derivative thereof. When Congregation Ner Tamid was formed, it was clearly the intent of the founders that the Congregation would move beyond meeting at the West Charleston Baptist Church or the Univer?sity United Methodist Church and would build and maintain its own home to meet the needs of its congregants. The founders knew this would require a high level of commitment. When we embarked upon the Sanc?tuary Campaign, which is being success?fully concluded as you read this article, we knew that as each of you would be called upon to make a commitment to the Fund over and above your annual commitment, we realized that as you considered this additional commitment, you would, to some degree, reflect upon your future af?filiation with, and personal commitment to, the Congregation. We appreciate that Congregation Ner Tamid requires a high?er level of affiliation and commitment, both financial and otherwise, than other congregations. So, when we commenced the Cam?paign knowing the additional sacrifice it would require of each of you, we were convinced (at least, we will now claim to have been) that everyone would step up, assume their fair share of the task ahead of us and not disaffiliate or go elsewhere. And now, at the conclusion of the Cam?paign, I can report that while we have lost a few members (which can be counted on the fingers of one hand) our Congregation is thriving and attracting new members because of our level of commitment and dedication. You are on the verge of achiev?ing an awesome accomplishment and you should be very proud of it. $ Mazel TovH! Gerald Gordon SAVE THESE DATES January 27 & 28,1995 To Hear Scholar-in-Rcsidence Joel Grishavcr One of America?s most gifted educators and authors will speak at Congregation Ner Tamid. Details to follow in next month?s Bulletin. Have You Always Wanted To Visit you missed out on last year?s trip, you won?t want to miss this one. Temple members and members of the community are invited to join Rabbi Sanford Akselrad for an exciting and me?morial trip to Israel in June of 1995. The eleven day trip begins June 5 through June 15. You will partake in a private sight-see?ing tour of Jerusalem, Masada, the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv and Galilee. There will be an informational meet?ing on Sunday, December 4 at 7:00 pm in the Social Hall of Congregation Ner Tamid. Representatives from Ner Tamid, airlines and travel agencies will be speak?ing to you with details, costs and high?lights of the upcoming trip. If you?re interested in attending the December 4 meeting, contact the Temple office at 733-6292 and RSVP a scat. $ Congregation N er T amid ? J[ Special! Race To WeJxing 3 -------e 4?7 / / ?> A Si A . . ? ^------------71 'ot&j? from oa^ (jatfZoriat: Ootofgl <' ___e_ v ? ? /ffter much success with our Junior Choir performing Debbie Friedman?s musical ?Miracles Aren't Just Magic? last year, I wondered what could we do to involve more children in the fun of putting on a Chanukkah program. Rabbi, Jackie and I all brainstormed and we came up with an idea which allows the entire school to be a part of the program. On December 11 at 11:00 am the MB. Dalitz Religious School will proud?ly present ?Schleperella? a play based on the story of Cinderella; rewritten by our very own Educator, Jackie Fleekop. Every class in the school is learning music for the play and will be making their own cos?tumes. Our talented Junior Choir will per?form some special music and selected students from the 6th and 7th grades will be the actors and actresses. Bring the entire family for a new Chanukkah experience! $ Announcing Adult Choir Rehearsals For The Jewish Music Sabbath Season Beginning December 8, on Thursdays From 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Matthew Fink Bar Mitzvah December 9 My name is Matthew Fink. I go to Greenspun Jr. High and I?m in the 7th grade. My hob?bies are snow skiing, roller blading and bowl?ing. I also play the violin. I will be called to the Torah on December 9th and I hope all my family and friends can join me. Kevin Spoor Bar Mitzvah January 7 Hi, my name is Kevin Spoor. I am in the 7th grade at Cannon Middle School. I like to roll?er blade, ride my bike and lots, lots more. My Bar Mitzvah is January 7. I hope to see you there. Kevin Daniels Bar Mitzvah December 16 Hello, my name is Kevin Daniels. I will be called to the Torah on Friday, December 16. I?m very excited about becoming a Bar Mitzvah and have been working very hard. My hobbies are skiing, computers and lots of other things. I have an A point average in school and I?m a light technician for the Knight Flight Tumbling Team. Please come and join my family and I for this special oc?casion. Jordan Schnitzer Bar Mitzvah January 14 My name is Jordan Schnitzer. I am a 7th grader at Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy playing baseball, basketball and col?lecting sports memorabilia. My Bar Mitzvah is January 14 and I have taken this respon?sibility very seriously. I hope the congregants will join me on my special day. 4 y \ Special Plate. To T$e!on.g # Congregation N er T amid $ Winter Break! - What Break? We have been sc busy and had so many holidays that time is just flying by. The secular year of 1994 has almost gone and 1995 is here too fast. I feel like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland ?So much to do, so little time.? I?m Late, I?m Late. Chanukkah family night and programs, three Sundays off for winter break, No! No! We need more time. Too many students need to learn to read, too many programs need to be done. Well, I guess we will have to take a winter break, but... In January we have Sunday school almost every week. We will work very hard and we will accomplish great feats. Rest students, rest parents. NO SCHOOL; Thursday, December 22, 29; Sunday, December 18, 25 and Sunday, January 1. SCHOOL RESUMES: Thursday, January 5 for 4th thru 7th grades and Sunday, January 8 for K thru 7th grades. Have a wonderful Winter Break and remember, report cards will be issued De?cember 4. $ Kid's Comer The days are beautiful and as I usual the school year is rush?ing by. It?s hard to believe the Chanukkah Bazaar has passed and are now focusing on Thanksgiving, with Chanukkah not far away. For the first time the preschool spon?sored a face painting booth at the bazaar and according to the kids, it was a great success. Many thanks to the parents for all their help. November is a very busy month. With all the activities that are happening, we hope to see you at the first Tot Shabbat on Saturday, November 19 at 10:00 am. Come and join the children in sharing a won?derful Shabbat experience. It is very important not just for the adults, but also for preschoolers to remem?ber what Thanksgiving is all about, there?fore, the Preschool is having a small food drive in our class to collect nonperishables for the less fortunate. We?ll decorate a box | to hold the food, explain to the children why the food drive is necessary and hope they will feel good about themselves in this endeavor. After the Thanksgiving break, Joe and Ronae Fink will come to the Pre?school and help bake Chanukkah cookies which should certainly prove to be a mar?velous baking experience. We thank Joe and Ronae in advance for their devotion and bravery! We also want to thank Scott and Sandy Stolberg for their gift of a com?puter and printer to the Preschool. We love having it and along with the teach?ers, the kids are learning how fascinating it is to use the computer. Many thanks for the Mitzvah. As usual Leah and Helene would like to thank everyone who helps out with Pre?school and want to invite more children to attend our program. We arc proud of our preschool program and want to see more children involved; so tell the parents of preschool aged children all about us! Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season; we look forward to seeing everyone back real soon. $ Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Chanukkah, Leah Kamer Las Vegas Hebrew High classes scheduled for grades 8 thru 12 meet Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Jewish Federation Building located at 3909 South Maryland Parkway (across from Bookstar). December classes meet on the 1st, 8th, and 15th. No classes on December 22nd and 29th. Classes will resume on January 5th. Classes are opened to all Jewish teenagers regardless of religious educational background. For more information, contact Cheryl Weisberg at 732-0556. Tot - Tot - Tot, Tot Shabbat! It?s that time of year again for Tot Shabbat. We had our first Shabbat on No?vember 19, and we hope everyone who at?tend had as much fun as the children did. For those of you who have attended pre?vious Tot Shabbats, you know what fun and how rewarding it can be for your chil?dren. We have an exciting season planned this year for children 2 to 5 years old. We are asking a donation of $10 per family per year to help subsidize this important program. Rabbi Sanford Aksclrad, Canto?rial Soloist Bella Feldman, Preschool Di?rector Leah Kamer and Tot Shabbat Chairperson Harper Klamian, will be on board this year to make your child?s first step into Judaism one of joy, fun and learning! Save these Tot Shabbat Saturdays and RSVP by calling the Temple oftice at 733- 6292. \ \ \ December 10, 1994 March 4, 1995 May 13, 1995 Come and enjoy these fun-filled days! ? Congregation N er T amid ? y \ Special! Race To T>tlonQ 5 IItCt+hltA 2 Mol lie Selnick Alan Singer Gertrude Klein-Freiden Rose Dunn-Orlofsky Frieda Pokroy Jenny AronofF Harry Routtenberg Miriam Metzenbaum Lillian Brewster D Rose Sendrow Rose Levine Ida Lutins Plows Rose Millman Rose Herman Mark Alexander Beatrice Berkowitz Edith Raderman Joseph Roe Abraham Raizin DuxmJUa 16 Jack Soren Debra Giordano Florence Sternberger Abraham Honig Esther Wallace William Levy Jay Jackson Louis Gottlieb Solomon Doctors Elizabeth Buffman Meir Kahaner Rose Molasky Sidney Weisman William Ackerman Benjamin Cohen Harry Radbel Dicu+4** 23 Irving Lowen Sol Sternberger Sarah Grant Emma Aaronson-Spann Carl Shapiro Irving Seid Tiny Kahaner Hyman Solowitz Sadye Friedman Minnie Radbel DZO Ruth Wikler V','- Miriam Watson beloved wife of Eugene Watson u (J Fay Rosin beloved aunt of Lois Doctors Gay Gold Morry Stein beloved brother of beloved family friend of Rudy Gold Malcolm & Lois Doctors Rose Siegler Leonard Warshawsky beloved mother of beloved uncle of June Newmark Amy Portnoff Ian Goldstein Bert Kollins beloved aunt of beloved father of Judy Pollins Steve Kollins Harry Levy beloved grandfather of Drew Levy Jerome Rabin Paul Zubick Jarvis Freiden Murry Rubin Meyer Sachs Morris Hyman Ruth Lehrner Sarah Nathanson Adele Goldstein Edith Michael Herbert Forman Morris Weiner Esther Corben Jean Cunningham Sadie Wagreich Harold Lehrner Eugene Alexander Samuel Nagel Mary Bernstein Samuel Pearson Sue Bernstein David Katzman Frank Weinstein Rosa Barbara Greenberg Sidney Saltman Isadore Levine Ira Wallace Martha Ballin-Kahn David Levey Charles Martin Melvin SanofF Herman OstrofF Isadore Kogan Roslyn LeFcourt Grace Swissman 11 David Blumenthal Samuel Cohn Harry May Alvin Gross Sadie Wagreich Ruth Getzel Irving Litt Rose Appleman Robert LevofF Elizabeth Federman Ann Simon Benjamin Blecher Alan Garboos Mel Walton Joseph Klinger Abraham Chenchinsky t 2 0 Alex Nester Pearl Bittner Samuel Sussman Neil Gordon Rae Israel Murray Dubowsky Esther Minches Emmanuel Greenberg Manuel Hoffman Frank Schwartz Hannah Sutton Arthur Naguin Solomon Walrauch Samuel Swissman Elliot Bloom Anna Lipshaw Morris Chenin Philip Klinger 27 Nelson Werner Hariy Levy Seymour Glassman Phillip Campbell Dorothy Werner Dennis Mack Melvin Luckman Gertrude Alexander Fannie Schlesinger Sheldon Silber Harry Lader B.J. Phillips Regina Newman Julius Glasser Ira Moss^^ Ruth Koffler^P Harold Schlesinger Anna Reichel 6 J{ Special!. Pilate To T?eHong Congregation N er T amid 0 . ? /Tte you 9+vteAeitect 9+i g Jle&iuUuf % React <9leJ^iew? ; ; l/Ua+vt . | Co+uxeMatio+tal : eJlebbew? (5>i yiddtiiU? Cuenuuf claM&i null becji+i inf/aiuia'iy f995. fyoti nuyie in^unatian ayntactthe. temple o^ice at 733-6292 oa. MetiMa. Qlcuiuuiktf, at 256-3095. Dear Parents; In December Rabbi Akselrad will be sending out an informational letter to the families whose children have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 1996. This letter will outline dates available for your child?s mitzvah. If you do not receive a letter please contact Judy in the Temple office at 733-6292. NEW T.N.T. HOTLINE For information on upcoming events and schedules call: Eddie & Barbara Bellaflores 433-5858 ?P earlstein (B O Camp Charles Pearlstein is proud to announce their 20th year of Jewish Camping. Located in Arizona, they are the only Resident Jewish Camp providing both winter and summer sessions. Direc?tor Marc Lerner will be coming to Congregation Ner Tamid this year, but don?t wait, sessions are forming now - Enroll Today! ? Sessions from June 19 - July 9; July 10 - July 30; and July 31 - August 6 ? Sessions for children entering grades 3-8 ? One-week sessions for children entering grades 2-8 ? Outstanding CIT Program for en?tering High School Juniors Contact Director Marc Lerner at Temple Beth Israel ? (602) 264- 4428. A 0 Congregation N er T amid $ Special!. Platt To 7 0p,io4POwi 8 A Special Place To belong $ Congregation N er T amid $ Sisterhood Tributes To Abe Fox Happy Birthday From the Women of Sisterhood To David & Jackie Fleekop A donation has been made to the Campership Fund in honor of your 25 th Anniversary -1 hope you have a long & happy life together Rose Dunn To Temma Rosenberg A donation has been made to the Campership Fund in memory of your mother Helen Cowan Rose Dunn To Don & Rita Tell Congratulations to the proud new grandparents Gary & Noreen Sternberg tE'/ev?yooe. <JT T.fO.T. vzou\<5 \'<Ye. To TWi^y. vjo peerJWxjs a<Visorsj SUe.ry\ We-bb ar\<5'>e. Lozas'V, For a\\ TWic \ooryku' F\j\ belp azy9 To 'we.leozoe. o\jo rie'w a^ViSorSj H<5 Barbara Qe.\ta?Wes. We. \ooV> ?ozyzaz<5 To a cjOeFT yeziz^ SISTERHOOD Sisterhood - The Special Pieces To A Jigsaw Puzzle For those who attended the Chanukkah Bazaar November 6, you are aware of the incredible turnout. Barbra Streisand sings ?On A Clear Day, You Can See Forever.? Is there a song ?I Couldn?t See The Back Of The Social Hall Because It Was So Crowded With People?? ? I don?t think so, but maybe Art Gellin will write one for next year. Again, extremely positive feedback to a well executed production; even the vendors were happy with their sales. And to her surprise, Stacey Yahr- aus was crowned ?Ms. Noodle Kugal? for 1994 - Congratulations! We, at Sisterhood speak of the special pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces that each woman provides such as the giving of her special skills and talents that con?tinue to make our sisterhood strong. And this incredible strength and security of working together showed once again with the success of a magnificent event - the Chanukkah Bazaar. There are so many people to thank that it. would take this column and proba?bly the next, and the next to properly thank everyone; but having to compose myself with pen in hand (and limited col?umn space) my heartfelt gratitude and deep appreciation to everyone, especially to my husband Steve, for giving up their life and limb to helping with the bazaar; Todah Rabah to you all!!! With so many kinds of Sisterhood members; the woman who wants to be in?volved, the woman who prefers only to be a spectator, or the woman who shows her loyalty by sending in a check every year; we appreciate each and every member for your help and commitment, regardless of the amount of involvement you choose. We also ask that if your dues are up, please mail your check to the Temple of?fice in care of Sisterhood, attention Ronae Fink. We have so much excitement coming our way with the start of the New Year at Ner Tamid; breaking ground for our new sanctuary, and our Mitzvah Day on June 29 to mention just a few. Be sure to call our Sisterhood Hotline 898-3592 to find out more on upcoming events. Since this is our December/January issue, I would like to wish all of you a very Happy and Healthy New Year. And a spe?cial Mazel Tov to all the women of Sisterhood! O A very proud member of Sisterhood; Maxine Gratz Jeuii/h Single/ ?The best Jewish singles group Las Vegas has ever seen is what over 230 Jewish singles are saying about the Jewish Sin?gles Network (JSN). A group that is astronomically flourish?ing since its inception only seven months ago. JSN is a Las Saturday, December 3 ? Chanukkah Potluck Party ? 7:00 pm ? Rob?s House - 7964 Rye Canyon Drive ? call Rob 896-7583 or Michael 363-0433 for directions. Sunday, December 11 ? Bagel Brunch ? 11:00 am Thursday, December 15 ? Planning Meeting ? 6:30 pm Saturday, December 24 ? Bagel Ball ? Metz Night Club ? call Scott 224-0037 for more information. Sunday, December 25 ? Ice Skating ? Santa Fe Hotel ? TBA network flew/ Vegas social club that is open to any Jewish single 40ish and under, regardless of Temple affiliation. Call 'he HOTLINE at 897-7990 for information and upcoming events. The Jewish Singles Network is sponsored by Congregation Ner Tamid 0 Sunday, January 8 ? Bagel Brunch ? 11:00 am Saturday January 14 ? Country Line Dancing ? 7:00 pm ? Dylan?s Dance Hall & Saloon Sunday, January 15 ? Solving The Relationship Puzzle ? 1:30 pm ? Congregation Ner Tamid Sunday, January 22 ? Ski Trip ? TBA Sunday, January 29th ? Super Bowl Potluck Party ? TBA $ Congregation N er T amid O y \ Special!. Pface. 7o TLePxmg 9 QoLDEN 0IAI Tod ah Rabah Shalom There is always a time for an ending and a time for a new begin?ning. This bulletin article will mark the last written as my term as Golden Chai President comes to a close. Two years of laughter, joy of accomplishment and of course a few tears. I have been so fortunate with the officers that trav?eled this road with me. The support, loving ?critic? and genuine affection we held for each other, proved itself over and over; and I am forever grateful. Our initiative stretched from our meetings into our Congre?gation Ner Tamid by organizing and participating in the Adopt A Grandparent Program, The Story Telling Grandma and Grand?pa, Chanukkah Gelt for our college students away from home, Kids Kookie Kart at the Chanukkah Bazaar, T-shirts with Logo for all the Junior Choir and much much more. Golden Chai Tributes To Judy Motin Congratulations on your new grandchild Golden Chai To Renee Podrup Get Well Soon Golden Chai To Howard Bruski Get Well Soon Golden Chai To Ida Karbal Get Well Soon Golden Chai To Estelle Miller Get Well Soon Sol & Pearl Bottfeld To Bessie Heller In loving memory of your brother Joseph Yuriditsky George & Fran Lipshaw To Morris Weissman For a speedy recovery Helen Zliser& Max Blunienfeld To Fran Lipshaw For a speedy recovery Helen Zliser & Max Blumenfeld To Rudy & Irene Gold In loving memory of your brother Gay Gold Golden Chai To Rudy & Irene Gold In loving memory of your brother Gay Gold Helen Zliser & Max Blumenfeld We met our obligations to our Seniors with programs of high repute from all TV News Anchors to Miss Nevada, singers, danc?ers, acting troupes, pianists, doctors, Senior Action reports, lun?cheons, day trips, etc., etc. To Rabbi Akselrad, many grateful thanks for the loan of books, schedules, and advice; not to mention book reviews and program guests shots. To our office staff and volunteers; Irene, Judy, Rebecca, Ida, Phil, and Lorelei and of course, Monty; there are not words enough to express my gratitude and admiration. Their willing?ness to help and suggestions have been invaluable! For the many years of dedication, these volunteers are extraordinary: Max Blumenfeld, Claire & Art Cohen, Roz & Bernie Snitzer, Charlotte & Morrie Weissman, Nel Palitz, and Shirley Gellin, Alma Bernay, Rose Sugarman, Rose Dunn, Sylvia Feldman and Nel Palitz. To the Executive Board, these 2 years have been a wonder;' always there, always ready, and always giving. George & Fran Lipshaw, Joyce Lewin, Judy Motin, Estelle & Harvey Miller. To Joe Fink who filled in everywhere from kitchen to clean up; with an open heart, busy hands and loving support - luv ya! With these people beside you the title of President became a cinch, the job a joy and the rewards monumental! I pray the incoming president and new board find the same gratification. Mazel Tov - and may the force be with you. $ Todah Rabah; Shalom Ronae Fink, President Golden Chai Outreach - The Committee for Interfaith Families At the October Congregational Board Meeting, we voted as poli?cy the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Ritual Committee. The committee presented a detailed document defining the privileges to which non-Jewish family members are entitled, including all standing committees to which a non-Jewish family member may chair or co-chair. Also, the policy details the participation of in?terfaith families in life cycle events and services. It is hoped that this new policy will encourage maximum par?ticipation from interfaith families in congregational activities. ltf| you wish a copy of this policy, call Judy at the Temple office 2^ 733-6292 or contact Sue Joseph at 656-9963 or Nadine Cracraft at 254-2862 with any questions. $ 10 J[ Special Pilate To 'Belong $ Congregation N er T amid $ AUXILIARIES & Social Action Committee A special thank you to Joe Fink for orga?nizing the Chanukkah Bazaar Blood Drive and to Barbara Shulman for her as?sistance. This year fifteen pints of blood were donated, making the Ner Tamid ac?count holding 30 pints. We are ?Unit 755? at United Blood Services. If you give blood, please credit it to Ner Tamid We distributed Chanukkah packages to college students in Nevada, California, Arizona, Illinois and Washington, D.C. In addition, we returned to the convalescent hospitals we visited at Rosh Hashanah time with Chanukkah greetings and dec?orations. Please support our December drives. For the homeless, we are collect?ing warm clothing; for veiy poor children, ^we collect toys and books. If you can help, ^^please wrap the gift and label it accord?ing to the age and sex of the recipient. Our gratitude and deep appreciation. Hold the date of January 29 for our first ever Mitzvah Day. There will be ac?tivities for all. Ner Tamid?s auxiliaries and youth groups will also be involved. More details will be coming. $ Happy Chanukkah to all! Eileen Kollins The Exciting Game of MAH JONG The 1995 Cards Are Coming Soon!!! Order them now, only $4.50 - make your checks payable to: Florence Weinstein 4255 S. Channel 10 Drive #93 Las Vegas, NV 89119 See you at the tables! Inaugural Ner Tamid Golf Classic Huge Success The First Annual Congregation Ner Tamid Golf Classic was held on October 26, at The Royal Kenfield Golf Course in Green Valley, and turned out to be a BIG SUCCESS. A combination of 48 mavens and duf?fers teed off at 1:00 pm and participated in this Four Man Scramble, Shot Gun Start Tournament which concluded with an ALL YOU CAN EAT BARBECUE. The four man team headed by Paul Cohen took first place honors. Second place was grabbed by the four man team headed by Glenn Raynes and the third place winners headed by Sue Joseph was the team entered by the County of Las Vegas. A raffle was held with the First Place prize of a $ 1,500 entry fee paid for by Pro?fessional Golf Outings of Nevada for the May 1995 Big Heart Celebrity Classic Golf Tournament which was won by Alan Molasky. Everyone had a wonderful time and they are looking forward to The 2nd An?n